Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1928: Parade (61 more)

Ever since, the parade has begun.

This is the first demonstration of fj University, and the first demonstration of the entire fj. Although the target of this parade is a principal, its influence is also very large.

In Shenzhou, have you seen demonstrations yet? Certainly not! As long as there is such a point, it has long been smashed by the national security department.

However, this time things happened too quickly, and everything can be said to be under the control of Zhao Tiezhu, so the parade started very quickly.

Zhao Tiezhu walked in the front, followed by Fan Jian, and behind the two, there were hundreds of people.

I don't know where it came from. There are a few pieces of cardboard written in the crowd. The cardboard reads Sun Ruilian and rolls out of fj University. Sun Ruilian, fj University is not the place you should come.

A slogan such as this.

These are actually arranged by Zhao Tiezhu. If nothing is arranged, how can such a card be made so quickly?

However, the students who are excited and excited have no one to pay attention to this. They only know that Zhao Tiezhu has just been told by the president of the school that there is no need to dispose of it. In the blink of an eye, the security team has caught the security room and should be less bullied. In this way, the two sides of the three sides of the knife, so that these college students have a feeling of being deceived and fooled, coupled with the provocation of some people, the entire parade crowd, slowly appear more exciting.

As the crowd went forward, some people who did not know the truth began to watch, and then they heard about it, and many people immediately joined the parade.

The team is getting bigger and bigger!

Up to the front of the classroom office building, the team has grown to more than 300 people.

What is the concept of more than 300 people? It can be described almost by the intimidation of the head.

In these people, all kinds of banners and banners are available, which is exactly the same as those of foreign demonstrations!


In the principal's office.

Sun Ruilian cried with anger. "What is this? Is this going to rebel? This is still not the world!"

"President, you are angry!"

Jiang Yangqiao stood in front of Sun Ruilian and said, "These are the students who are inspired by Zhao Tiezhu. They are called there for a while. When they are tired, they will naturally be scattered. Let's Shenzhou people, you. The more he cares, the more he will be."

"Do you see what they are shouting under?" Sun Ruilian pointed to the window and said, "Let me get out of the way? Let me step down? I am the principal, I am the president of the fj University appointed by the Provincial Department of Education! Who is qualified to let me go, For those people? For those self-righteous college students?"

"This... they are also blinded for a while." Jiang Yang sighed a bit, and said with difficulty, "There are so many people now, and the emotions are very exciting. Can we always go out and drive them away? This is likely to intensify." Contradictory, President Sun, according to my thoughts, let us not care about them better!"

"I don't care! Hey! Others are yelling at my door, I don't care? I will pick up the nearby police station and let them send police to come. In China, the demonstrations are really lively!" said Sun Ruilian.

Jiang Yangqiu hesitated, picked up the phone and called the police station around.

I heard that there were college students holding demonstrations in the fj university. The director of the surrounding police station called a nervous one. I immediately contacted the city bureau and then took the person in one step.

"People have come, President Sun, let's be a little bit safe, wait for the police to arrive, those people will naturally be scattered!" Jiang Yang said well.

"Dog, Xiao Chen is how to do things? Even let Zhao Tiezhu run out?? In your fj work, you have to be shackled. If I am in gd, I will throw Zhao Tiezhu into the Pearl River." Sun Ruilian said dissatisfied.

This made Jiang Yang a pretty bit, with a little doubt on his face.

Sun Ruilian said in a self-confident manner, "Some words should be heard, some words should not be heard, should you understand?"

"Understood, I just had a stomachache!" Jiang Yangqiu said.

Sun Ruilian nodded and walked to the window, watching the crowd gathered more and more under the slogan, and the brow was tightly locked.

It was at this time.

The bell sounded.

The police, come!

The police officers who came here were all nearby police stations. When they heard demonstrations here, they all came over. They were the first troops, and there were people from the city bureau immediately behind.

The head of these people, the director of the police station, was a bald middle-aged man who sat in the police car and walked directly around the crowd and came to the front of the office building.

When the car was long, the eyes swept to a very familiar figure.

Zhao Tiezhu!

The face of this person has changed.

Can be the director of the fj university district, this person is still somewhat behind the scenes, but if you have to carefully consider it, this person is actually promoted by Secretary Wang, so for the matter of Secretary Wang and Zhao Tiezhu, this person I remember that it was quite profound. I saw Zhao Tiezhu at the moment. I was looking at the team that Zhao Tiezhu brought up, and his face changed again.

"What?" A new little policeman shouted at Zhao Tiezhu and shouted.

"Give me shut up!" The director immediately yelled, and immediately walked to the front of Zhao Tiezhu, respectfully said, "This, Zhao Ge, you are here!"

“Yeah!” Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, “Who is the policeman?”

"It's a teacher of yours," said the director. "He said that you have demonstrated this demonstration. I will take a look."

"Oh, that troubles you, but this is not your business. Let's go, I will bring people out to see the moon!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, how are you!"

After the long nod of the long one, he left with his own person.

This made Sun Ruilian standing on the top, it was a shock.

"What is going on?" asked Sun Ruilian.

"I don't know!" Jiang Yangqiu is also confused. How can this policeman be so arrogant? Going away, go away? Hello, what are you talking about?

At this moment, a person ran into the principal's office and said, panting, "Principal, not good! The big thing is not good!"

"What's wrong?" Sun Ruilian asked in confusion.

"There was a riot in the dormitory area!"

"What!?" Sun Ruilian asked in amazement, "What riots?"

"I don't know how it happened. The electricity there was suddenly broken. As a result, some people said that this is your order, so that people can go to the classroom to study. Now, there has been a blast, something. They were thrown downstairs, and even the TV inflatable dolls were thrown down!"

(VIP ticket 46454, divided by 800, equals 58. Plus the bottom three more, a total of 61. Complete. Everyone to work hard, see if today can go to 101 more, because my outbreak record is 100 more! This time can see Can't break the record!)

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