Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2123: Ling Xue's nightmare (5 more)

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[vip]The second thousand one hundred and twenty-three chapters Ling Xue's nightmare (5 more) [1/1 page]


Ling Xue this rare rare did not wear ol uniform.

In fact, when I got out of bed, Ling Xue hesitated for a long time, in the end, what should I wear for the end of the world to read freely.

As before, wearing an ol uniform is not impossible, but this time it seems to be going to participate in any auto show, but also to be a model, then wearing an ol uniform, it is a bit inappropriate, and, I was listening to Zhao Tiezhu yesterday. At that time, wearing an ol uniform, a boat from this uniform, Ling Xue is difficult to suppress the thoughts of the strange voices heard on the phone yesterday.

Then I felt like this dress, it seemed a bit dirty.

In fact, it is not easy to say dirty, but it is a bit difficult to accept, especially wearing this uniform and Zhao Tiezhu, that is, the main character of the telephone door yesterday, which makes Ling Xue feel very weird.

Therefore, Ling Xue had hesitated for a long time and changed into a simple sportswear.

A pink jacket with a slightly cautious sneaker t-shirt, while Ling Xue’s body is wearing a light blue skinny jeans that tightens the snowy thighs and slender legs. Tightly wrapped, people feel the slightest sporty atmosphere outside the cold.

Zhao Tiezhu is driving this car to carry Ling Xue.

A blue Lamborghini.

Zhao Tiezhu's words on luxury cars, the favorite is Lamborghini, of course, Zhao Tiezhu this bandit is estimated to know only the brand era of Lamborghini Maserati known to the public.

According to Zhao Tiezhu, the tough line of Lamborghini is too beautiful, it is the car that this pure man is suitable for driving. {Fiction}

Zhao Tiezhu also specially dressed up today, wearing a set of clothes that do not know what brand, this thing is to kill and give, it is said to be very valuable, but Zhao Tiezhu is not very familiar with these things, I do not know this Where is the value of the clothes?

Ling Xue wore a pair of sunglasses and appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu. He walked up to look straight ahead. In general, people who walked in this way either hit people or were hit, but Ling Xue’s gas field was too Strong, strong to the front, regardless of men and women, automatically let Ling Xue let a road.

Zhao Tiezhu changed a bunch of roses from the juggling behind him, and then smiled and greeted him.

Ling Xue walked to the front of Zhao Tiezhu and took the flowers. He thanked him. Zhao Tiezhu was very gentleman's wrap around the car and pulled the door up and let Ling Xue sit in.

Later, Zhao Tiezhu returned to his seat, fired the car and went away. This makes the lingering silk around the countless 觊觎凌雪 an envy and hate.

Along the way, Ling Xue wears sunglasses and does not see words.

"Is it good to sleep last night?"

Zhao Tiezhu felt the atmosphere a bit dull and asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ling Xue answered, but in his mind, there was a scene of sleeping on him last night. It was really difficult to sleep on the reverse side. The voices of all kinds of men and women were heard in the whole mind. There is Zhao Tiezhu, there is Sun Jiaying.

The sounds are intertwined, and in the mind of Ling Xue, like the repeater, it is played over and over again, and with the sound playing, Ling Xue’s mind unconsciously has some illusions.

Imagine Zhao Tiezhu's body and Sun Jiaying's body.

With the occurrence of fantasy, Ling Xue’s body could not restrain some reactions. This is a reaction that makes Ling Xue very afraid, because she feels that her body seems to be too sensitive, it seems that it is just After thinking about those things and thinking about those voices, my body is already muddy, and the whole person has an uncontrollable heat.

"Don't I really be a yin. Swinger?" Ling Xue asked himself many times in bed, and then continued to toss and turn.

Therefore, one night, Ling Xue basically did not sleep.

This is one of the reasons why Ling Xue wears sunglasses when he comes out. Because Ling Xue’s eyes are already slightly dark circles, Ling Xue’s own lazy makeup, he will think about it later when he arrives at the auto show. Let people make up their own makeup, and cover the starry sky with the dark circles.

Zhao Tiezhu’s question was only exchanged for a simple okay. This made Zhao Tiezhu a little depressed. He didn’t know that Ling Xue had recalled a night’s passionate scene last night, thinking that he had not offended the chick recently. Why? Suddenly it became so dull?

"Did you have breakfast?"

Zhao Tiezhu continued to ask.

"No." Ling Xue shook his head.

"Oh, is that going to eat?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.


After such a conversation lasted for a minute, Zhao Tiezhu decisively gave up the continuation of communication, but focused on holding the steering wheel.

"It was not very good to sleep last night." Ling Xue also felt that this reaction was too shocking, so he took the initiative.

"Oh, I said." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "How can I sleep well? Do you have a nightmare? Or is it too much?"

Zhao Tiezhu did not say that it was okay. This said, Ling Xue seemed to have seen and heard the low and powerful snoring of Zhao Tiezhu. Everything last night appeared in the same way as the movie.

"No!" Ling Xue shook his head and said.

"Really not? If it is too tired, then don't go. This is just a collateral request of Li Ge. If you don't want to go, no one will force you, and there will be nothing." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"No," Ling Xue said. "It's just a little tired, I can't sleep well. I slept for a while, and called me."

After that, Ling Xue leaned his head on the door.

Zhao Tiezhu sees people like this, it is hard to say anything.

The car quickly came outside the convention center where the auto show was held.

Zhao Tiezhu just got off the bus and a bald head greeted him.

"Iron column brother!"

Killing and screaming and smiling.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the smuggling in a security uniform and said, "How do you change this?"

"Don't you come to be a security guard today? So I changed my work uniform." Junjie said with a smile, "Our people are coming, his mother, this auto show is really big, this whole exhibition. The center has all been wrapped up. There are probably thousands of squares inside and outside. Fortunately, there are nearly one hundred brothers coming over from fj this time. This one hundred people maintain inside and outside. The order should be no problem, of course, the premise is that no one is going to make trouble."

"Let the brothers have a long time, this time, there will definitely be people coming to trouble." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Oh? How is the iron column brother so clear?" asked the murder.

"Let's do this, but it can be considered as stealing people's business." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

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