Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2009: Xiang Rong

There is one thing in the world that is very cool.

What is it? Let me give you an example.

Just like a star, he goes shopping on the street. If a person doesn't know him, he will definitely feel bad. But if someone recognizes him on the street, then say that you are not who? Is this going to be cool? Just like a person who wrote a book, walking on the street, suddenly someone screamed, "Oh, aren't you writing any books?" Then you said, the author will not be satisfied with vanity. Very cool?

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu is like this. The buddy came here low-keyly. As a result, the teacher was surprised and shouted, "You are the one who wants to invest two billion yuan in Guangzhou, Zhao Tiezhu, Mr. Zhao." This makes Zhao Tiezhu's vanity, I got an unprecedented satisfaction, so what a cool word. It’s almost cool to be the kind that doesn’t work.

Although cool, but Zhao Tiezhu is very modest to say, \" Oh, that is just an investment project of our family, nothing to say!"

\"I did not expect that I did not expect that Mr. Zhao was originally a big businessman, forgive me, forgive me!\" said Teacher He.

\"I am over-flattered.\"

After a few minutes on this side, Zhao Tiezhu followed Sun Jiaying to the side of the wall, and then signed his name on the white cloth on the wall.

What Zhao Tiezhu didn’t know was that the teacher’s shouting, but passed through the TV into the ears of thousands of ordinary people, Sun Jiaying’s rumors of being heavily funded began to slowly upload in the society, Zhao Tiezhu said very much The helplessness, there are always so many people in the world who are not guilty of sinful speculation about other people's affairs. For example, a beautiful woman is with a rich man. People like to say that the woman is greedy for other people's money. Is it true love for rich men? Is it difficult for a rich man to find a girlfriend, is it a greedy money?

This is still a matter of benevolence.

Following Sun Jiaying walked into the venue of the awards, there were already many people in the room. Sun Jiaying’s popularity in the entertainment circle was quite good. When he came in, there were several people who came to say hello, men and women, Sun Jiaying is also good with these people. A burst of chills.

These people showed a certain degree of curiosity to Zhao Tiezhu, but Sun Jiaying did not introduce Zhao Tiezhu too much, but simply took it with friends. These mixed entertainment circles are mostly those who are sensitive and alert. Nature will not ask again.

Sun Jiaying's position is close to the front row, not the front row. The front row is reserved for those who are really in the upper class of Hong Kong, such as Li Ge.

Sitting down with Sun Jiaying, Zhao Tiezhu looked around curiously. The award ceremony has not yet begun. The lights on the stage have not yet lit up, so I can't see the things on the stage.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu’s cell phone shook up. Zhao Tiezhu picked up his mobile phone and saw it. It was Socrat’s phone. Zhao Tiezhu’s conditional reflection looked to the side. Sure enough, Zhao Tiezhu saw it in the first row not far away. The wretched figure wearing a small hat.

Sogra held the hand with one hand and raised it to Zhao Tiezhu’s death.

When Zhao Tiezhu picks up the phone, he hears Sogra say, "Iron column, you said that we are a pair of people in the last life, or else you said why we can meet wherever we go?"

\"Who is with you for the rest of your life, of course, if you were a woman in your life, we might be a pair." Zhao Tiezhu said.

\"That can be okay, isn't that a woman?\" Sogra smiled and said, "Iron column, it seems that you have a relationship with Sun Jiaying."

\"Fortunately, we are friends.\" Zhao Tiezhu said calmly.

\"Hey, why don't I have so many female friends?"

\"You cannon. Friends."

\"You, this person is really vulgar, well, not much to say, iron pillar, you sit here on my side, you can't see anything there!\" Sogra said.

Zhao Tiezhu refused, "Oh, I am very good here. After the matter is over, let's come out and drink the bar again."

\"After a while, this is over, but there is a celebration feast, let's go there and drink!\" Sogra smiled.

\"Celebration feast? Why are you going to drink?\"

\"You think, the celebration feast is all star celebrities, those beautiful women are drunk, always need someone to take care of it?\" Sogra said wretchedly.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up and said, “You’re right! Then wait a minute, let’s do it first.”

After that, Zhao Tiezhu hung up the phone.

After waiting for about half an hour or so, basically the people in the entire venue came almost. Zhao Tiezhu saw Li Ge in the front position. Li Ge next to this is followed by Mrs. Li. After all, this is a public activity. If you take other girls, it would be a bit inappropriate.

Li Ge also saw Zhao Tiezhu, and went to Zhao Tiezhu's row next to it. He chatted with Zhao Tiezhu two times. He also invited Zhao Tiezhu and Sun Jiaying to go to the front row. Zhao Tiezhu decisively refused. This makes the stars who are shocked by Li Ge’s anger annoyed. You, this person, how can you not know how to lift it up, but Li Ge, the son of the richest man in Asia, invites you to sit in the front row, you don’t even sit, it’s a brain It is. Later, those who came in later revealed the identity of Zhao Tiezhu with those people. A group of people suddenly became dumbfounded. This man who seems to be mentally disabled in their eyes turned out to be a wealthy businessman. In Guangzhou, an investment is 20 billion yuan. Really scary people.

Suddenly, the people around him looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes differently.

For these people, Zhao Tiezhu habitually ignored.

\"See no, the person sitting next to Li Ge, is the boss of Dongxing, Macau.\" Sun Jiaying whispered.

\"The middle-aged man with a shiny hair?\" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

\"Yes.\" Sun Jiaying nodded.

Zhao Tiezhu knows the name of the boss of Dongxing, but he has never seen the person. The name of Dongxing boss is Xiangrong. It is about 50 years old this year. It is quite hearty, but the means are very good. Basically, Dongxing is up and down to them. Boss Xiangrong maintains a feeling of awe and plus worship.

It seems that someone is watching him. Xiang Rong turned his head and looked at Zhao Tiezhu. Then he smiled at the corner of his mouth and turned his head back.

\"I am going, a middle-aged man still combs his head, it is disgusting." "Zhao Tiezhu looked at Rongrong's hair and licked his mouth."

At this moment, the lights at the venue were dark, and the lights on the stage lit up.

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