Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2072: Chess pieces, chess players, amateur players

"Xingyi Anlitou, have you absorbed the idea of ​​entering the cadre?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

Xing Yi'an's structure is actually different from many gangs. He takes a form of diffusion that spreads around. To put it simply, Xing Yian's gang members are actually the heads of the small gangs near Xingyi'an. By controlling these leaders, Xingyi'an indirectly reached the goal of controlling the gangs around Xingyi'an, just like the ancient vassal system.

Xing Yi'an's sphere of influence is in Dongguan, and his power extension can reach the suburbs of Guangzhou. This is caused by the system adopted by Xing Yi'an. If it is on the site, Xing Yi'an is in the three major forces. That is the biggest, but Xing Yi'an is not the most powerful, mainly because of his system.

Because of his system, although he can control many gangs of all sizes, he can't control it completely, and it is impossible for these gangs to serve them completely, just like in ancient times. Like the Zhou Dynasty, although all the princes of the world should listen to the Zhou Dynasty, but in the late Zhou Dynasty, who bird you Zhou Dynasty?

Although Xing Yi'an is big, his power cannot be completely used in one place. This is the drawback of Xing Yi'an.

But anything has its advantages and disadvantages. It only depends on how people understand it.

"He didn't have these thoughts on his side." Zhang Bei said, "At least I haven't heard from those people who have recently listened to Xingyi Anli. At present, I am in Xingyi'an, and I know a few predecessors. It is relatively early. When they entered Xingyi'an, they said that Xingyi'an's investigation of the cadres was very strict, and it was impossible to accept us completely in such a short period of time."

"Oh?" Zhao Tiezhu raised his eyebrows and said, "If that, is there enough external pressure?"

"What pressure?" Zhang Bei asked inexplicably.

"For example, the pressure we brought to him." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I will create opportunities for you in the periphery. As long as Xing Yian feels the pressure, then he will certainly speed up the pace of these newcomers. At that time, as long as you can enter the cadres of Xingyi'an and have access to some of their more confidential things, then I will be much simpler when I start doing things!"

"Zhao Ge Yingming." Zhang Bei said respectfully.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and shook his head and said, "Which is wise, I am only able to do the right thing at the right time. This person, not afraid of not being talented, is not afraid of no ambition, the most fearful is the right time. Did you do something wrong, do you know what I mean?"


Zhang Bei lowered his head and swallowed his mouth. He said, "I can have everything in today's Zhangbei. It is given by Zhao Ge. Zhao Ge said one, I am one. Zhao Ge said to go west, I am going west. I am Zhang. North knows that he has a few pounds and two, and he is honestly behind Zhao Ge. That is no problem."

"Know it." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and reached for the shoulder of Zhang Bei. At this time, Zhang Bei was standing, and Zhao Tiezhu was sitting, in order to let Zhao Tiezhu touch his shoulder, Zhang Bei’s leg. It has already bent down.

"Follow me, you will have unlimited glory and wealth." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Thank you for Zhao Ge's photo, I will not let down Zhao Ge's expectations for me." Zhang Bei said seriously.

"Very good." Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said, "If there is anything in Xingyi'an, tell me the first time, remember, I don't like someone glaring at me, even if it is kind, it will make me Very angry."


Zhao Tiezhu did not stay in Zhangbei for a long time, it was more than half an hour. When it came out, the sky became darker, and the rain did not stop. The death was dead. The water on the ground was even Zhao Tizhu. I can't see how deep it is. Anyway, there are places where half-persons should be there.

"The rain of this neuropathy." Zhang Bei followed Zhao Tiezhu and whispered a curse.

"It's really a neuropathy." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Things are the ones I just told you. You should do it well. We will not live up to anyone who really does things for us."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu turned and walked into the car next to him, and the smuggling was closely followed by Zhao Tiezhu. When he was going to follow Zhao Tiezhu, he quit and looked at Zhang Bei. Zhang Bei was just right. I also looked at the smuggling side, and I immediately looked at it with the eyes of the smuggling. The whole person didn’t know what it was. Suddenly, he shuddered and chilled, and he got into his body directly from his feet. This chill is coming fast, and it is going fast. Just in the moment of smashing the door, the chill has disappeared.

The car slowly drove into the rain, but Zhang Bei’s face was cloudy and uncertain.

A guilty person is always easy to think of a lot of things.

Zhang Bei turned around and looked at a few people behind him and said, "Zhao Ge’s words should be heard by everyone. I will give my heart a steady, if I don’t want to die, what should I do should not be done, you are best. Get it."

"Know, Zhang Ge." Several people respectfully said.

Zhang Bei’s face showed a satisfied look, Zhang Ge...Zhao Ge, isn’t this all brother?

No wonder so many people like to be brothers...

And among these people, Huang Million is no different from everyone else, but there are more looks in the eyes.

"Zhang Bei's rebelliousness seems to be getting heavier and heavier!" screaming and sitting next to Zhao Tiezhu, sighed.

"At least he still can't do anything at the moment." Zhao Tiezhu said calmly, "As long as he can play his role, I don't care if he does not oppose me."

"This is also true." Nodded to kill the identity.

Zhao Tiezhu continued, "In fact, he is just a chess piece, or a piece that wants to break away from the control of others, and nothing more."

"We are the ones who play chess, aren't they?"

"We?" After Zhao Tiezhu pondered for a while, he shook his head and said, "Now, we can't be considered a chess player. We, the three major forces, the big circle help, can only be regarded as relatively large pieces. It is really qualified to say Those who play chess, only the people behind the three forces, or Li Ge, also have the ability to play chess."

"Iron column, you are arrogant." When you have no outsiders, Zhao Tiezhu is more casual. "Beyond the background, you don't have to lose people. I think, you can be a chess player. But it is an amateur player."

"Haha, amateur chess player? This is also true!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

At this moment, Zhao Tiezhu’s car slowly came to the front of a bridge.

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