Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2089: Quick kill!

The strength of Zhao Tiezhu is very large. The whole person took out the water and had a distance of several meters. Then he crossed the guardrail of the bow and stood on the deck of the bow.

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A string of bullets hit the position where Zhao Tiezhu stood before.

Zhao Tiezhu did not have any stops at all, but a beautiful beating. In the middle of a breath, he had already moved his body to the soldier who found himself and fired.


Zhao Tiezhu’s hand did not know when he had a black dagger, and the dagger’s edge crossed the neck of the soldier holding the gun.


The soldier fell down with his hands on his neck, and the blood seemed to flow out of the soldier's neck like money.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't have any pauses, and he didn't go to see if the soldier was dead. He went straight to the front of the soldier who was running away from the stern. The soldier heard the gunshot behind him and just returned. When I passed the body, I saw a dagger with a boundless murder. I was trained. I just wanted to hide, but I found that this dagger seemed to follow the example. I hid myself nearly one. Mi, this dagger actually chased his neck one meter in the time of less than a second, and the speed of others is faster!


The neck is cut open and the trachea is broken!

Another person fell down with his neck.

the second!

Zhao Tiezhu pouted and put his body to the side.


A hole appeared in the position where Zhao Tiezhu stood before, and looking at the ballistic track, a Philippine soldier was focusing on machine guns in both hands.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled in disappointment, directly striding aside, rushing to the side, the bullet of the heavy machine gun seemed to be the same as the pervert of the beautiful woman, and behind the camera behind Zhao Tiezhu, one by one bullet crossed Zhao Tiezhu The back of the back, then shot into the side of the deck.

Zhao Tiezhu circled the circle on the deck, and the bullet also played a large circle on the deck. Under the horror of the Philippine soldier, Zhao Tiezhu jumped up and down after a long circle.

Philippine soldiers just wanted to lift the gun head against Zhao Tiezhu, but Zhao Tiezhu was stretching his hand from the back.

A thing like a dart appeared in Zhao Tiezhu’s hand. Zhao Tiezhu waved the dart to the Philippine soldier. The speed of the soldier was not bad. He went straight to the side and escaped the dart. Then he escaped the dart. I wanted to use a heavy machine gun to sweep Zhao Tiezhu into a honeycomb. just…


The Philippine soldier felt a sudden pain in his head, and then the whole person was unaware.

Zhao Tiezhu went to the Philippine soldier and took the dart in the back of the soldier's head. This is a dart that is said to be able to automatically track the target. The performance of the dart is really quite good.

It seems that it seems like a long time, but in fact, Zhao Tiezhu spent more than ten seconds in killing the three people, and most people’s attention at this time was attracted to the stern, so, for a while, the entire deck turned out to be No one is there!

Zhao Tiezhu naturally would not stand here and smoke a sun and then smash the moon. He ran straight to the stern, and at this time, at the stern.

Shura’s body is like a flea. He jumps around in various places. About ten Philippine soldiers are chasing him with a machete. As for why no one is using a gun, it’s because Shura is smart because Shura The net picks a lot of places, and if you shoot a gun at Shura, it is likely to hit someone. In order to prevent hitting yourself, these ten or so Philippine soldiers are replaced with machetes. In their view, more than a dozen people around a person, the person must have no way to live, and there are some Philippine soldiers armed with guns around these people, these people are responsible for the battle, if Shura If you want to escape, these people can shoot when Shura rushes to a place where no one is.

In short, the current Shura is double surrounded.

Shura’s right hand is still placed in a cover. His figure is moving very fast. Ten people are around him. No one can cut his body. Those blades are all capable of rubbing Shura. By the way, this makes the people who are besieging feel very uncomfortable, just like facing a beautiful woman, I can break the woman's body as long as I step forward, but I can't stand the same thing.

Shura, taking the precise route.

Zhao Tiezhu’s figure appeared quietly on the crowd of Philippine soldiers with guns, and then gently pushed his hand forward, one hand holding the mouth of one of the more standing soldiers, and then With a gentle touch, the soldier was wiped open by Zhao Tiezhu, and all this happened. No one saw it. Everyone’s attention was placed on Shura’s body.

Zhao Tiezhu was able to do the same, and then he killed two people. After the two men were killed, Zhao Tiezhu was finally discovered.

Then there was a burst of gunshots accompanied by a curse.

Zhao Tiezhu’s body is like a fairy jumping fast, because the total number of guns is only **, three of them have been killed by Zhao Tiezhu, and the top is also five or six. It is not enough to give Zhao Tiezhu complete coverage. Therefore, these tragedy dragon men were given a dry job by Zhao Tiezhu in less than 30 seconds, while Shura had no guns, Shura. Also decisively let go of the hands and feet, killing.

The way Shura kills is similar to that of Zhao Tiezhu, except that Shura directly twists the neck of the person.

One after another, the neck of the person was twisted, and everyone’s body was softened on the ground in a strange posture. Some people still didn’t die, but they struggled. Some people were already dead and lie. There is no interest on the ground.

A total of more than a dozen people, after the appearance of Zhao Tiezhu, Shura took less than thirty seconds, and killed the three men three-quarters.

The other few people looked at Shura as if they were extinct, and they wanted to escape when they mourned. However, Shura, who had red-eyed eyes, was not so easy to let those people run away.

After ten seconds.

Everyone, all killed.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu and Shura are not intact. Zhao Tiezhu’s body was opened by bullets. After all, just five or six people armed with a gun on Zhao Tiezhu’s shot, Zhao Tiezhu’s injury, it’s a god, only However, these injuries are meaningless, and Shura is similar to Zhao Tiezhu, and it is just some minor injuries.

I have to say that Zhao Tiezhu’s fighting power with Shura has already surpassed these ordinary people too much.

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