At this time, it is already more than eleven o'clock in the evening. As the financial center of Asia, Hong Kong's nightlife is just beginning.

The van quickly came to the door of a big hotel, and then, from the van, a group of people, headed by a man wearing a headscarf like an Arab, followed by some people like him. There are big suitcases on the hands of people.

The man wearing a headscarf was followed by a Chinese man in a suit. Several people went to the front desk of the hotel. Then the man wearing a headscarf said a lot of things. After the Chinese people heard it, they said to the front desk. Mr. Hammer said that he has booked a room here."

"Please show me the relevant documents, we will proofread." The front desk lady said with a smile.

The suit Shenzhou people said to Mohammed, and Mohammed took out an ID card from his pocket and handed it over.

After checking the identity information, the front desk lady handed the ID card to Mohammed and said, "Your room is on the fifth floor, someone will take you up!"

After finishing the conversation, a waiter came over from the side and took the group of more than a dozen men up the stairs.

At the door of the 505, the waiter stopped and then politely pointed to the door of the 505 and said, "This is the room for you."

After listening to the translation, Mohammed took out a $10 bill for the translation. The translator handed the banknote to the waiter and said, "This is your tip."

"Thank you!" The waiter took it respectfully and smiled. "If you need anything, call me at any time."

"Mr. Mohammed is a devout believer, so unless he calls you, or else nothing, don't bother Mr. Mohammed, maybe he is praying at the time!" said the translator.


Saying, the waiter turned and walked downstairs, the translation was to open the door, and Mohammed walked into the room with more than a dozen other men.

This is a very large presidential suite, the facilities inside are quite luxurious, a huge yellowish sofa is placed in the middle of the hall, Mohammed walked over, then sat down and took off the headscarf.

This person looked like a person from the west of Asia.

However, this person is an open mouth, but it is a serious Chinese.

"This action, we must reach our goal!" Mohammed said seriously.

"Oh, at this time, they may have already tasted what they have been drinking." The Shenzhou people wearing suits said with a smile, "This mission is not that difficult."

"We don't take it lightly," said Mohammed. "The bodyguards of those people can be upstairs. We have to quickly control those people in a short period of time, and then go upstairs in a shorter time." The public figures are also controlled. This time our goal is to expand the influence as much as possible, so that the whole world knows the terribleness of our holy sword organization! Week, when you are responsible for satellite signal transmission, we will This action is broadcast live to everyone in the world!"

"Know it!" The suit Shenzhou nodded. "The signal car has been arranged next to it."

"Good!" Mohammed nodded and then glanced at the other person. There was a small disc-shaped thing on the man's hand, and the man took the thing around the presidential suite. Going over again, then returning to Mohammed’s body and saying, “No monitoring.”

"Well, take the guy out," said Mohammed.

The people around you heard the words and opened the suitcase.

There are a total of six or seven suitcases. Once they are opened, the whole room will become a bit cold and cold.

why? Because in these suitcases, all the weapons are all dismantled!

And, not a light weapon like a pistol! These weapons are all m4a1!

These people took out the m4a1, which had been dismantled in the trunk, and assembled them. It was not long before they were assembled with more than a dozen m4a1 rifles.

More than a dozen rifles! What is this concept? To put it simply, with these dozens of rifles, basically you have to drop a county government in China. It’s okay, and the city government can try to hit it, and you can score it if you estimate it.

Of course, in Shenzhou, you can't have this kind of one-time m4a1 rifle. The Chinese control gun is very strict. Although the pistol is easy to get, this kind of weapon is basically killing you. It is impossible to get it. Even if it is obtained, it may be one or two, and once it is caught, it must be judged at least seven or eight years and ten years!

However, Hong Kong is now a special administrative region of China. Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. Capitalism is used here. The management of firearms is more loose than that of the mainland. Moreover, because it is close to Southeast Asia and surrounded by the sea, the smuggling industry is quite Developed, it is difficult to get such a gun, but as long as the time is enough, it is still coming in.

After the dozens of m4a1 were assembled, these people took out several bullet-proof vests from the trunk and then everyone put on one.

Instead of taking a rifle, Mohammed inserted a silver desert eagle at his waist. As for the Chinese man named Zhou, it was simpler and he had a dv machine in his hand.

At the bottom of the suitcase, there is a tubular thing. Muhammad picks up those things, wraps them around, and then handes the remaining tubes to the week. .

"Wait if you find the right person and tie this to him," Mohammed said.

"Know it." Nodded in the week.

After taking out other things in the suitcase, Mohammed said to the ten people standing in front of him. "This time, it is a holy war of our holy sword. We will let the world know about us." Horror, we must let the whole world know the name of the holy sword. To be honest, from the moment I left my hometown, I didn’t think I could go back. Today, maybe we will bury our bones, but our The names will all go down in history! Everyone, start to the table!"

After adjusting the hands and feet of the horse to the same time, Mohammed whispered, "The holy sword organization, code-named, the action begins!"

The faces of the people showed a feverish look and turned to the door.

At this time, if there is Interpol here, you will definitely recognize the person in front of you.

To put it simply, this man named Mohammed is a terrorist.

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