Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2039: First shot

Zhao Tiezhu was surprised, Sun Jiaying was ashamed, so the car suddenly swayed for a while, but this sigh of breath has not yet had time to brew something. The driver who drove in front of the car stopped the car. Down, and the quit before the door is also very open to the door.

The sigh of breath was blown by the sea breeze from Victoria Harbour.

"You go to rest." Zhao Tiezhu first came down from the car, then reached out and politely supported Sun Jiaying's hand.

Sun Jiaying took Zhao Tiezhu’s hand and came down from the car, then asked, “Are you coming back at night?”

Zhao Tiezhu smiled slightly and said, "There are beautiful women waiting for me in bed, I will definitely come back."

Zhao Tiezhu’s play was very white, so Jiaying stunned Zhao Tiezhu and said, “Would you like to ask a beautiful woman to lie down in your bed and wait for you?”

"If you want to, I don't mind two at a time." Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"Hey, hey, I am leaving!" Sun Jiaying said, turning around is going, but the body suddenly stopped, then turned to look at iron column, said, "This... you have to pay attention to safety! ”

"Well, I know." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said with a smile. "I have experienced so many things, aren't I still strong and alive?"

"This is also true, you are not able to fight Xiaoqiang." After that, Sun Jiaying showed a flower-like smile to Zhao Tiezhu, then turned and walked into the hotel.

"The person who protects, arranged well." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Sun Jiaying's enchanting small figure, his face said calmly.

Standing next to Sun Jiaying, he nodded and said, "Three good hands protect Miss Jia Ying."

"Let's go."

Zhao Tiezhu turned and sat in the car, and the smuggling also sat in.

The black car carried two people and sailed to Hong Kong airport.

There is a person who is already coming to Hong Kong.

The plane has not yet landed, Zhao Tiezhu is quite a bit bored, looking at the watch from time to time.

At this time, the airport's radio rang.

"The flight from fj to Hong Kong is already..."

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said to the murder, "It’s finally coming."

"Well, it took ten minutes to delay, but it didn't matter." Jie Jie said, "It will not affect this action."

"Really, if you hate being an hour, then .com will not play." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Our carefully planned action plan is likely to fail because of this kind of break."

The two of them chatted for a while, and there was a crowd of people coming from the pick-up point. A very obvious goal appeared in the sight of the two.

It is a very fat body.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and greeted him.

"Haha, I don't see you for a few days, I want to die!"

The owner of the obese body took a big step to Zhao Tiezhu and then hugged Zhao Tiezhu.

"My grass, Fan Jian, I can't be interested in men, I want to hold you to hug and kill." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Oh, quit me, I don't feel anything about him, or I feel like holding you, this bone!" Fan Jian's face with a rippling smile.

Fan Jian, one of the high-level soulhouses, even came to Hong Kong.

Zhao Tiezhu gave Fan Jian a punch, just hit Fan Jian’s chest, and after Fan Jian’s chest had a bump of a cup above b cup, Zhao Tiezhu said, “Let’s go, the car said.”

Fan Jian nodded, and smacked aside to kill, while walking to the car, he smiled and said, "Just kill the brother, the iron column brothers don't want me, you don't dislike me! You look so handsome now. I am so quick to stop."

Killing and grinning, he said, "I attack, you accept, I have no opinion."

"My grass, you are a monk, how can the monk say such filthy words!" Fan Jian unscrewed his hand and screamed and laughed.

Killing and laughing, a few people walked all the way to each other, and soon went to the outside car.

After entering the car, the two men were quiet together.

Zhao Tiezhu said, "This time let you come over and do something, you should know?"

"Oh, know, isn't it an assassination?" Fan Jian said with a smile. "My gunwork is now very bullish."

"Oh, the first is to let you come and kill the individual, the second is also to let you personally go to the battlefield, you always practice at the shooting range, and a sniper, if not really on the battlefield, then it can not It is a qualified sniper." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This is your first time, your first time, it is mine!"

"Oh, people are embarrassed to pull!" Fan Jian shyly shook his body.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "Just kill, is the guy ready?"

"Ready, just in the trunk." Talked and said with a smile. "Although it is not a good guy, it should still be used. You know, the recent check in Hong Kong."

"Well, I can use it! Next, I will talk about your idea with you." Zhao Tiezhu said seriously.

"Yeah!" quit and Fan Jian both nodded solemnly.

"This action is to kill Xiangrong." Zhao Tiezhu said, "According to the law of the work of Xiangrong, the glory of this time, will be in the Jinshuihe nightclub, about an hour and a half later, he will Jinshuihe came out and went to his Dadong Casino to play cards. Outside the Jinshui River, it was our first attack. At that time, Fan Jian, you are responsible for killing. If you can, it is best to kill it directly. He, there is nothing for us, if it is not, Fan Jian, you have to use firepower to suppress, put Xiangrong to the side of the alley, in the alley, there will be people in the big circle to ambush, this is our second wave of attacks, and If the big circle of helpers can't kill the glory, then I will ambush and other brothers ambush at another exit of the alley. This is the third wave of attacks, if these three waves of attacks can not kill, That can only be regarded as the glory of life, Fan Jian, if you push Xiangrong close to the alley, run immediately, you should understand?"

"Understand!" Fan Jian nodded and said, "My master told me that a qualified sniper is not in how many people he can kill, but in how many people he succumbs to himself can retreat. The so-called stay in the green hills is not ignorant."

"This is all right!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "Tonight, it is also the first shot we made in the Pearl River Delta. It must be loud and accurate!"

"Know!" Fan Jian and the smuggling seriously nodded.

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