Mobile phone!

A mobile phone was turned over by Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu has never been a person who likes to take the initiative in the hands of others. Although the old Li looked at nothing malicious, but in this year, many things are actually inaccurate. Naturally, Zhao Tiezhu must take the initiative. Give it back.

I told my friends and brothers that I would go back the day after tomorrow. Now I suddenly changed my time. Zhao Tiezhu thinks it is necessary to talk to them. Let them arrange some people to pick up themselves. This is the most foolproof practice, otherwise it really is. Being trapped at the dock, Zhao Tiezhu felt that he really cried.

The phone has electricity, and it is also played, Zhao Tiezhu gave a call to quit.

The smuggling at the end of the phone was a bit surprising when I learned that Zhao Tiezhu would go to Guangzhou at noon today.

"Iron column brother, you said that some time can come?" asked the murder.

"I can't say this." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the time. It is now 8:15 in the morning. "It's better. You will pick up a few people at the Guangzhou terminal at 10:30. Of course, I don't know where I will go from here. When you look at it, this boat is not big. It has a black font on it. It looks a bit old. Remember these features. Well, not much. Now, I am going to the toilet. People don't want to bring too much. I just want to be just in case, and there is no need to make troubles."

"Well, I know, I will bring a few people in the past!" said the killing.

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu put the phone directly back to the original position, then patted the belly, opened the door with ease and walked out.

"Is it finished?" Bai Ling looked at Zhao Tiezhu, who was comfortable, and said, "Let's go, don't let Li Shu see it, or you will marry me!"

"Yeah, okay!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "Thank you so much, or else I might have to pull it out in our room."

"You are disgusting, hurry!"

Bailing urged Zhao Tiezhu to return to the cabin. I don't know if the two were lucky or what they were. They didn't even touch a person all the way back.

After Enron returned to the cabin, Braun closed the door and said, "This exception has let you go out. You have solved it. Now you are honestly staying here, and you are wrong, you know?"

"Well, I know!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded slyly.

"This is awkward." Bailing sat patted the small hand satisfactorily, went to the bed and lay down, then said, "I want to continue to sleep, if you dare to run out, I let the dumb bite you!"

Said, Braun closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and lay in bed, thinking about the things he thought.

Because there is no pen and paper, many of Zhao Tiezhu’s ideas can only come directly from the mind, including how to declare war on the two gangs this time, how to do the work of the government, how to make money to help Xingyi’an Behind the scenes, the boss did not dare to confront himself. How to make good use of Zhang Bei, this is a bit of a sinister look.

The idea of ​​each one was simulated in Zhao Tiezhu's mind, and then Zhao Tiezhu based on these ideas to promote countless kinds of possibilities, and Zhao Tiezhu's all the secret chess about the Pearl River Delta strategy has come to the mind of Zhao Tiezhu with these ideas. in.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the problem of layout.

The simpler point is to make good use of all the conditions that can be used. This is the core idea of ​​any conspiracy.

Liu Ruoxi, Li Ge, Chen Yang, Yan, Zhang Bei, Qiang Qiang, Liu Changfeng...

These characters flashed one by one in Zhao Tiezhu’s mind. Every character may have more or less influence on Zhao Tiezhu’s layout. If these people want to use a metaphor of comparison, they should all be counted. It is the chess piece of Zhao Tiezhu.

How to use Liu Ruoxi to restrain the people on the official floor of Guangzhou? How to use Li Ge's human face and influence to suppress money in the business field to help Xing Yian? How to use Chen Yang’s big circle and the triple association to confront the money to help the elite of Xing’an, how to use it to contain other forces that may want to share a piece of cake, how to use the stubborn snake to take the ancient Yue Hong's line, how to use Liu Changfeng to make a fuss in the officialdom of Guangdong Province.

As I said before, the current gang wars are different from the previous gang wars. The depth of a gang has been much larger than that of the gangs in the traditional sense. Simple fights and killings are no longer true. The elimination of a gang, so now the real meaning of the gang war, the path is a multi-faceted attack more flowers.

In the end, how many points can be flowered, how many points are useless, or even some points may still be stabbed for a long time. These things are the most necessary for Zhao Tiezhu to consider and plan, and Zhao Tiezhu also takes advantage of this rare free time. Organize these things in your own mind.

Time is slowly advancing among the various ideas of Zhao Tiezhu, and at the Guangzhou terminal.

Some workers were loading cargo on the docks, and at this time, several black cars were parked outside the docks, and some people who had never seen them on weekdays walked out of the car.

These people's dresses are not much different from the workers on the docks. They are just simple short-sleeved jeans. After they get off the bus, some people walk away in the spring, and some go alone. If you carefully observe it, you will find that these people are faintly standing in a circle of encirclement. Many passages on the pier leading to the city are occupied by these people.

About ten o'clock, a thin man appeared on the dock.

There is a pair of headphones on the man's ear, and walking is quite rhythmic, just like listening to a song.

"Make sure to kill Zhao Tiezhu. If you can't kill him, leave immediately. Don't leave any image in front of Zhao Tiezhu. Should the human skin mask be taken?"

The man’s earphones did not sing, but the voice of Zhao Kunlun.

"Well, I know. I have put on the mask now," the man said.

"That's good, monkey, if this thing can be done, you will become the hero of our dragon gang, do it well." Zhao Kunlun said.

"Well, I will not let down the expectations of the younger."

The phone hangs up.

The monkey's face with a smile, continue to walk with the rhythm, it seems to be a hip-hop youth.

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