Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2075: Mountain torrents are coming


Zhao Tiezhu spit out a sigh of gas. Although it seems that Zhao Tiezhu has gone so long from the outside, Zhao Tiezhu himself is clear. If this road goes down, the energy he consumes is not less than the leader of the gods. In the war, the strength of the body was taken by Zhao Tiezhu to stabilize his center of gravity. On the other hand, it was used to resist the force of the water hitting the body. The two were repeated, which is not a simple one plus one.

When he walked to about 30 meters, Zhao Tiezhu decisively felt that the loss of physical strength became faster, and some sand and stones in the water were hit by his own body, which was also a burst of life. pain.

The people in the car saw that someone was coming to them. It was really a jump, and when they saw that Zhao Tiezhu had already reached a distance of less than ten meters from them, the spirit of these people was obviously excited.

"Come and save us, hurry!"

"Yeah, go hurry!"

"I beg you, hurry to save us."

Various voices, all kinds of wailing, all kinds of please.

Zhao Tiezhu did not change his mind and took a step forward.

Suddenly, an undercurrent came from under the feet.

The power of this undercurrent is very strong, and it is strong that Zhao Tiezhu’s entire body is unstable.


Zhao Tiezhu is not stable, Zhao Tiezhu is not in a hurry, the people in the car first called, Zhao Tiezhu took a deep breath, sinking the center of gravity, the whole body, instantly stabilized.

At this time, in the car.

The original six spirits of Bailing had no idea. The result was that people who were surrounded by the window screamed and screamed. They also heard that someone seemed to save themselves. They quickly got up and rushed to the window, just at the window. Already out of the crowd, the outside situation is not visible at all.

Then Bailing was in a hurry and was entangled. What happened? Suddenly, Bailing’s heart moved, and then his hands were shaken off. Several white little flying insects flew out of the sleeves of Bailing and flew around the window. Those people.

"Oh, my neck is itchy."

"Oh, my hand is itchy."

A few people standing next to the window, after exclaiming a few words, left the window and scratched them. While several people left, Bailing quickly stepped forward and occupied a favorable terrain.

Looking out from the window, Braun directly saw a person.

The person's stomach was submerged by the water, but the person's body was very stable. The distance from the car was only two or three meters, so Bai Ling clearly saw the man's face.

"Ah! The bad guy Zhao Tiezhu!"

Braun surprised his little mouth and even abandoned the fear for a while. She didn't know why Zhao Tiezhu would appear here, and it seems that she still came to save herself. At this time, Zhao Tiezhu is struggling to walk in the water. However, at this time, the baby snake that he had raised himself had swallowed a bite of Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu would definitely be unsteady. When it was time, it would be washed away by water, and if it was washed into such water, Zhao Tiezhu Ten ** will be fierce and less!

Bailing tangled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was only about one meter away from his side. He bit his teeth and put his hand into his pocket.

"Hey, if you are washed away by water, all of us will have to die. Look at what you still have to use, first give you a life, wait for us to be safe and take your dog!" Think so.

Zhao Tiezhu is only one step away from the bus, and the depth of the water here is more than Zhao Tiezhu’s imagination. It has already reached the chest position of Zhao Tiezhu. The great power of the water makes Zhao Tiezhu feel that his forehead is covered with sweat under such circumstances. .


Zhao Tiezhu stepped forward and grabbed a handle on the back of the bus.


The people inside the car saw Zhao Tiezhu successfully seized the car mountain, and could not help but make a surprise call. Zhao Tiezhu did not rest much, but directly took the rope attached to his body and quickly tied it. In the car, the length of the rope is just right, slightly tight.

Zhao Tiezhu is relieved. Since the rope has been tied up, as long as the rope is constant, the car is estimated to be no more dangerous. The only thing to do now is to go back and let people put this together with themselves. The car pulled back.

Zhao Tiezhu did not even think about taking these passengers one by one to grab the rope and go back. But if you do this, it is easy to cause competition. Everyone wants to go up first. If it is so troublesome, then it is not good. You must know that China is a country that likes internal consumption very much. And one by one, the time must have been a long time. It took Zhao Tiezhu to walk here from the shore for three minutes. Waiting for it to go back with a rope, you can hurry up, tens of seconds is enough, but if you want one It’s too late to send people in. It’s too late in ten minutes.

Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the rope with one hand and called the person in the car. "Wait a minute, I will let people pull the rope over there. When you are all quiet, stay in the car, don't mess!"


"thank you!"

The people in the car thanked everyone.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and just wanted to go back.

At this moment, in the sight of Zhao Tiezhu, about 20 meters upstream of the bridge, a gray line about a meter high appeared.

"My grass, torrents!"

Zhao Tiezhu saw that thing, his face changed instantly, and this torrent came at such a moment! Although this is only a flood peak, it will pass after the rush, but will this car rush into the river below? The rope can not withstand the power of this peak impact? Zhao Tiezhu is completely uncertain.

The speed of the torrents is very fast. The distance of more than 20 meters is almost zero between the blinks. Zhao Tiezhu has no time to retreat. He can only grasp the rope with both hands.


The torrents hit the passenger car directly, and the whole body suddenly moved and slowly moved toward the river.


The screams on the entire bus rang through the clouds, and Zhao Tiezhu’s whole person was instantly overwhelmed by the torrents. The whole person had no shadow.

The flood flooded into the car along the gap of the car. Not long after, the whole car was filled with water, and the car continued to move slowly. The torrents were not big. If it was really a big torrent, the car would have been long. It was smashed into the river, but the slightest shift in the moment is even more uncomfortable. It can be like walking into the abyss a little bit!

Outside the car, I still can't see any shadow of Zhao Tiezhu.

(Everyone remember, the Dragon Boat Festival, which is the 23rd, broke out for two consecutive days. As long as the VIP ticket reaches a certain level, it will add one more. The last time was eight hundred votes plus one, but decisively duduu and the Jiangnan Dragon However, this time the deposit is relatively small, so it is estimated that the price will raise a little friend who has no money to vote, and keep the kb subscription to the new chapter that broke out two days. This time, I will fight for the top five in the monthly list.

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