Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2108: The police are coming

10:10 in the morning.

A fishing boat slowly sailed to Guangzhou Port.

The ship looked a bit old, and the water was not deep, and it was obvious that there were not many fish.

At this time, on the deck of the ship.

Zhao Tiezhu is standing side by side with Bailing, looking at the Guangzhou Pier not far away, and standing next to the two, still standing Lao Li.

"Wait a minute, the police will pick you up at the dock. When you go with them, you will be there." Lao Li said to Zhao Tiezhu.

"What about my USB flash drive?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Your USB flash drive, I will help you look at it first. When I see the police, I will give them the USB flash drive." Lao Li said.

"Don't lose it!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "The things on the head are really not important!"

"Just here." Lao Li took the USB flash drive in his hand and shook it in front of Zhao Tiezhu. "If you are not a bad person, then this thing will come back to your hand sooner or later."

"I hope so." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

Standing on the side of the Bailing looked at the two people as if they were playing a riddle, it was a bit stunned, but it was not easy to interject. After the conversation between the two people stopped by Zhao Tiezhu, Bailing said, "This time you go back, you can have a good wound, don't When I come to you next time, you haven't recovered yet. When you are really defeated by me, you will have an excuse like this!"

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "I will definitely heal and heal, and he will be cured soon and then you will be abused."

"Oh, of course you will be abused by me." The spirit is proud.

This time I changed Lao Li and I don’t know what the two are talking about.

The ship slowly approached the pier, and a car had already been parked on the pier.

This is a police van.

Three men in police uniforms stood by the car and watched the ship approaching. One of them spoke to the microphone. "The target character has appeared, is approaching, everyone is ready."

When the words were spoken, the people scattered in various areas of the dock began to contract to the police. If you look at it from the sky, you can see that the encirclement is shrinking very small in an instant.

Zhao Tiezhu calmly looked at the police car not far away. It is now around 10:15, and the time he agreed to quit is about 30, and he does not know that he will be at this pier. Estimated for a while, I waited for the boat to appear to have to drag the police for a while, as long as they quit them, with something that can prove their identity, then these policemen would not have the power to bring themselves Go, the USB flash drive itself can also be used directly, the provincial time to go to a police station, lang time.

Soon, the fishing boat was docked.

Lao Li skillfully threw the cable to a embossed bank. Then he greeted several people and pulled it hard. The hull slowly moved to the side of the dock and was attached to the dock.

"Okay, you can go on." Lao Li said, "Bai Ling, you can go back to find your parents."

"Well! Thank you, Uncle Li." Braun smiled sweetly, then picked up his toes and kissed Li's face and said, "You are the best Li Shushu!"

Lao Li’s age of forty or fifty was really not so kissed by such a young and beautiful girl. It was a bit stunned for a while, but it quickly recovered, and smiled and said, "Bai Ling, my boy's kid is also in his early twenties this year. Do you want to introduce the two of you to know each other?"

"No need to use it, Li Shu, let's go, don't let the police uncle wait for a long time!" Bailing said, stepping down the ladder first, and Zhao Tiezhu is behind, not long after, Zhao Tiezhu's feet, Stepped on the land.

The police-like people came forward and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You are Zhao Tiezhu?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyebrows picked and said, “It’s me.”

"Let's take a trip with us." The policeman said, and reached out to grab Zhao Tiezhu's hand.

Zhao Tiezhu frowned and pulled his body back and said, "Why are you?"

"We suspect that you are related to the things in the waters of Hongyan Island a few days ago. So, you are honest. If you are innocent, then the investigation will be clear in the bureau, and naturally let you go. Now just to make sure that you are not Just run away and relax.” A policeman said, he took another step in front of Zhao Tiezhu and reached for Zhao Tiezhu’s hand.

Although Zhao Tiezhu felt that it was a bit wrong, but he did not retreat, but he was then arrested by the police, and then his hands were reversed and directly buckled back.

"Comrade comrades, this is what I found from this person." Lao Li has also got off the boat at this time, holding a USB flash drive in his hand and came to the front of several police officers.

One of the police officers took Lao Li’s USB flash drive and said, “Thank you for this comrade.”

"No need to use it, it should be!"

Standing on the side of the Braun looking at these curiously, now that she has arrived on the land, she is not in a hurry to find her parents. This kind of thing is very fresh for her who stays in the stockade for a long time, especially That handcuffs, listening to my aunt and grandmother said, it seems that only the bad guys will be handcuffed, then since Zhao Tiezhu was handcuffed, it means he must be a bad guy!

"Sure enough, this is a bad person!" Braun nodded seriously.

"Who is this?"

A police officer saw the Braun standing on the sidelines and nodding his head, and his eyes flashed a strange light and asked.

"This is my daughter." Lao Li laughed and lied directly. If he told people that it was inexplicably on his own ship, he might have trouble.

"Your niece? Looks like it? It seems that he knows this Zhao Tizhu!" The policeman asked.

"Yeah, I know this bad guy!" Bailing said earnestly, her aunt told her that if the police asked questions, they would have to answer honestly so that they would not be beaten.

"If you really know, then you can take a trip with us." The policeman said, "Going to the office to investigate clearly, the head here is related to national security, so we must be cautious."

"Ah? I want to go with you?" Bailing leaned toward Lao Li and said, "I don't want to."

"Comrade comrade, my niece is only the person I met on the ship." Lao Li quickly stopped in front of Bailing.

"We need to be especially cautious about this kind of thing. This comrade, you don't stop, let her take a trip with us. If there is nothing wrong with it, then it will be released after a while, nothing." The policeman Said.

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