Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2030: Talking about things

Zhao Tiezhu is not timid or just not interested in Sun Jiaying. This is not something that outsiders can know. Zhao Tiezhu fell asleep after returning to the room. Sun Jiaying was dizzy and did not think much about Zhao Tiezhu. He also fell asleep. %%()

This time, Sun Jiaying did not have any nightmares. In the evening, Sun Jiaying’s mind was Zhao Tiezhu. She dreamed that she became a lover with Zhao Tiezhu. Then two people rode on the cruise ship in Victoria Harbour, and then Zhao Tiezhu glared at her waist. It was as if Ross and Jack were in the Titanic, the breeze was scornful, Sun Jiaying turned his face, facing Zhao Tiezhu, then gently lifted his chin, Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth came together, and then the lips of the two people, the more The closer you are, the closer you are.

Just then, suddenly a strong wind came out, Zhao Tiezhu was blown by the wind, the whole person was blown away by the wind, and blown to the sky, Sun Jiaying even heard Zhao Tiezhu shouting that I would return, and then it became A bright spot on the horizon.

Then there was a very enchanting man. When this person Sun Jiaying saw it, the whole heart was raised because the man was a baron.

Sun Jiaying wants to run, but finds that she can't run, the baron hugged himself and said, "Thank you, you will be from the old man."

Sun Jiaying struggled fiercely, but found that the baron’s power was so powerful that he could not move at all. Seeing that the baron would kiss him, Sun Jiaying raised his hand and went to the baron’s face.


A crackling sound.

Sun Jiaying woke up and stared.

Then, Sun Jiaying saw Zhao Tiezhu, who was grimacing and grievous.

Zhao Tiezhu still has a bowl of porridge on his hand.


Sun Jiaying screamed and said, "How come you are here."

"I am here to send you breakfast!" Zhao Tiezhu squinted at his face. He felt that he was really a sad reminder of his mother. After getting up for three hours, she got up and then went to Sun Jiaying to buy breakfast, and kindly. I was sent to Sun Jiaying’s room, just to see Sun Jiaying twisting around, and then shouting something in her mouth, no, nothing, Zhao Tiezhu curiously pulled a chair and sat next to Sun Jiaying’s play, the result Just watched for a few seconds, a slap in the face of Sun Jiaying flew over, Zhao Tiezhu countless calculations can not be considered Sun Jiaying will suddenly come out such a sinister move, and Zhao Tiezhu’s hand is holding a porridge, if suddenly avoiding the porridge Was swayed out, so Zhao Tiezhu did not hide, so this slap in the face of Zhao Tiezhu.

After Zhao Tiezhu’s explanation, Sun Jiaying realized that he was not honest about sleeping and dreaming. As a result, Zhao Tiezhu’s face was beaten. Zhao Tizhu was still coming to give himself breakfast. This is really not true.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying with a grievance and said, "I only slept for three hours, and I missed your body. I thought that you should eat some light things when you have a fever, and go out to buy porridge for you. You actually still I slap in the face, hehe."

"I'm sorry, landlord!" said Sun Jiaying, guilty. "I didn't mean it, I... I just made a bad dream."

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head helplessly and said, "Since you are dreaming, then I have no choice but to eat dumb. I only hope that you will not hit me again."

"No, I promise, this will not happen again in my life!" Sun Jiaying raised his hand and vowed.

"Of course, I don't always have the opportunity to appear next to you while you sleep." Zhao Tiezhu said, "If you always appear next to you while you are sleeping, then you may have misunderstood our relationship." It!"

"Let's what do we have to make people misunderstand?" Sun Jiaying said with a shy head.

"You think, what kind of people can appear on your bed often?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"This... I don't know this." Sun Jiaying is not stupid, naturally knows that only couples will often appear at the bedside of each other, but she can't say this.

"You don't know what? You forget it." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged helplessly and said, "I want to go out and do things, you have a good rest today."

"Hey, tell me about it, otherwise I won't be able to eat and sleep." Sun Jiaying took Zhao Tiezhu's hand and said.

"This... not very good." Zhao Tiezhu said slyly.

"There is... what is bad, I am just... just curious." Sun Jiaying said with a low head.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed and said, "I am afraid that when someone else misunderstands me, it is your brother, then it is not good. It seems that I am about the same size as you!"

"Ah?" Sun Jiaying looked up and looked at Zhao Tiezhu with amazement. She thought that Zhao Tiezhu would say that she was a couple. I didn't expect Zhao Tiezhu to say such a sentence. This made Sun Jiaying both annoyed and disappointed.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "What's wrong? Look at your face, not quite right."

"No, you go, porridge is on the table, good morning, um, bye!" Sun Jiaying decisively waved to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Then I will go first, call you at noon and take you to dinner."

"As you follow you, I don't necessarily have time, you know, my schedule is very full, row..." Sun Jiaying is talking about himself, Zhao Tiezhu has already opened the door and went out.

"Hey, bastard, and ignore me!" Sun Jiaying looked anxiously at the direction in which Zhao Tiezhu disappeared. He hated that it was called a tooth itch. Then Sun Jiaying saw the porridge and some side dishes on the bedside table, and the heart could not help but warm.

"That **** is not nothing at all!" Sun Jiaying greeted the porridge and ate it. This porridge, which has no special features, even made Sun Jiaying ate.

Zhao Tiezhu saw that Sun Jiaying was almost ready. Her heart was naturally very happy. After leaving the hotel with Xiaoqu, Zhao Tiezhu took a taxi to a very famous morning tea restaurant in Hong Kong.

In this morning tea restaurant, Zhao Tiezhu saw Li Ge and Feng Gang who came to himself. Of course, Sogra also came.

Li Ge and others first came here with Zhao Tiezhu. The three people were eating the morning tea directly in the hall. The surrounding people were full of people, and no one paid attention to Li Ge.

Zhao Tiezhu went to a few people and opened the chair and sat down. Li Ge smiled and pushed a cage of barbecued pork and said, "Hurry to eat, and have a good time to tell you later."

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