Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2028: Can't get in

"Do you often catch a cold?" Zhao Tiezhu asked Sun Jiaying when he poured the blister powder.

"Yeah." Sun Jiaji was busy outside, and suddenly felt that his heart was warm.

"How could this be?" Zhao Tiezhu put the powdered powder in his hand, took some medicine, and went to Sun Jiaying's side.

"I don't know, Xiaoying is going to get the cup, but Zhao Tiezhu said," Bing hot, I will blow you. ”

Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu in the mouth and blew his breath toward the cup. He only felt that the whole person seemed to melt the general. He had already fallen in love with Zhao Tiezhu. Now he is seeing Zhao Tiezhu so gentle and considerate. Sun Jiaying feels that he I am about to become a flower idiot, but fortunately, Sun Jiaying has a fever and fever, so under the headache, it has somewhat reduced the excitement of Sun Jiaying.

"That may be your lack of money." Zhao Tiezhu blew the cup while he reached out and pinched the veins of Sun Jiaying. After a while, Zhao Tiezhu said, "From your pulse, your body is very boneless and your spleen is not good." And your pulse is biased towards frivolity, which is a symptom of insufficient internal gas."

"Inner gas?" Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu curiously.

"Simple point is the essence." Zhao Tiezhu did not know how to explain this insider with Sun Jiaying, so he pulled a thing.

"Oh!" Sun Jiaying nodded and said, "What should I do?"

"Buy, Minger, I am going to give you a few medicines to come over. You, this body, still need Chinese medicine to regulate, it is better to at least let your essence, while handing the medicine to Sun Jiaying.

"Thank you." Sun Jiaying said thank you, then took the pill and took the medicine together and drank it.

"It will be fine when I have a cold." Sun Jiaying said.

"Well, you sleep." Zhao Tiezhu said, but his face was a look of words and expressions.

"What's wrong?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"I have a way to help you adjust your inner air." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh? How to adjust it?" Although Sun Jiaying had a headache at this time, she was still very happy to talk to Zhao Tiezhu.

"I will give you gas, of course, simply say, I can make your internal gas become fuller." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"How to make a paste."

"That is... this thing, you have to go directly from your Dantian. Because you are not good now, mainly because your Dantian is lacking, there is no internal gas." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Oh? What do you do?" asked Sun Jiaying.

"You are lying like this, I will give you a hand, and, I promise, I have absolutely no other thoughts!" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

Sun Jiaying took a moment and immediately understood that Dan Tian is not just three or two inches below the navel? And that place, it is the ten Zhao Tiezhu face with a guarantee!

" can give it a try." If at ordinary times, Sun Jiaying will definitely not let a man do this to himself. However, now Sun Jiaying’s heart is almost all hanging on Zhao Tiezhu, so Sun Jiaying hesitated. After that, I agreed.

Zhao Tiezhu did not expect Sun Jiaying to agree to it so simply, and the secret of his own thoughts is all sorts of things!

After self-criticism for a while, Zhao Tiezhu said to Sun Jiaying, "Go, let's go to the ground."

"On the ground?" Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"This can be grounded, telling you that you don't understand, anyway, it is helpful." Zhao Tiezhu said, took the blanket on the side and laid it directly on the ground.

Sun Jiaying twisted and got up from the bed, then walked to the blanket.

"Lie down, face up, hands open, hands palm down, facing the ground, legs are also open, about sixty degrees." Zhao Tiezhu commanded.

Sun Jiaying set the posture according to Zhao Tiezhu's request. Zhao Tiezhu said on his knees and then said to Sun Jiaying, "Wait a bit of a burning sensation in your dantian, but don't panic, this is just a healing process!"

"Yeah!" Sun Jiaying nodded.

Zhao Tiezhu took a deep breath. This method of crossing the gas was given to him by Cao Ziyi. The main role is to build a foundation. Of course, this foundation is very mysterious, but this is not like the kind of transportation in the movie. Infuriating, those who are very arrogant in the movie send their disciples a hundred and eighty years of infuriating, and then let the other party be very powerful at once, and in reality this kind of ferry is at best just for your inside. The gas is a little fuller, but these internal gases then leave your body with your fart.

Does that mean that these internal gases are useless?

In fact, it is not useless. These internal gases are actually useful. To put it simply, he can enhance his physique. However, this enhancement is a very simple way to enhance physical fitness and will not make you a Super Saiyan. Therefore, Under normal circumstances, no one will use this method to enhance physical fitness, because the internal gas is too precious, and Zhao Tiezhu's internal gas is basically inexhaustible, so you can use such extravagant methods to give people a gas. .

Zhao Tiezhu moved the internal gas in his body to his hand, and then gently pressed it on Sun Jiaying's Dantian.

Sun Jiaying's meat outside Dan Tian is very soft, but it is not fat and feels very comfortable.

Zhao Tiezhu’s attention is not on this head. This is the first time he has given people a gas, so Zhao Tiezhu is still very nervous.

Under the transfer of Zhao Tiezhu, he was pressed in the hands of Zhao Tiezhu. However, what made Zhao Tiezhu strange was that his own internal gas could not enter Sun Jiaying’s body.

In fact, this is what Zhao Tiezhu does not understand is that there is an invisible magnetic field, and this magnetic field is equivalent to a protective cover for people, which can prevent some bad things from entering the human body, and Zhao Tiezhu’s gas is touching the human magnetic field. After that, the instinct was squeezed by the magnetic field. If it was just some other place, such as a hand, it was nothing. It went in three or two times, but this Dantian, that is a very important place for a person, so the magnetic field is here. The defense is particularly strong, so Zhao Tiezhu can't get in.

Zhao Tiezhu is still the first time in a woman, can not enter!

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