Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2038: Who stopped me, who I killed

The big circle helped the side to plan the night to kill the glory, Zhao Tiezhu also took Sun Jiaying to leave Feng Gang.

"Wait, I will send you back, stay in the hotel, don't go anywhere." Zhao Tiezhu sat in the car that was arranged to quit, and said calmly to Sun Jiaying.

"You night... really want to kill Xiangrong?" Sun Jiaying said a little pale.

"Yeah!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "As long as he is dead, don't you have trouble?"

"But...but that is killing." Sun Jiaying frowned. She had been mixing for so long in the entertainment circle. I haven’t heard of anyone who has been killed or not, but this kind of thing has been heard. It happened to be around, it was completely, and now that Rongrong forced her to make a movie, but how to say it, but it is also sin not to die, Zhao Tiezhu said that killing will kill, a few hours ago because Sun Jiaying just wanted Being kidnapped, so my heart is resentful, and I don’t feel any other feelings, but now, after calming down, it is also a heartbeat.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Helping you just by the way, in fact, I also have my own purpose, you should not see anything, take a good sleep in the hotel, and get up the next morning. Nothing."

"Well...". Sun Jiaying still wants to say something, but when she sees Zhao Tiezhu's eyes, she can't say anything.

"Our people in China are generally weak." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying's appearance, but he spoke first. "The Chinese are being bullied. Most of the .coms are very angry at first, but they have some pros and cons. This anger will be reduced, and then the time will be self-consolation, then nothing will happen. This is the time of the Republic of China, called the spirit of Ah, most of the people are accustomed to spiritual victory, but for For me, whoever sinned me, who is the stumbling block on my way forward, then I will kill anyone. It is such a simple truth. I am a gangster. Can you let me tell people the truth? People respect me a foot, I respect a man, but if a person invades me, I will take you all."

"Hello you are overbearing." Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was full of arrogance in his eyes. The whole heart trembled fiercely. In her impression, Zhao Tiezhu was a gentle man with a bit of shameless shame and sorrow, but such a gentle man. A gentle man, this .com has such a hegemonic look, it is simply to shatter the Sun Jiaying's not so solid heart, Sun Jiaying had already fallen in love with Zhao Tiezhu, and it was shocked by Zhao Tiezhu. It can be said that it is going to be completely ruined.

The power of the protagonist's aura is so great that it can not only let passers-by A, B, B, Ding, but also let women succumb to their jeans.

Just, is this really the protagonist's aura? Regardless of whether others believe it or not, Zhao Tiezhu is unbelievers. Anyway, many years later, when talking about what happened during this trip to Hong Kong, Zhao Tiezhu said that it was because we had been brewing and fermenting for a few months. With Hong Kong's accumulation of thin hair, and then there is what it is now, and the protagonist's aura, the kind of woman who can make the face not seen three or two times, licking the **** waiting for the protagonist, the nature is complete different.

"The overbearing will be overbearing." Zhao Tiezhu did not feel that Sun Jiaying had fallen under his jeans, but looked at the window slyly and said, "I used to be a grandson at the time of fj, sometimes Obviously being overcast, but considering the overall situation, considering the status quo, I have to bear, when nothing happened, and then went to Beijing, then people were light, and the same, being bullied, I can only bite myself Finally, I finally entered the genealogy and finally moved to the capital, but I immediately needed to come to the Pearl River Delta. This time, I came here to fight the mountains and rivers, and if I hit the mountains, if I want to install my grandson again, then I am better off going back to fj as a good fortune. This time, who stopped me, I will kill who, who used my intrigues, I will kill who, who dares to self-righteously step on my head I will kill who!"

Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu. She suddenly felt some change in Zhao Tiezhu. It seems that Zhao Tiezhu has changed from a wretched man to a pious career man!

Sun Jiaying just wants to praise Zhao Tiezhu, saying that you are finally on the right track and will begin to contribute to the happy life of the people of the world. As a result, the face of Zhao Tiezhu’s goods suddenly changed instantly. From the previous hegemony, all of a sudden It became awkward and lascivious.

Sun Jiaying is convinced that Zhao Tiezhu’s face is awkward and lascivious, because Zhao Tiezhu has changed his face and said something.

"Jia Ying, now I am your boss. You see, the boss of the film company, which has no hidden rules, do you say that I have to sneak a rule?" Zhao Tiezhu said shyly.

Sun Jiaying stunned and immediately blushed and said, "You... what do you say?"

"In fact, I am very strange!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying and asked, "You are so beautiful, singing so well, if you call two, that may not be able to hold people, why your boss, did not start with you." What?"

"I remember you asked before." Sun Jiaying said.

"Is it asked? It may be that I forgot, you can answer it again." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Our boss appreciates me, it is really appreciated. Moreover, our boss's wife is very powerful. There is a relationship between the Central Political Bureau and the family. Although the relationship is very far, the relationship is genuine, so in a nutshell, we The boss is a strict wife, not to mention me, the company up and down, so many beautiful women, our boss has never met!"

"It’s a good man!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion. "Fortunately, I am not a wife, since now I am your boss, then... then we will have hidden rules."

"How... how to sneak?" Sun Jiaying asked with a red face and looked down. If you want to change Zhao Tingzhu, you may have to turn your face. However, the woman’s heart is like this, once it is hanging on someone. On the body, it is that the person who farts, will feel incense.

Zhao Tiezhu originally intended to ridicule Sun Jiaying and let him shift his attention on his own murder. So what is the moth behind the province or let him leave a bad impression on Sun Jiaying? I didn't expect Sun Jiaying not only to turn his face but also to look like you want to dive, which makes Zhao Tiezhu very surprised, is it difficult to become a buddy's charm, really invincible?

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