Originally according to Chen Yang's plan, he took Zhao Tiezhu to participate in the indoor car, but Zhao Tiezhu himself drove over, and also took the mayor Liu Ruoxi, so Chen Yang had to drive in front of him with Zhao Tiezhu to the indoor circuit.

This indoor race track is located in the northwest of Guangzhou. It was an old stadium. This old stadium was quite famous in the 1970s and 1980s. It hosted many major events, but because it was too old, it was finally a rich family. The son bought it and converted it into the indoor racing circuit.

This race track is generally not open to the public, only those who play cars will come here, basically young people.

This kind of racing track is actually a kind of nature with the so-called private club private golf course. It is used to accumulate their own connections. Don’t look at those young and young ones, but many parents’ parents are actually Guangzhou, or other rich people in other places, have the right to be, and if you can have a good relationship with these people, then after a few years, these people are likely to bear the father's business, or under the protection of the family wing Become a part of the dignitaries, when your network, it is likely to expand,

This is all pre-investment. Many people are happy to do this. Before some people's descendants have not yet grown up, they will be laid down. When these people really grow up, the benefits will be obvious. .

The 17-year-old children, the world outlook values ​​have not yet been fully established. At this time, the young people are best grasped and controlled. With a little bit of means, it is very likely that these people will treat you for the rest of their lives. Brothers in general.

These are very simple things, which is why the clubhouse is full of things that are everywhere in the world.

Zhao Tiezhu also has a lot of these things in the industry of fj. The main group is probably the descendants of those leaders in the province. When you tell them brothers and sisters, then they see that you are so arrogant and they are brothers and sisters. Yes, it is really for you to be right with the brothers of life and death.

"Young people are deceiving." Zhao Tiezhu felt a bit.

After driving for more than half an hour, the car came to an obvious old town.

After a long walk in the old town, in front of Zhao Tiezhu, there was a big stadium.

The stadium looked really old, and the outside of the stadium was sprayed with graffiti, parked some cars at the stadium gate, and there were some young people standing next to the car, some chatting about the sky, others It was a street dance, and I looked at the tide.

Zhao Tiezhu followed Chen Yang and drove the car into the stadium. The people next to him looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s car and there was no other indication.

After waiting in the stadium, Chen Yang's car drove to a place similar to the starting point, and then stopped, Zhao Tiezhu's car followed closely.

Several people walked down from the car.

Zhao Tiezhu went to Chen Yang and asked, "What are the people outside?"

"Those people are the followers of the class brought by the people here. Not enough to go inside, can only play in this film, but there are many young people in this place, almost bringing together the young people who are more famous in Guangzhou, and The age group is between 16 and 25, and they all like to play. This piece, according to their words, is called Paradise Lost, haha. Interesting?" Chen Yang said.

"Interesting." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Now the children can play more than I did then."

"Haha, of course, let alone the children now, you have played more than I did at the beginning. I have already been more than forty, and you have a round!" Chen Yang said.

"That is!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded with a smile, then looked at Liu Ruoxi, who was wearing sunglasses at night, and said, "Are you almost as big as me?"

"Go to death!" Liu Ruoxi threw such a sentence to Zhao Tiezhu, Zhao Tiezhu even saw the white eyes behind Liu Ruoxi's sunglasses.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Yang, who smiled and smiled. He shrugged his helplessly. This action was seen in Chen Yang’s eyes, but Chen Yang felt that the relationship between Zhao Tiezhu and Liu Ruoxi should be very cordial.

Chen Yang parked the car here, there are several cars roaring and driving next to them. These cars are generally Guangben or Mitsubishi. They don’t see any luxury cars like Maserati Lamborghini, but these cars are modified. Get up, afraid that it is not a Lamborghini comparable.

Really playing indoor racing, generally do not use luxury cars to modify.

These cars were parked next to Chen Yang’s car. Several young people got out of the car and called Chen Yang. “Chen Dashu, bring a new person tonight?”

Chen Yang said with a smile, "Haha, my friend, although it is a new person here, but people are outside, but also play a car!"

“Hey? Really?” A man who looked at Jing Wenjing and took gold glasses, looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, “This big brother, what is it?”

"I will be a glimpse." Zhao Tiezhu said happily, "Nothing mixed, no place in any place."

"Haha, you are silk, then I am not a silker?" Chen Yang said to Zhao Tiezhu with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and did not speak.

Just then, a man suddenly said, "Hey, you are not the soil bun just now!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the sound and then laughed. This is really where life doesn't meet. The man who called himself and the earthen buns when he was eating with Liu Ruoxi was just next to him. woman.

This person seems to be called... prince.

I really don't know who is so narcissistic to give such a name.

"Prince, how come, do you know Zhao Laodi?" Chen Yang asked.

The prince’s face was proud and said, “I don’t know what it’s like. I just saw it when I was eating, drinking coffee and sipping, I really didn’t see how to drink coffee.”

Chen Yang smiled and didn't continue to ask, but said, "Who is going to run this evening?"

"I am one." The prince twisted his neck and said, "I haven’t played out recently, it’s really itchy."

Upon hearing that the prince was going to play, the people around him made a sigh.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Chen Yang with doubt.

"This person is the champion of the Junior World Indoor Auto Race." Chen Yang whispered.

"So what is the cow? What background?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"His Laozi is a person who helps with money." Chen Yang said.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes turned, and then he looked at Chen Yang with fun. This Chen Yang was uneasy.

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