Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2007: Threat (sixth)

"I... I didn't lie, look for the full picture of love!" Sun Jiaying shook his head. "How can I lie!"

"Haha, give you another chance, talk about it, what happened? If you say it, I will help you!" said Zhao Tiezhu. [Read the]

Sun Jiaying hesitated and said, "Actually, it's really a bit of a thing."

"Haha, I will say, there must be something, you still lie to me!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Okay, I know that you have something to worry about, you don't have to say it, you let the car stop, I get off. Let's go each."

"Ah! How can you do this!" Sun Jiaying grievously looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "The landlord, how can you not be responsible for me!"

"I didn't do anything to you, how can I be responsible for you?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You said it yourself, let me tell you what I have encountered, and then you have to help me!" said Sun Jiaying.

"I just said, I may help you, but I will definitely help you if you say nothing! You even told me to lie to Hong Kong. Isn't this the purpose of holding the first play? I am the one, the most. What I don’t like is the one that others play with me first and foremost.” Zhao Tiezhu said.

"The landlord, you... don't play with you like this, you... you said you want to help me, how can you do this? The hunter rumors the latest chapter!" Sun Jiaying blinked and said, "I... I really met." thing."

"Well, give you a chance and talk to me about what you have encountered." Zhao Tiezhu smiled helplessly and said.

Sun Jiaying’s eyes lit up and said quickly, “This is the case. I received a call a few days ago. People on the phone want me to make a movie, but you also know that I have little interest in movies. As a result, people threaten. I said, if I don’t shoot, I will kidnap me and I will do bad things to me, just like I did to Liu Ling. I didn’t care about them, but they actually said that they want to let I can't get out of Hong Kong. I sent a bullet to me a few days ago. I... I was scared, so..."

"I feel very strange. {Pure text update super novel}} Zhao Tiezhu frowned and said, "Accordingly, you are not quite backstage, how can you be scared by this kind of person who is soy sauce?" To?"

"I... I heard those people say that they are Dongxing." Sun Jiaying said, "I... my boss was originally mixed in the capital, but you also know that there was something happening in the former stage of Beijing? My boss He has been affected by some things, and now he is recuperating. It is really impossible to continue to offend people, I thought of you!"

"Oh, that is to say, someone threatens to make a movie. If you want to do something, do you do the thing that Liu Ling encountered in the past? Is that the thing that was beaten by the strong j?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Road.

"Yes." Sun Jiaying nodded. "It is said that Dongxing is very powerful in Hong Kong and Macao. The mainland can't manage this side, so... I am really worried. Then I feel that the landlord is brave and powerful. The husband is not blocking the power, so... just like this!"

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu touched his head, this Dongxing, he knows.

Although Hong Kong and Macao are very close, they have two forces, and both of them are quite large.

Hong Kong is Hongxing, and Macau is Dongxing. The earliest origins of the two gangs are the same. They are all Hongmen, but some people ran to Macao later, and then they felt that the development was quite good. The door, the self-supporting portal, became Dongxing, and Hongmen later changed to Hongxing.

If you want to be more famous, Hong Xing is definitely more famous than Dongxing, but if it is more notorious than anyone else, it must be Dongxing.

Dongxing basically does what it is to make money. Drug munitions are the biggest source of income. Apart from these, including some kidnappings, extortion and extortion, Dongxing likes to do it. When Liu Ling was kidnapped, he was later given Strong j took a videotape, and made the whole of Hong Kong and Macao full of wind and rain. Finally, many people said that Liu Ling’s business was done by Dongxing. The reason was that Liu Ling did not listen to Dongxing’s words. Filming for them, so the boss of Dongxing’s side spoke, and learned Liu Ling, and then there was the next incident to protect the country.

It seems now that Dongxing should be eyeing Sun Jiaying!

If it is on the mainland or abroad, Sun Jiaying is really not afraid of Dongxing. Although Dongxing is notorious and has strong strength, it is only in the area of ​​Macau. People in front of Hongxing are blocking it. Dongxing’s influence is hard to come by. Hong Kong and Macao.

However, now that Sun Jiaying is in Hong Kong, it is on the site of Dongxing. Since Dongxing has already sent invitations and Sun Jiaying has refused, then Sun Jiaying must be ready to face Dongxing at any time.

Otherwise, a careless person was really kidnapped, and then he was photographed with Liu Ling after being given a strong j. Sun Jiaying felt that his life was estimated to be finished.

So this is what Sun Jiaying invited Zhao Tiezhu to attend the awards ceremony.

After Zhao Tiezhu combed things in his mind, he said, "In fact, you still have a bodyguard to choose!"

"Who?" asked Sun Jiaying in confusion.

"Baron." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "As a member of the Rothschild family, even on the Hong Kong side, Dongxing definitely does not dare to move the baron. As long as the baron protects you, then basically you are the world. One of the safest people."

"I don't want it, I am still worried that the person will be guarded and stolen!" Sun Jiaying shook his head.

"Then you don't worry about my burglary?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Not afraid!" said Sun Jiaying.

"Why not afraid?"

"Because you have to guard against self-stealing, I said to Yan Ni Linger, when I said that you are forcing me, then you are ready to smash the board!" Sun Jiaying smirked.

"Haha, you are smart!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Help you, but you have to give me benefits."

"What benefits?"

"Wait a minute at the signing place of the Academy Awards, you have to kiss me." Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

"Ah? Why do you want it!" asked Sun Jiaying.

"I am this person, I was arrested all over the world as a meat shield to attract hatred. I always do this kind of hard work, so I want to work hard and please." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"This..." Sun Jiaying hesitated for a moment. It was very simple to kiss. She didn’t know how many times she had experienced a courtesy kiss. It’s just that at the signing place of the Golden Awards, will it be... too bold?

(In front of a bug, Ling Xue is now in Guangzhou, the front is written to come, the result is written has come, but now has been corrected, ah, Ling Xue is just coming to Guangzhou ~ ~)

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