"Dumb, bite that!"

Braun cried, and the one was left to Zhao Tiezhu’s hand.


Dumb fell on Zhao Tiezhu’s handcuffs.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes are bright. He knows that this animal looks like a chameleon from the Sahara Desert. However, this chameleon is different from the ordinary chameleon. The chameleon’s teeth are very sharp and it is said that it can bite the metal. I did not expect that Braun would have this thing.

That dumb bite down directly under Zhao Tiezhu’s handcuffs.


A very harsh sound sounded.

Zhao Tiezhu saw that the chameleon seemed to eat sugar cane, biting down the middle joint of the handkerchief.

In a few seconds, the entire handcuffs were actually bitten by the chameleon.

"My grass!"

Zhao Tiezhu first felt that the world was big and nothing, then shook his hand and threw the chameleon back to Bailing and cried, "You are running now, go to the dock before, bring my people!"

"What do you do!" asked Braun.

"I'm fine, I can hold it for a while!"

Zhao Tiezhu said, while avoiding the machete that a person had cut, and then picking up the hand is a slap in the face.

Hey, the man flew straight out and rolled a few circles on the ground to stop.

"No, I want to help you fight the bad guys!" Bailing said, and again, shaking hands, a green smoke was shaken out of her hands, and then spread out and spread, with the pink smoke before. Blended together.

The people around didn't know what it was. There were a few people who accidentally sucked in a few things, but after a few seconds, those people covered their necks with red eyes.

"Itchy, itchy!"

Those people are desperately scratching their necks, but those itches seem to come from the body. You can't stop itching from the body, so those people have to work harder.

As a result, some people were scratched by their necks, but those people seemed to be demon, and the death continued to be scratched. Soon, the meat was also scratched.

"I am grass, what is this stuff!"

Zhao Tiezhu has never seen such a strange thing since he was so big, and he looked at Bailing in a wrong way.

"This is a powder made of small bugs, it's amazing!" Braun explained.

"Get rid of these smog, get rid of them as soon as possible, and the woman can't stay!"

Someone gave orders.


These are the elites of money to help Xingyi'an, although the smog is creepy, but the excellent psychological quality makes these people turn their backs to Zhao Tiezhu and Bailing.

"Let's go!"

After being beaten by Zhao Tiezhu, Bailing seemed to be smashed by the shackles. It seemed to have opened the second line of Ren Du, and he even wanted to go to those who took the choppers and iron bars.

"My aunt, you can't get people now!" Zhao Tiezhu grabbed Bailing and then turned and ran back.

Zhao Tiezhu’s goal is the pier, because there are people of their own! The current smuggling is in a state of full prosperity. In these 20 people, it is absolutely no problem to quit 10, and the smuggling should be a good sorcerer. When confronted, the positive contend should be able to compete. And this kind of ambush is a quick quasi-right, if the time is too long, then there is no effect at all. At that time, Zhao Tiezhu naturally has the confidence to easily get out.

"Why don't you let me fight!" Braun said, screaming as he ran with Zhao Tiezhu.

"You are a small skill, you have to use it when you don't pay attention. Now people have already taken care of you. These people are not a cat or a dog. If you are against someone, you must be dried up!" Zhao Tiezhu As he spoke, he opened a person in front of himself and then pressed his hand against the other person's face.



The man flew out, and Zhao Tiezhu’s shoulder was suddenly a picture of blood.

"My grass, the blood vessels are broken!" Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and looked at his shoulder. It was screaming out of the blood, just the iron bar hitting it, the nails on the head were all small. The blood-sucking trough, so Zhao Tiezhu's flesh is directly opened a small mouth, and the mouth that is generally opened by the blood-sucking trough, unless sutured, otherwise it is impossible to self-heal.

The people around him rushed toward Zhao Tiezhu. There are still about fifteen of these **, and the momentum on each person is not weakened because they have been laid down by five people. This is the so-called true elite, some people Looked very powerful, but after seeing the blood, it is likely to be embarrassed, and some people are good at playing the wind, if you encounter this slightly unsatisfactory, it will be embarrassing.

Seriously, these people can be called true elites, regardless of whether they are headwinding or not, no matter whether they can see the blood or not.

There are many such elites in the Blood Soul Hall.

Zhao Tiezhu’s body has not recovered yet, and his body has been cut a knife and hit a stick. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s escape speed can only be regarded as general. Fortunately, the two people who were originally on the way back from Zhao Tiezhu were Zhao Tiezhu twice gave up the dry, or else Zhao Tiezhu would be difficult to run now.

Zhao Tiezhu ran ahead, one hand still pulled the Braun, but the Braun looked from time to time, then occasionally shake off the sleeves, some things ran out of the sleeves of Braun, then fell to the ground, waiting for those When the people who chased after them came up, those people jumped directly to those people.

After chasing after about ten seconds.

"Oh, I am dizzy!"

Someone cried, the voice just fell, the man's body was soft, and the whole fell to the ground, just when the people had not reacted.

"My body is not aware of it!" Another man called, and then the body was soft and fell to the ground.

Zhao Tiezhu heard the sound. Looking back, there are about four or five people who have already been soft on the ground.

"I am going, very powerful!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Bailing and said.

"That is of course, I said, the martial arts on our side, but the most authentic, the world is invincible!" Braun screamed proudly.

"Hurry to hide!"

Just as Bailing spoke, one of the people chasing after him had already arrived behind Bailing.

Zhao Tiezhu shouted and pulled Bai Ling to his side. The man’s knife was cut directly, and then the whole person was stunned.

Zhao Tiezhu’s hand was so powerful that the blood was shot like the money.

"I am grass, and then I will not die too much blood to die!"

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