Chen Yang seems to have not seen Zhao Tiezhu's expression, but said from his own self, "This prince, his father, is the vice gang of money help, this person's indoor racing level, or ting high, if I can If you play a normal role, you should be able to suppress him. It’s just that it’s 100%, and sometimes it’s hard to ting.”

Since Chen Yang did not intend to bring the words to the prince's identity, Zhao Tiezhu would have no interest in asking. The money helped Zhao Tiezhu know that there are two deputy lords, one is Xiao Tianhu, the other one is really the surname of Wang. It is estimated that the man is the son of that person.

I have to say that this world is really small. Zhao Tiezhu can meet the son of a deputy gang who can eat a meal at random. Some people can't touch such people all their lives.

Of course, it can be said that the two are almost the same level, so the probability of encountering is high. The simplest metaphor is that you go to the food stalls all day long. Do you think you can meet Zhou Rong? No, but if you often come in and out of some high-end hotels, restaurants, clubs, is it possible to meet Zhou Jalun? Although it may not be the same, it is a lot more than the former.

The prince said that it would take 30 seconds to go on the court. No one even said that he would go up. This made Zhao Tiezhu look at the prince a bit. It seems that this person is really capable.

at this time.

A car slowly came from the side, the roar of the car was very dull, the low-frequency trembling sound could not help but boil up, this is a modified sports car, the site is a bit low But it will not be very low, suitable for running in this indoor venue.

The car stopped at the side of the crowd, the car mén opened, and a familiar figure of Zhao Tiezhu walked down from the car.

This person turned out to be Li Ge!

It was Zhao Tiezhu’s last time in the election of the president of the league, and the son of a super-rich man in Hong Kong was still a grandson. This Zhao Tizhu was forgotten.

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect this person to appear here, but just changed his mind. Hong Kong is not far from here. Li Ge estimates that he also has this kind of thing, so he may have a little connection with these people, but only This Li Ge looked at her thirties, and she still played these things. This made Zhao Tiezhu feel a bit strange, but Chen Yang, who is in his forties, is playing, and it is no surprise that I think of it.

After Li Ge got off the bus, a pretty nv person also walked down from the co-pilot. This person is definitely not Mrs. Li, but Zhao Tiezhu is not surprised. Now, this year, the rich people who have not had a few nǎi, I have just a few nv people, just let me be like this, don't let others like that?

After Li Ge got off the bus, there was a loud noise around him.

"Li Ge, you should know?" Chen Yang whispered.

"Know, isn't he the richest man in Hong Kong?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Yes, Li Ge is one of the top few sons in the world. He is in his thirties, but he likes racing." Chen Yang said.

At this moment, Li Ge looked around and saw Zhao Tiezhu.

Li Ge’s face smashed a strange **** sè, then went to Zhao Tiezhu and said, “Zhao Laodi, why are you here too!”

Zhao Tiezhu walked up with a smile and said, "Haha, you can be here, how can I not be here?"

"It's just weird, aren't you all in fj? Ah! Yes, I heard that you have recently invested in Guangzhou. Hey, you are very big!" Li Jewel praised.

The person next to him thought that Zhao Tiezhu was Chen Yang who brought soy sauce. Then the prince saw this person and said that this person is a dumpling. It’s just like that. I didn’t expect Li Ge to know this person. Then the identity of this person will definitely not be easy!

"What big hand, in front of you, what can be called a big hand!" Zhao Tiezhu said shyly.

"Two billion yuan of investment, if this is not a big deal, what is a big deal? Zhao family is really unusual, or not shot, one shot is calculated by billions!" Li Gei said.

When Li Ge’s words came out, the surrounding area suddenly became stunned. Although there were rich people on the scene and there was no lack of authority, it was just ordinary. For example, there is a billion assets in the family, or old people. Mom is a provincial cadre and the like. These people can occasionally take tens of millions to invest in something to play with, but the two billions are really unheard of. In fact, let alone 20 billion, even if it is a investment of 2 billion, it is basically only I have heard that I have not encountered it.

For a time, everyone looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes completely differently, just as Zhao Tiezhu was a printing machine.

The prince on the side was also a little surprised to look at Zhao Tiezhu, and then asked, "You are Zhao Tiezhu."

"Oh? Do you know my name?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Oh, how can you not know?" The prince smiled. The scornful **** sè was gone, but there was no more serious look, but casually said, "The people of the Zhao family, the emperor of the underground world of fj If I don't know, then it's weird. Listen to my dad saying that you came to Guangzhou. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet you."

"Right, iron pillar, are you here, are you going to compare with us?" Li Ge asked.

As soon as I heard Li Ge, the prince’s brains moved, and it seemed that his gang’s gang was not very close to Zhao Tiezhu’s side! Immediately, the prince counted his heart and immediately said, "Zhao Tiezhu, is it better for us than to compare it?"

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "No, I will play the wild game. This formal indoor game, I really haven’t played it, it’s better than you."

"How can I say this?" said the prince with a smile. "You are the Zhao family, and the helper of the fj Blood Soul Hall. You won't play, who will play?"

Zhao Tiezhu frowned, and the provocative taste of the prince was already very heavy.

"Zhao Tiezhu, originally today, I want to play with gems, it is better to add one to you? Tell you, oh, we have colored heads!" said the prince.

"Oh? What color head?" Zhao Tiezhu asked if he did not move.

"I took out five nightclubs, and the gems took a casino on his side. If I win, I can take the color. How do you want to play with us? Very interesting!" said the prince with a smile. Please remember the URL, if you like the "killer Fangdong" of the donor's head

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