Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2088: Killing a few is a few

"Bastard, say the password!"

On one of the fishing boats, a brown-skinned man in a slightly green military uniform was standing in front of a dark-skinned Shenzhou with a look of anger, and the face of the Chinese had a disdainful look on his face. The wounds were bleeding, but the Shenzhou people did not wrinkle even a brow. (_%%)

Next to this Shenzhou people, there are a few Shenzhou people. These people are bound by their hands and feet, curled up in the corner, and several soldiers with ak47 rifles are surrounded by these faces. Next to the Shenzhou people.

"Give you the last chance."

The man in the green military uniform brown skin gloomy face looked at the Shenzhou people in front of him and said, "As long as you tell me the password, I will guarantee your safety."

The Shenzhou people did not say a word, only a scornful smile on their faces.

The man in the green military uniform bit his teeth and turned to the side of a man who was fiddling with the computer. "Bastard, haven't you cracked yet?"

The person who played with the computer said, "Sir, the encryption level of this computer is very high. With our technology and the current hardware conditions, it is very difficult to break this password."

"Gambling, a password only, now more than five hours have passed, and it has not broken yet. Are you growing up?" The green military uniform man said dissatisfied.

"Sir, I will work hard!" The man who played with the computer wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

"Hey." The green military uniform man snorted and turned his head. Facing the Shenzhou people in front of him, he lifted his foot and slammed it directly to the ribs of the Shenzhou people.

The Shenzhou people did not hide or twist, and they slammed hard, and their faces did not change.

"Bastard." The green military uniform man spit on the ground and said to the soldiers on the side, "Commanding the ships to be on alert, I guess there should be someone from China."

"Yes, sir!"

After a few soldiers salute a military ceremony, they turned and walked out of the cabin.

Just next to the ship, another ship was parked. These two ships are just ordinary cruisers. They are also the products of the age of five or six. They are equipped with a missile launcher and several heavy machine guns. Although the equipment is not very good, the people on board are quite Many, at least now, there are more than a dozen people on the deck, and each one is loaded with a gun.

In the middle of the two warships, there are several small fishing boats. There is no light on the fishing boats. The people on the fishing boats have been divided into two ships and two ships.

At this time, from time to time, it was possible to upload a wailing sound from the ship.

Abuse of prisoners, this is what every victor likes to do.

Not far from the two ships.

Several figures sneaked out of the water.

There are a total of four figures.

"It’s finally arrived!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the ship not far away and whispered.

"Since it is here, then we will act according to what we said before," said Liu Xingfu.

"I want the left one." Lang said to a ship on the left hand side. After I finished speaking, I looked at Zhao Tiezhu calmly.

"Then I will be on the right hand side of the ship." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Lang’s eyebrows wrinkled. He originally intended to go to the right side of the ship. Because the appearance can be seen from the outside, the right side should be the flagship of the two ships. Generally speaking, those captured in the state of China Scientists, they should be caught in the flagship, and if they can save those people, then the credit is the biggest!

In this case, why did Lang Ye choose the left one? In fact, it is very simple. Lang knows that Zhao Tiezhu wants to do something with himself. If he is the first to say that he wants to the left, according to Zhao Tiezhu’s personality, he will definitely not let himself do it. At that time, I will definitely compete with myself on the left side of the ship. Then I will give him the left side of the boat, but I did not expect that Zhao Tiezhu did not fight with himself at this moment, but directly agreed, which allowed Lang Ye was a little uncomfortable for a while.

Do you want to do it with me?

Lang Ye looked helplessly at Zhao Tiezhu. In his heart, he called a resentment. Resentful Zhao Tiezhu did not insist on no exercise. He said what he was.

Since the target has already been divided, then if Lang Lang wants to say something, I want to do not to the left, it will be useless, so Lang Ye can only be in a good time, after determining the evacuation time, the depressed ship to the left. After swimming in the past, Liu Xingfu threw a sly look to Zhao Tiezhu and also swam to the left side of the ship.

"Small sample, with my buddies, I am trying to find my death." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and took Shura to the flagship.

At this time, the moon is rare, and there is no wind on the whole sea, so everything is very quiet.

Several soldiers walked around the deck to patrol, while Zhao Tiezhu sneaked into the bottom of the boat directly, then bypassed several fishing net barriers and glued the solids directly under the hull.

Zhao Tiezhu doesn't want to just kill a few people this time. If you can sink the boat of the Philippine Monkey, isn't it better? You must know that the naval power of the Philippine Monkey is still very poor. The cruisers of the 50s and 60s are already the main battleships. If you sink a ship, it is estimated that they will be unbearable for a long time.

After the ** was released, Zhao Tiezhu returned to Shura’s side and said, “When you go from the stern, you are responsible for attracting their attention, and I go directly to the bow and try to kill more people. Anyway, today we are The goal is to kill the Philippine monkey, kill a few is a few, but must pay attention to control their own killing, killing people do not kill crazy?

Shura grinned and said, "I will pay attention, hey, you can give me a few more people later."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Shura with helplessness and said, "Okay, no nonsense, you are now past the stern, remember to attract the attention of as many people as possible!"

"Know it!" Shura said, and his hands went to the side, and the whole man went to the stern.

It didn't take long.



The silence of the night sky was broken by a gunshot. Then there was a burst of gunfire, and on another ship, there was a burst of gunfire.

Zhao Tiezhu was hiding in the water under the bow at the time. After the gunshot, the soldiers at the bow ran to the place where the stern gunshots came. Zhao Tiezhu estimated that the time was almost the same, directly grabbed a steel pipe on the ship, and then With a fierce effort, the whole person, like a swordfish, took out the water and flew high.

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