Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 1929: Riot! (62 more)

It is about one kilometer away from the office building. At this time, there is a riot and a txt download. Floating Astronomy Network (.com) free novel

It is more than eight o'clock in the evening. At this time, it is the prime time of a night, floating on the astronomy online, some playing games, some soaking up the girls, some watching small movies, and some are learning.

Then, suddenly, many people's computer screens flashed.

It turned black.

The lights were also pressed.

"what happened!"

This is the first doubt in everyone's heart, and then it is the roar of anger.

"My grass, my weapon, it has already been played, I have already rolled it, I am trading, my grass, I have lost power, I... I am not living!"

"I am doing it, I am naked. I am talking about an hour and a half. I only opened it for ten minutes. I will give it to my money!"

"My day, I am talking about a business here, it’s almost done!!"

Then, some people said that this is actually a measure of the new principal, which is designed to let students go to the study room at this golden moment.


Countless curses gathered together, and the entire dormitory building exploded in an instant!

I don't know who first started throwing things downstairs. Slowly, some people threw the control level to the trash can.

However, it seems that this is not enough to resolve the anger in the heart, someone started throwing a kettle.

This kettle was thrown up, it was a cool, smashing.

Then, I don't know who started the first time. After the building on this side was thrown away, I even called the opposite building. "The opposite, come one."

Then, responding to the opposite floor, and throwing a lot of things downstairs, smashing, it is also the most recent chapter of the cracking marriage. [Read the novel on the astronomy]

Ever since, the two floors have actually become more powerful.

Throw the kettle here, throw the empty bottle out of the room and throw it downstairs. It’s really like snoring!

While throwing empty bottles over there, throwing the beer that hasn't opened yet, this sound is a new level!

In the end, nothing can be thrown on both sides. There is a person suddenly popping up with a TV set in your hand!

Yes, it is a TV set. Of course, it is not a TV set, it is 20 inches.

Then, the man directly threw the TV downstairs.


This is just like a bomb!

In the dormitory area, because of the power outage, it was completely chaotic.

After receiving the report, Sun Ruilian immediately found the building management, and found out that the feelings are not knowing which missing gadgets burned the typical.

"I will fix it for you immediately, contact the counselors of each class, and go to the dormitory area to appease the students' emotions. But if you throw anything, you will grab it and take the punishment!" Sun Ruilian immediately dealt with it.

After dealing with this matter, Sun Ruilian looked downstairs, but found that the crowd downstairs, this time has become much more.

Many of them came from the dormitory building. Because there was a power outage and nothing to do, they strolled up the street, then they saw the crowd coming here, and then they came over to make soy sauce.

"Zhao Tiezhu!" Sun Ruilian almost gnashed his teeth and said the name Zhao Tiezhu. Looking at the people who screamed downstairs with their slogans, Sun Ruilian felt that he was about to be mad.

Just then, a phone call from a provincial party came over.

Originally, Sun Ruilian did not intend to pick it up. Now she is overwhelmed. However, after seeing the signature of the phone, Sun Ruilian is still picking up. The owner of the phone is the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Education.

"Little Sun, what is going on there?" asked the deputy director.

"This, the director, there are several students gathering people to make trouble, I am dealing with it now." Sun Ruilian replied.

"Who's the head? It's not finished right away. Now I have got the news here. You are very messy tonight!"

"I am going to catch the person who took the lead, but...but the police came, and they have gone!" Sun Ruilian said helplessly.

“Who is the leader?” asked the deputy director.

"Zhao Tiezhu!"

"Zhao Tiezhu? The same person who said the last time?" After reading the sentence, the deputy director said, "Hey, you have done this, it’s not good, forget it, I will help you find the people in the public security hall." Even a few hundred people gathered, this is still not a river society, the sky beads become full text free to read!"

After finishing the conversation, the deputy director hanged the phone.

Sun Ruilian’s face is full of joy, this is good, and even the people of the provincial party committee have been alarmed. They are going to find the people in the public security department. This is Zhao Tizhu, and it is estimated that they have not been in for a while, but don’t think about it.

Not long after, the deputy director’s phone was called again.

When Sun Ruilian picked up the phone, she heard a little rush from the deputy director.

"You are talking about Zhao Tiezhu? Is that right?" asked the deputy director.

"Yes, it is Zhao Tiezhu!" Sun Ruilian said with a puzzled look.

"Oh, Xiao Sun, this thing can be difficult, this... This Zhao Tiezhu, that is Zhao Tiezhu!" The voice of the deputy director was a little trembling.

"Which Zhao Tiezhu?" Sun Ruilian still did not understand.

"It’s the Zhao Tiezhu of Zhao’s family, and, and it’s the lord of the Blood Soul Hall. This is what my friend of the Provincial Public Security Bureau told me. Hey, this is a trouble, Xiao Sun, you didn’t sin him in death. "What?" asked the deputy director.

"This... how is this possible?" Sun Ruilian was surprised at his face. "Isn't he the relative of the former president of Wang? How could it become a Zhao family!"

"He has always been a Zhao family! Hey, you immediately appease the emotions of Comrade Zhao Tiezhu, and some people in our room will pass in the future! Just like this!" said the deputy director and hung up the phone.

Just when Sun Ruilian was surprised and didn't know what to do, the deputy director's phone was called again.

"Xiao Sun, you are lucky! Don't worry about Zhao Tiezhu now, wait for the people in the provincial public security department to pass, oh, the governor Lu has personally ordered it. This is extremely bad. The provincial government attaches great importance to it and must be severely punished. The relevant responsible person, of course, refers to Zhao Tiezhu!” said the deputy director.

Sun Ruilian’s face is a hi, this... This is the Governor of Lu to clean up Zhao Tiezhu?

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yangqiu on the side saw Sun Ruilian's face full of joy, and whispered, "This, President Sun, what are we going to do?"

"Don't worry about them, let them make trouble!" Sun Ruilian said, "the more fierce the better."

"This, President Sun, I have a suggestion." Jiang Yangqiao said.


"I see the school inspector team captain Chen Lingshan, and Zhao Tiezhu seems to be quite familiar. Can we let Chen Lingshan go to communicate with Zhao Tiezhu first, so you can block them for a while, otherwise they will be too excited to rush in. , that's not good!"

"Oh? This is a good idea, then you call that Chen Lingshan!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yangqiu touched out the phone and walked over to the side.

(Jiangnan Dragon 12,000 votes, plus 15 more, start right away.)

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