Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2029: Satisfaction

What do you do when a man is facing a woman who can't get in?

If this man is not worthy of being called a man.

Zhao Tiezhu is a pure man who is more pure than Chunge, so Zhao Tiezhu decisively wants to use it!

Forced to insert!

If you can't get in, you can only work harder!

Zhao Tiezhu's hand pressed down a little harder and Sun Jiaying's stomach was also slightly pressed by Zhao Tiezhu's hand on Sun Jiaying Dantian.

The force exerted by Zhao Tiezhu in the internal force of the body on Sun Jiaying Dantian has become even bigger!

Sun Jiaying only felt that her dantian was burning for a while and then suddenly it was felt that there was a strange feeling under her body.

This... seems to be the feeling that the bladder is squeezed.

In general, when the bladder is squeezed, it will give you the feeling of wanting to pee...

So Sun Jia is very tired.

Of course, a bit disgusting here can be said to be like a water.

It’s just that it’s just a slight feeling. It’s not like the previous test has suddenly come to the water. Then I have to test it out. It’s really uncomfortable to feel more uncomfortable than constipation!

Zhao Tiezhu naturally does not know that Zhao Tiezhu is now fighting against Sun Jiaying's human magnetic field.

Finally, under the strength of Zhao Tiezhu, the gas was decisively inserted... The amount was called into the body of Sun Jiaying.

Ok, how do you say this evil?

Zhao Tiezhu only feels that it feels so good and the air is not very good. Especially the high-density internal gas will even make Zhao Tiezhu’s hand feel a little painful.

Mainly the meridians in the body are not strong enough and spacious!

After Zhao Tiezhu’s body defense line, he rushed into the dantian of Sun Jiaying.

Sun Jiaying originally thought that the bladder was squeezed a little watery and then the stomach was a bit hot. Others, Sun Jiaying felt that his body seemed to be in what was entered.

And that thing still enters from your lower body...

Of course, this is not a certain stick but an internal gas.

Of course, Sun Jiaying does not know what is in the air, so she feels complacent and generally full of fullness.

Every singer actually uses the power of Dan Tian, ​​Sun Jiaying, and it is just as pure as fire. But because the body is not good when he was a child, he grew up and sang all day long to make the gas in Dantian out. Dan Tian's lack of body bones all of a sudden into the gas is a lazy person who has not practiced Wu Dan's capacity is very limited, so Zhao Tiezhu is not cool enough. Sun Jiaying's Dan Tian was filled with Zhao Tiezhu's internal gas.

Zhao Tiezhu knows that he can't continue any more because this kind of ordinary person Dan Tian is not as strong as Zhao Tiezhu's martial artist, so if he is not too careless, it is too full.


After all, Sun Jiaying couldn't help but squat up the burning sensation on the dantian. The squeaky sense of squeezing that was filled with something. The full sensation of Sun.

The scream of this ecstasy made Zhao Tiezhu’s hand shake directly. The hand that was supposed to be removed was the ghost that kept the gods on it.

The soft touch made Zhao Tie a rippling person. So after being stunned by Sun Jiaying's snoring, Zhao Tiezhu decisively began to sway.

"I said this on the side of Sun Jiaying's Dan Tian."

How can Sun Jiaying know that the current gas is over? She is now in a state of almost half-madness.

First of all, she has a fever of 39.2 degrees. This kind of burning is generally confusing.

Secondly, she was too cool. Zhao Tiezhu’s triple attack made Sun Jiaying a woman who had never touched men and women completely. It was completely inside. The veteran of the love field is also estimated to be mad and crazy.

Looking at Sun Jiaying's sweating, lying on the body, the trembling of the breath, and the breathing became urgent. Zhao Tiezhu sighed or handed it back and then took Sun Jiaying to the side.

Sun Jiaying asked the stranger to come back. "What happened."

"When the treatment is over, it's good to sleep early tomorrow!" Zhao Tiezhu said while putting Sun Jiaying on the bed and pulling up the quilt on Sun Jiaying's body.

The triple attack suddenly lost two heavy Sun Jiaying moments and felt that a lost feeling pervaded the heart. In particular, Sun Jiaying, who saw Zhao Tiezhu’s concern, felt even more lost.

When a woman falls into the abyss of love, she is very happy. But Zhao Tiezhu at this time is very rare to be a gentleman.

Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said, "Well, I have to go back to sleep. It’s not early. You can hurry and sleep for a while. I will come to you tomorrow morning."

"Yeah!" Sun Jiaying nodded.

Zhao Tiezhu turned and walked away. Sun Jiaying also climbed up from the bed and followed Zhao Tiezhu.

"What are you doing with me? Do you still want to come back to my room with me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

Sun Jiaying really wants to answer you, let me go, I will go. I experienced today's business and have a fever at night. Sun Jiaying is hoping that there will be warmth. Wen warms the arms to Ziyi to comfort, but Zhao Tiezhu is reaching out and touching Sun Jiaying. The head said, "Well, don't go back to sleep, or the cold will be aggravated!"

Sun Jiaying snorted and said, "I am going to pee."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and then smiled. "Well, I am not accompanying you to good night."

After saying that Zhao Tiezhu came out of Sun Jiaying's room.

Looking at Zhao Tiezhu’s back, Sun Jiaying was a little angry and pinched the Linger Lucy. They were so daring that I was so daring! ”

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