Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2008: Despised

\"Just play with you!"

Seeing that Sun Jiaying was hesitating over there, Zhao Tiezhu said with a decisive smile, "My tenant has something to look for, and my help is a matter of course. This is a matter of .com, I will give you a pocket." "

\"Thank you so much, the landlord!" "Sun Jiaying excitedly grabbed Zhao Tiezhu, but then it was reacting that his movements were too enthusiastic, and he quickly released his hand.

Zhao Tiezhu was taking a moment to feel the elastic skin of Sun Jiaying and the chest that was not big but still soft and plump.

Although it is only a momentary feeling, it is endless.

It didn't take long for the Lincoln car to stop.

Zhao Tiezhu has not yet opened the door, and some people have opened the door from the outside.

Zhao Tiezhu stepped off the car first, then turned back and reached out.

Sun Jiaying lifted the slender jade arm and placed it on the hand of Zhao, then whispered, "Xiao Zhaozi, is it?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyebrows are picking up, and this Sun Jiaying even called himself a prisoner. This is not a cheaper one!

Sun Jiaying’s face was originally a bit smirk. When a pair of legs stepped on the red carpet, the smirk on Sun Jiaying’s face had completely disappeared. Instead, it was a slight smile, an elegant smile, and a pure smile.

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect that this technology of Sun Jiaying's face turned out to be worse than himself.

The moment when Sun Jiaying came down from the car, the surrounding screams suddenly sounded.

Zhao Tiezhu looked to the side, he is now on the red carpet of .com, and the outside of the red carpet is a large group of people, the crowd is blocked by guards, but the screams are unstoppable. .

\"佳颖, I love you!\"

\"Jia Ying, my goddess!\"


Countless crazy fans screamed in the air, and the voice almost scared Zhao Tiezhu, a master and master.

Sun Jiaying calmly stood next to Zhao Tiezhu, one hand on Zhao Tiezhu's arm, and then beckoned to the fans next to him.

Sun Jiaying's action is even more irritating to the people around him, and the flash flashes for a while.

Zhao Tiezhu has never experienced such a situation. I really don’t know what to do for a while, but Sun Jiaying said very calmly to Zhao Tiezhu, “Keep a smile, relax, and be confident and generous.”

Zhao Tiezhu had nothing to say. When he heard Sun Jiaying say it, he thought about laughing, but it was only for the sake of no reason to laugh at the people who didn’t know. Zhao Tiezhu always felt that it was not the same thing, and the action was easy. Confidence and generosity, this is simple for Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu basically does not fall into the market no matter what occasion he encounters.

Zhao Tiezhu’s smile was a bit blunt, and Sun Jiaying moved his arm slightly and whispered, “Well, you can go forward.”

Zhao Tiezhu nodded in words, so he followed the grandson%%%ha%%%%

Jiaying slowly walked forward.

While walking, Zhao Tiezhu thought about it and looked at other people's red carpets. Everyone has raised their hands and waved their hands. Do you have to do that, so will you feel more graceful? When he thought of it, Zhao Tiezhu raised his hand and waved his hand at the person who was screaming at the photo.

Zhao Tiezhu does not wave well. In some onlookers, Zhao Tiezhu, who is a soy sauce, is basically ignored by people. However, this wave of hands, Zhao Tiezhu has attracted the attention of almost half of people.

Then, everyone began to think back in mind, who is this man wearing t-shirt jeans sneakers?

Everyone thought this time, the scene turned out to be a strange moment of silence.

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand raised his hand and his heart was dark. “I am grass, I don’t talk when I wave my hand, and no one is screaming. I just thought about addiction. You are too uncomfortable!\ "


Just when Zhao Tiezhu wanted to think about it, someone called it up.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the sound and was a man.

\"That is Sun Jiaying's rumored boyfriend!\" The man cried, "It is a ash, I will know that person too!"

\"It seems to be awkward!\"

\"Yes, I have seen the photos, it seems to be such a wretched look.\"

\"Yes, that’s right, hey, this person is really shameless, and he waved to us. Is he really a big star?”

\"I think, this person is estimated to want to be famous by Jiaying, Jiaying, you can not be used by people!"

There was a loud noise around the scene, and there were almost no exceptions, all of which were questioning or despising Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu feels that he is really a **** aunt, and he is more awkward than Dou Yu, this is a good thing for himself! Do you know what is good? That is the same nature as Comrade Lei Feng. You dare to despise Lei Feng. Are you rebelling?

On the side of Sun Jiaying's face showed a sly smile, but did not say anything, but tightly held Zhao Tiezhu's hand. It seems to encourage Zhao Tiezhu in general.

Zhao Tiezhu’s psychology is very strong. These miscellaneous words did not really affect Zhao Tiezhu’s emotions. Soon, Zhao Tiezhu and Sun Jiaying came to the place where they signed.

A host came over.

This host is a well-known host in China. Zhao Tiezhu even saw this person on TV.

\"佳颖, welcome you!\" The man stood in front of Sun Jiaying and Zhao Tiezhu, holding a microphone in his hand and a camera on the side.

\"He teacher, hello!\" Sun Jiaying smiled and nodded to this person.

\"You are very beautiful tonight!\" The host named Teacher He said, "I heard that one of your songs is likely to receive the best music award. What do you think of this?"

\"Oh, this, I don't know." "Sun Jiaying shook his head, \"I am only responsible for singing."

\"Okay, yes, about this best actor heroine, Jiaying, do you have any opinion? Who do you think is most likely to get the shadow of the film?" He continued to ask.

\"Everyone has a chance, after all, everyone is so strong." "Sun Jiaying used a million-dollar answer.

Teacher He smiled helplessly, and immediately looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "This is the rumored boyfriend of the legendary Jiaying. You are the first time to accompany Jia Ying in the public eye? How do you feel? ?\"

\"Not bad.\" Zhao Tiezhu said, "I just came over to work in Guangzhou, so I will accompany you to Jiaying."

The teacher He smiled and just wanted to say something. A person walked to his side and whispered a few words in his ear. He’s face looked surprised and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, “You are the one. Recently, I have to invest RMB 2 billion in Zhao Tiezhu in Guangzhou, Mr. Zhao!\"


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