Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2112: Help stealth


Braun exclaimed, and after seeing that the machete was not cut on himself, Braun resolutely sighed.

"Long snacks!" Zhao Tiezhu said, his neck twisted, and an iron bar swept his body and flew over.

"Okay good!" Braun nodded his head seriously, and at this time, another person rushed behind them.

"You rushed to run!" Zhao Tiezhu pushed a Bailing, then reflexed one hand and grabbed it in the man's hand. A simple picking technique, the knife in the hand of the man fell to the ground and then Zhao Tiezhu will The man’s wrist was a glimpse.

Card wipe.

The man's hand bone was directly cut off by Zhao Tiezhu. The whole person mourned to lie on the ground, but Zhao Tiezhu was also caught by this empty to give a stick.

"Inner gas!"

Zhao Tiezhu infused the internal air into the position that was about to be hit.


A muffled sound, Zhao Tiezhu felt a back numb.

Fortunately, there is no broken skin!

Zhao Tiezhu quickly rebelled and wanted to catch the person who sneaked on himself, but suddenly felt the first dizzy.

"I am grass, no physical strength!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s body was awkward. After this continuous strenuous exercise, Zhao Tiezhu had only recovered to 30% of his physical strength, and he was quickly consumed. The wounds in Zhao Tiezhu’s body also broke out at this time. come out.

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly felt that his whole person seemed to be hollowed out.

This is a feeling of emptiness.

Zhao Tiezhu immediately found out that it is not good. If he goes on like this, then he must be stunned and faint. When it is time, he can only be slaughtered. The best way at the moment is to rest, but those behind him chase themselves. Tight! Don't give yourself a chance to breathe!

Seeing that Bailing has already run farther, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly saw a container not far from the front. There is a container in this row. The container in this row covers a large area, and some containers are separated by a gap of about one meter. It is like a channel that is one meter wide.

Zhao Tiezhu is a flash, directly hiding in, and then, stealth!

Zhao Tiezhu’s figure disappeared instantly, and those who followed behind it appeared in this channel almost simultaneously.

"How come!"

The people around looked at the empty passage and all were stunned.

Their distance from Zhao Tiezhu is about one meter, and this meter is placed in the eyes of these people. It is not called the distance at all. Zhao Tiezhu turned around and it will take about a fraction of a second. They will follow in, but... But Zhao Tiezhu actually disappeared!

Did he evaporate? Still not through?

This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu, who is calm and calm, does not dare to have any big moves. These people can be regarded as good hands. They are now weak in their bodies. As long as they move, there may be some movements. When they are heard, That's all done.

However, stealth of this kind of thing is also very physical, and Zhao Tiezhu, who is already very weak, is even weaker after stealth.

According to Zhao Tiezhu’s own estimation, his own stealth, at most, can last for about 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, his physical strength will be exhausted. At that time, his body shape will automatically appear. If this happens, then things are bad.

At least Zhao Tiezhu is the identity of the magic shadow, it is iron exposure, and Zhao Tiezhu will certainly be wanted all over the world, not only because of Zhao Tiezhu's identity, but also because of Zhao Tiezhu's magical stealth skills.

Zhao Tiezhu will surely become the most popular white mouse in the world. Countless scientific research institutes will issue rewards, because if you can find secrets from Zhao Tiezhu that can be invisible, it will be a subversive change in the world.

Zhao Tiezhu calmed down and even stopped breathing, in order not to let these people notice what was wrong.

"what happened!"

The first of these people looked at people like heads and looked at them strangely. He was helped by money, and he was also a good helper in the money. He was a captain-level figure, he was very capable and his killing skills were very powerful. He led the team of money to help Zhao Xingzhu to cooperate with Xing’an people. Everything was going smoothly, but in the end it was a woman who would throw a cigarette and put things in trouble. The girl ran away, and Zhao Tiezhu looked at the physical overdraft at first sight. He still thought about what he could get. The result is now a turn, and Zhao Tiezhu disappeared out of thin air.

If it wasn't for this thing that happened to be under his own eyes, this person would say that he would not believe that a person would disappear after turning a corner.

Where did Zhao Tiezhu go?

The man looked around and saw that the passage was small, and the entire passage had been extended to a distance of about five meters. In the five meters, there was no corner and fork. Zhao Tiezhu could not After rushing into this passage, then pass through the distance of five meters in an instant, go to the next corner and then turn to hide.

It’s strange, this Zhao Tizhu, where will it go?

"Look separately!"

This person ordered.

Those who are obviously a little confused are scattered, while looking around and walking forward.

Zhao Tiezhu’s breathing has completely stopped at this time, and the heartbeat has been suppressed by Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu's body is slightly close to the container. In the place where he is less than half a meter in front of him, it is a person. The man looks around in confusion and the blade of his hand flashes. He looks quite infiltrated.

The man walked forward step by step, and it was not a straight line. After two steps, the man’s body had already reached about 10 cm in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

Two people, almost face to face, but Zhao Tiezhu at this time, but did not dare to move, because his body is already weak enough to support him to do too many moves, if you move now, it will definitely expose the figure.

"Is it really finished?"

Zhao Tiezhu frowned, and the dark road died to me. As a result, it was at this time.

"Bad guys, I am here!"

A girl came from afar, only to see that Bai Ling was standing in front of the group of people about 20 meters.

"No matter, first grab the girl and see how close he is to Zhao Tiezhu. It must be Zhao Tiezhu's woman!" The man who led the team made an order and turned to rush toward Bailing, and that distance Zhao Tiezhu The person who was originally less than ten centimeters was also turned directly and ran to Bailing.


Zhao Tiezhu swallowed a bit of water, and the cold sweat had covered the entire face.

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