Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2071: See Zhang Bei

The rain is getting bigger and bigger.

Zhao Tiezhu stood under the sky, letting the rain hit the hair, hitting his face and hitting him.

The younger brother who drove quickly rushed up and opened the umbrella at Zhao Tiezhu.

A small black umbrella was completely supported by Zhao Tiezhu, and the younger brother was instantly wet by the rain.

Zhao Tiezhu did not care if this younger brother would catch something, but frowned.

How will this rain affect the actions that I will take next?

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is full of this problem.

Zhao Ge?

Standing next to Zhao Tiezhu, the blood soul hall younger brother saw Zhao Tiezhu standing in the daze, whispered a reminder.

Zhao Tiezhu looked straight at the leaves squeaking in the rain that was hit by the rain, and asked, how long did you say this rain?

I don't know, this time the rain, unlike in the summer, it is estimated that it will not stop for a while, and here is the south, the amount of rain will be relatively large. The younger brother did not know what Zhao Tiezhu said in this regard, but he also knew everything.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, OK, let's go, let you get soaked, sorry.

It is an honor for eowvs to serve Zhao Ge. The younger sister grinned.

The younger brother gave Zhao Tiezhu the car with due diligence, and then he got wet and got into the driver's seat.

Change clothes.

Zhao Tiezhu took a shirt directly from a storage cabinet under the position and threw it to the younger brother.

No, Zhao Ge. The younger brother was quite flattered and refused.

Put it on. Zhao Tiezhu said that he would have to eowv to a farther place later.

Thank you, Zhao Ge. The younger brother put the clothes seriously, but Zhao Tiezhu took a call and took a call.

How is that over there? Zhao Tiezhu asked calmly.

At the end of the phone, the voice of smuggling came.

Already contacted. Killing and killing, it is on the edge of Guangzhou.

Well, eowv is over now.

Hanging up the phone, the younger brother has already changed the shirt.

Go to xxx. Zhao Tiezhu told him.


The car slowly made the city government, and in the mayor's office, Liu Ruoxi was standing in front of the window, looking at the car shadow that was already a little fuzzy, I don't know what to think about.

The rain is really getting bigger and bigger.

The rain hit the window and gave a muffled sound. The water on the ground seemed to be like a spring breeze. It was only a little bit before. In less than half an hour, it was already on the knees. .

It’s time to watch the sea every year.

Zhao Tiezhu thought of last year, and probably around April, God began to rain all day. As a result, every city seems to be a Venice, and you can see the sea everywhere.

Pedestrians on the road are as many as ever. In a big city like Guangzhou, unless the earthquake volcano erupts, like rain, there is no way to stop people from going to work to make money.

The car slowly went to the suburbs.

The number of pedestrians on the road has finally become less and less. Slowly, it appears in front of Zhao Tiezhu that it is not a high-rise building, but a small building with three or four floors or four or five floors.

Here, it is already a combination of urban and rural areas.

In front of a four-story building, the car slowly stopped.

A man is standing in the rain with an umbrella, seeing the car coming over, glanced at the license plate, and then slowly walked to the side of the gate closed, pushing the door slowly.

The car slowly opened in.

After the car completely entered the yard inside, the man closed the door slowly and then walked aside.

There are not many people in the yard, only a long man who is very similar to the slain is standing under the eaves next to the yard.

When the car came in, the man quickly walked over to the side of the car and then opened the door.

Zhao Tiezhu walked down from the inside.

Iron column brother!

Kill it!

The two nodded and said hello, and then quit to cover the small building that Zhao Tiezhu walked into the side.

What about people? Zhao Tiezhu asked.

Just below. The smuggling refers to the underground, saying that there is concern that someone is following, so I came to such a place.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and gestured to kill and lead the way.

After walking for about five minutes, the smuggling took Zhao Tiezhu and walked into a downward staircase. After walking to the basement, he smothered it and pushed it aside the door. Another door appeared. Beside this door.

It is impossible to think of a door by the door. The smack and laughter said that the original eowv did not expect that x is not the boy of Zhang Bei said that eowv thought it was behind this first door.

Oh, this is the dragon repair? Zhao Tiezhu asked.

No, it is Zhang Beixiu. The smuggling shook his head and said that after the accident of Xiaolong, Zhang Bei made people repair such a hidden basement. It seems that this person is still very careful.

Indeed, however, it is always good to be careful, isn't it? Zhao Tiezhu asked.

This is also true.

Pushing the door and walking in, next to the door, there are already a few people standing waiting for Zhao Tiezhu, seeing Zhao Tiezhu come in, the headed person rushed up.

Zhao Ge.

Zhang Bei bowed respectfully, and several other people also called with Zhang Bei.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded. The man in front of him was Zhang Bei, and the people behind him were Zhao Tiezhu who brought Zhang Bei from the Blood Soul Hall.

this way! Zhang Bei bent slightly, standing next to Zhao Tiezhu, and after taking a few bends with Zhao Tiezhu, he came to a relatively empty area.

Here is where the eowvs usually do things. Zhang Bei said.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally knows that Zhang Bei’s work is to work for the Blood Soul Hall. His face is not smiling, saying, it’s hard for you.

Oh, it’s all for Zhao Ge. Zhang Bei modestly said, Zhao Ge, sit down, you have been here for so long, and did not come early, the brothers think you are thinking tight.

Isn't this coming over? Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, everyone is sitting.

A group of blood soul halls glanced at Zhang Bei, Zhang Beiwei nodded and nodded. The talents sat down, and Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes were slightly stunned and quickly returned to normal.

What is the recent situation? Zhao Tiezhu also did not have too many guest sets with Zhang Bei, and asked directly.

Zhang Bei said that the overall operation of Xiaolong Gang is still very good recently. Many things eowv are done according to your instructions, and Xiaolong help you on the right track according to your instructions. Now the cadres of Xingyi Anlitou are now on the right track. There are a lot of people who are very optimistic about the eowvs.

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