Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2074: Save people

It is a wonderful thing to rain. (_%%)

It can make everything recover, it can also moisturize the dry land, and it can also make the girl wet.

But sometimes it is not a good thing to rain. There are too many rains. After the girl is wet, she will catch a cold. After a cold, you have to serve and have to be a grandmother. This is not good.

At the moment, it is obviously not very good.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, and there is no meaning to stop. In the lower reaches of the bridge, it is an open river. Basically, as long as the bus is rushed in, the people inside want to live, only to see God or Buddha. Give no face.

The sound of the water hitting the car is getting louder and louder, and the hearts of the people in the car are getting more and more nervous. Everyone is crowded into the window, old people, youth, men, women, everyone is not far from the window. People wail and ask for help. I hope that someone can stand up and save them at this time.

However, there is no Superman in this world, so it is a pity that after these people shouted for a few minutes, although some people around them wanted to help, they were not enough. And the fire truck, but I don't know when it will arrive, can I catch the car before it is washed away by the big water.

The water in the car slowly increased, and the river that originally only went to the tires was in the middle of the car.

"Grandma, Grandpa, I don't want to die!"

Braun looked at the window pitifully and looked at the branches and trees that floated from the upstream from time to time. He felt that he was like a boat in the sea, and he might be subverted by this torrent at any time.

"That's too late."

Quietly watching the car less than 50 meters away from himself, whispered.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "In ten minutes, this car must be taken away by the water."

at this time.

One person suddenly cried, "There is a mountain torrent in the upper reaches of the river, everyone is running!"

The people who were still surrounded by the crowd suddenly got on the train and went to the highlands in the distance.

"Iron brother, let's go," said the murderer. "These people are not saved."

Zhao Tiezhu frowned and pointed to those who were asking for help at the window, saying, "Their willingness to survive is very strong."

"Well, it’s just useless to be strong. Wait a minute for the torrents to come down. Our estimate has to be flooded."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and suddenly said, "I can see if I can help."

"Ah?" Guarded and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Iron brother, now you can help alone?"

"Do you have a rope? You have to be very thick!" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

“Can the tow rope be?” asked the killer.

"I look at it." Zhao Tiezhu said.

Quickly rushed to the trunk of the car, took a rope out, and then ran to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Just this." quit the rope and handed it to Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the rope. The rope was so thick as his own arm. He pulled it a little hard and the rope was tight.

Zhao Tiezhu slowly strengthened the strength of his hand. After finally strengthening to a certain extent, Zhao Tiezhu said, "The tenderness of this rope is enough. The car that pulls the car should be pulled, it is not long enough!"

"There is about 40 meters in the middle. My rope is ten meters long. It is definitely not long enough." The murderer said, "Iron brother, you are not a superman. There is no need to manage anything."

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and suddenly walked over to the car, then jumped into the car, and immediately shouted at the people who had already sprinted to the heights and lows. "Whoever has the rope, lend me a few."

No one responded to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Who has a rope, lend me, save people!" Zhao Tiezhu cried. "Time is too late, hurry, anyone who has it will come out immediately."

After Zhao Tiezhu’s words were finished, several people hesitated. They ran to the trunk of their car and took out some ropes. Zhao Tiezhu was overjoyed and quickly let the smuggling take the ropes.

Fortunately, these ropes are very thick. According to Zhao Tiezhu’s estimation, it should be no problem to bear a thousand pounds, and there are wheels under the car. If the power control is good, the two cars should be towed. Not difficult!

Zhao Tiezhu quickly tied the ropes together and calculated the length, about 40 meters.

"Iron column brother, the rope is there, how do you want to tie it?" asked the murder.

"walk over."

Zhao Tiezhu said with one end of the rope.

"Going over?" Killing and watching the raging river, said, "Iron brother, this is not a joke, although you have a good time, but this water is not vegetarian!"

"Nothing, let me try." Zhao Tiezhu tied the rope to himself, then tied the other end of the rope to a tree and said, "Even if I am washed away, this thing is tied to the body, nothing. child."

"This... Iron pillar brother..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "What can I do? If this kind of thing doesn't help, then the conscience can't go through, let's do what we can do, and the rest will be resigned."

"Then I will pass," said the murder.

"Your jackpot can't be learned by me!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Not awkward, go."

After that, Zhao Tiezhu turned directly and walked over to the bridge that had been drowned. The people around the crowd, after seeing Zhao Tiezhu’s apparently fatal behavior, burst into exclamation.

Is this person crazy?

This is the idea of ​​many people, because at the current speed of water, when you go to the deeper water in front, you must be washed away, not to mention you, even if the car has to be washed away, you A person tied the rope and passed, is this too long?

Zhao Tiezhu didn't think about other things. He only knew that if he didn't see those people asking for help at the window, then he wouldn't do it. Although Zhao Tiezhu is doing the murder and buying, sometimes there are things. Zhao Tiezhu feels that he has to do whatever he wants.

Zhao Tiezhu stepped into the water and stepped on the bridge.

The water level here will not be very high. I haven’t had Zhao Tiezhu’s knees just now. It’s just that the flow of water from the bursts, but Zhao Tiezhu’s brow slightly wrinkled.

The power of this stream is obviously bigger than what I expected!

Zhao Tiezhu compressed the internal gas to Dantian, and then Dantian went down. The whole person seemed to be a jack-up of the squad. So he was so **** the bridge deck that the water could no longer shake Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu step by step, the water depth is slowly increasing, has been walking nearly 20 meters, the water flow has not passed Zhao Tiezhu's thigh, but Zhao Tiezhu's body, but still calm and iron.

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