Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2013: Opening up a film circle

Later, because of the pressure on the other side of Japan, the radio and television bureau directly ordered the ban on Feng Gang. In this way, Feng Gang was banned for about five or six years, that is, in these five or six years, Feng Gang started him abroad. The legend, a film every year, is short-listed in Oscar every year, including Oscar for two years, including the best male and female protagonist, best director, anyway, Feng Gang completed the entire Shenzhou in only five years. Things that can't be done in a hundred years.

This time, the people in the radio and television bureau can't help it. The Chinese film industry actually appeared such a **** man, and this person was actually blocked by himself. This is simply sending the honor out!

Therefore, the radio and television bureau dismissed the ban on Feng Gang, but Feng Gang at this time has not put the radio and television bureau in his eyes. Although the radio and television bureau has lifted the ban on Feng Gang, Feng Gang once said publicly. I don’t have the same situation with the radio and television. Anyway, you don’t want to get a little benefit from me. The radio and television bureau has nothing to do with it, and Feng Gang’s reputation is getting stronger and stronger.

Feng Gang, the first director in China who dared to confront the radio and television bureau, and still won! Therefore, Feng Gang is a legendary person.

After Zhao Tiezhu’s brain flashed through these materials, he decisively became interested in the director who dared to confront the radio and television bureau.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Tiezhu can be regarded as a capitalist. He can also be regarded as a speculator. He will not let go of any opportunity to make money. The .com film industry is one of the most violent and best money laundering industries. . Zhao Tiezhu’s heart has already had the mind to get involved in the film industry, but he has been unable to find a way. Now that a big director is coming to the door, if he can grasp it well, he may open a career for his next career. Good head!

Zhao Tiezhu’s brain turned quickly and listened to Socrata chatting with Feng Gang.

\"This is my brother. Zhao Tiezhu, from the capital." "Sogra, this person is very loyal, after a few words with Feng Gang, he pointed to Zhao Tiezhu.

\"Hello, hello! I am Feng Gang." "Feng Gang smiled and quickly reached out and held it with Zhao Tiezhu. It allowed Socrata to introduce himself. He also said that he was from the capital city. He only wanted to come to Zhao family.

\"Hello, Zhao Tiezhu.\" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and Feng Gang shook hands.

\"Iron column, my friend, have you heard of it?" said with a smile.

\"I heard that the name of Director Feng, who has not heard of it?\" Zhao Tiezhu said after Feng Gang’s sentence, \"I grew up watching Feng’s film, but I have to go there. I downloaded it online. The grandchildren of Radio and Television are not allowed to go to the cinema.\"

\"Haha, they have been like this all the time.\" Feng Gang said with a smile. "The movie will be followed by me. Like a movie, I have to go to some less healthy websites to download. I have several in China. Friends have told me this way.\"

\"Cut, those people are doing the dirtiest things all day long. The movie and TV series will be cut off a little bit. In the past few years, the Titanic 3D was released. Jack’s painting to Ross was originally the most watchful. The result of the head was actually deleted. If a nation does not even dare to let people see it, then what is the future? We have waited for fifteen years, but not just to see the iceberg.\" Zhao Tiezhu said.

\"Haha, you said this well. At the time, I was in the United States. Cameron told me about it. He thought it was incredible. It was just a simple movie screen. Although it revealed two points, this Who has two points in the world? What is the use of deleting the lens? The adult movie will still download the adult movie, and the woman who plays the woman will still play the woman.\" Feng Gang said.


Zhao Tiezhu and Feng Gang seem to have similar interests. Zhao Tiezhu has a little feudal complex, and Feng Gang was banned by the radio and television bureau. It is also very contemptuous of some bureaucraticism in China. While satirizing all kinds of brain damage in the country, he said how to change all of this.

\"This has always been a question I am thinking!\" Feng Gang’s face is a very serious look, he said, “When I was blocked by the radio and television bureau, I understand that if we only rely on us The words can't change anything at all. So, I am used to putting the emotions I want to express into the movies, affecting them through movies, or changing some people. Although it is a little insignificant, this is what I can do. The maximum is reached.\"

\"You are the same as Mr. Lu Xun, only when Mr. Lu Xun was writing a text. You are making a movie. I think that the educational significance of making a movie should be bigger than the text. After all, there are still quite a lot of people watching movies. Even if there is one in a thousand that can understand something from your movie, it is your success!\" Zhao Tiezhu said.

\"Yes, you and I think exactly the same!\" Feng Gang reached out with Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and said, "In these years, I finally found a friend!"

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile that I am also me, but my heart is in the open, this Feng Gang, should not be so confidant in such a three-two sentence, right?

Feng Gang said, while he was talking, he thought, "When you have a good relationship with the Zhao family, the grandsons of the radio and television bureau will be completely grandchildren."

Two people have their own thoughts, but they are not on the face. Zhao Tiezhu intends to open up the movie market. On the one hand, he will lend himself money, and on the other hand, he will make money for himself. Feng Gang wants to marry Zhao Tiezhu, so if he is really at home If you make a movie, you will get more convenience. Although Feng Gang is not a bird's radio station, if you shoot something too far, such as something that does not want people to know in the center, then you It will inevitably be visited by relevant departments, and if Feng Gang can rely on Zhao Tiezhu, the so-called relevant departments are all floating clouds.

The two have a demand for each other, just because the two are not the rectum, so the two said that they are irrelevant, while they are concerned about how to pull each other to their side.

I have to say that sometimes the **** has the benefits of a rectum, at least not so entangled.

On the other side, Victoria Harbour.

The two vans were docked here. Not long after, a group of big men quickly got on the van from the side, and then the van started to go to the heart of Hong Kong.

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