Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2012: Celebration feast

\"In fact, if you are now the owner of the Zhao family, then you are fully qualified and become our partners. Our goal is not limited to a mainland China. The world is full of money. Opportunity." Li Ge said with a smile, "Iron column, I think, you should also look a little more, don't just focus on the small area of ​​your fight, your vision is better than I know before. You have come a lot wider, but the limitations are equally large. Simply put, your overall situation is not strong enough."

\"Oh, Zhao is Zhao, I am my, I like to play with myself. As for Zhao, that is my dad and my second grandfather, and I am not swearing." Zhao Tizhu said with a smile.

\"Oh, this is also true, I also like to play with myself.\" Li Ge said with a smile, \"After the celebration party is over, let's talk about it."

\"no problem.\"

Soon, the two Rolls-Royce Silver charms carried Zhao Tiezhu, Sun Jiaying and Li Ge, together with Mrs. Li, to the outside of the hotel where the celebration feast was located.

A number of different cars have already been parked outside the hotel's main entrance. Some people are coming down from the inside, while others are just arriving.

Li Ge’s car just arrived here, and the cars that had been parked at the hotel’s door turned out.

The car stopped, and the waiter came forward to open the door. Li Ge and Mrs. Li went down first, then Zhao Tiezhu and Sun Jiaying.

\"Those we just said, you can forget it properly.\" Zhao Tiezhu whispered to Sun Jiaying while walking along the road. When he said something with Li Ge, he did not deliberately hide from Sun Jiaying. Come, Sun Jiaying is a person who can be trusted, and what he talked to Li Ge just now is just some of the more obvious things. Com, the in-depth things are basically not.

The last sentence that Li Ge said last time is obviously to tell Zhao Tiezhu that the things that the two of them will talk about next are not suitable for outsiders to know. Otherwise, the two can talk directly in the car. Why do they have to wait until the end of the celebration feast?

The top floor of the hotel was directly packaged by the organizing committee of the event. As a venue for the celebration banquet, there were dozens of tables on this floor. There is no so-called first seat. Anyway, who is coming? Just looking for a place to sit down, all are mixed in a circle, it is impossible to see the situation that I don’t know you, you don’t know me. On the contrary, in such a place, many people can meet some new friends, such as an actor. Knowing a director's screenwriter, such as a director who knows an investor, is a celebration party anyway, in fact, it can be called a party to a large extent.

Of course, although there is no first place, but who is sitting with it, is very particular about it. For example, people like Sogra, do you just sit next to a small actor? Maybe Socrata will not attack on the spot, but it may be in the hearts of others. Not satisfied? When you arrange a few people to block you, then you really can't live without asking for death.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally wants to sit with Socrata. Before the entry of Socrata to Zhao Tiezhu, there are three people in total. Zhao Tiezhu and Li Ge and their female companions add up to four people. After sitting down, there are only two or three. Seat.

Zhao Tiezhu sat on the side of Socrata, and Li Ge was sitting next to Zhao Tiezhu. Two female companions sat together.

\"Iron column, are you planning to stay in Hong Kong for a few days?" asked Socrata.

\"Look at it.\" Zhao Tiezhu thought about it for a moment. Hey, you should first solve the problem of Sun Jiaying and go again. Tomorrow, I have to go and see the baron. I have to stay here for a day or two.

\"When are you going to go to Beijing to play?\" Socrata asked, "The capital is too quiet now, and both Qian and Sun are recovering. Your Zhao family has no big moves, and those who have been flying before. Buddy, it seems to be unusually low-key now, just like the last time you went to a trip, they all gave them a nap, no passion."

\"Calm is not good?\" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Is it better than a thrilling day? I will go to Beijing next time, I have to estimate it for a while, at least I have to wait for my dad to straighten out the things at home. I will go in again as a competent son, haha."

\"Just you? Not the material of the son!" "Sogra snarled, \"The real son, you have to be a buddy, you are hard work."

\"Okay.\" Zhao Tiezhu shrugged helplessly, "The second generation of the second generation of the gods, I despise the most."

The two chatted here, Li Ge was occasionally inserted a few words next to him, but it seemed quite harmonious. At this moment, a man who looked at him in his fifties came to the table and then groaned. Sogra sat down.

\"Su Shao, you can't see you pulling for a while!\" The man smiled heartily.

\"Haha, director Feng Gang, I can also be very long. I didn't see you pulling in com time. What are you busy with recently?\" Sogra asked with a smile.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the director named Feng Gang with a bit of a strange look. The director's name, Zhao Tiezhu, seemed to have been faintly heard.

\"This is the first director in China." Li Ge saw Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes a little confused and whispered.

\"Oh! It turned out to be that!\" Zhao Tiezhu heard the words of Li Ge, I remembered it. No wonder I would find this name familiar. It turns out that Feng Gang is the most powerful director in China!

Speaking of this Feng Gang, I have to say that his great achievements have been made. When Feng just debuted, he won the name by a movie. Later, he took several movies that were screaming and screaming, and directly entered the first class in China. The director's ranks, if it is only like this, it is not enough to be called great achievements. Later, Feng Gang, who filmed a film against the Japanese theme, because the content is too contrary to the river crab, it was sealed by the radio and television bureau, and it is forbidden to release. As a result, Feng Gang went directly to the United States, released it in the United States, and made a sensation in the United States. In the end, it was a sensation in the world. Because of that film, Feng Gang won the first Oscar for best director award in the Chinese directorial circle. There are also a number of other awards such as the best foreign language film, which became the biggest dark horse of the Oscar.

If you just win the prize, there is nothing to say. The most commendable thing is that the film of the anti-Japanese theme filmed by Feng Gang has set off an anti-Japanese high tide in the whole world, making the whole of Japan International status has fallen in just a few days! The Japanese government even protested directly to the official officials!

At the beginning, the radio and television bureau was afraid of affecting Sino-Japanese relations, so the film was sealed. I didn’t expect that the family would still be in the fire. Director Feng Gang also followed the film and fired together.

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