Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2124: Grab business (6 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,124, grab business (6 more) [1/1 page]


"Scatch the business of others? You mean?" Watching Zhao Tiezhu screaming.

"Let you talk to them more about refreshing eyes. You just don't listen to the latest chapter list of glaze. {Fiction}" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "If this is awkward or heavenly, you can know what I said." what."

"This, I am a bit stupid, I am responsible for it!" quit the embarrassed touch of the head.

Zhao Tiezhu said, "This money help not only controls the underground world of Guangzhou, but also establishes a well-known preservation company in Guangzhou, and generally has any large or more important events in Guangzhou. This security company, which is a money helper, is responsible for the security of the site. Even the last Asian Games, this security company was specially hired by the municipal government to do some local security work. This is enough to see people extending their tentacles. The current auto show, according to my scale, is estimated to be the biggest in recent years, and such a car show, Li Ge did not ask the person who protects the company, but let us come, then you said, we Is it considered to be a business that grabs people?"

"Oh! It turns out that this is a poor Gio txt download! Then you are saying that the person who protects the company will come to this trouble, right?" asked the murder.

"I guess this is the case. After all, if you want to change it to be my words, the business will be robbed by a foreign household. It must not be good, and the foreigner is still an enemy. It’s going to be bad, how can it be in your own? The ground is mixed, and if you come out with a cat and a dog, you can step on their heads."

"Oh, then I will let the brothers pay more attention, and try not to let this auto show be influenced by those people!" said the murder. [\'Fiction`.com]

On the other side, a building in downtown Guangzhou.

"This Li Ge is really not kind!"

Xiao Tianhu frowned and said, "This is obviously our business, but it is handed over to Zhao Tiezhu. It also makes Zhao Tiezhu bring a hundred people to come. Hey, is this really when we don't have a temper?" ”

Jing Wei, standing next to Xiao Tianhu, said with a smile. "It is estimated that Li Ge is paving the way for Zhao Tiezhu."


"This hundred-year-old elite is coming over. It is impossible to go back when the auto show is over. I estimate that these people will be the backbone of the battle after Zhao Tiezhu and the tears of the face." Jing Yu said.

"I think so too. This time, Zhao Tiezhu used such an opportunity to move this 100 people to Guangzhou. It is really beyond my expectation. But now, no one can kill anyone. Win it, you said yes?" Xiao Tianhu asked.

"This is true." Jing Hao nodded.

"Help me pick up the four kings of Ning'an." Xiao Tianhu said with a smile. "We really need to talk to them about how to drive Zhao Tiezhu and the triad to the Pearl River Delta."

At this time, on the other side.

Zhao Kunlun was the five people who looked at him in front of him.

"I didn't expect Dad to let you five people come this time!" Zhao Kunlun seems to see the beauty of the %%. "Dad let you come, what tasks are there for you?"

"Zhao Wangye said, let us listen to your arrangement, and help the Lord."

The head of a long thief's eyebrows bent slightly and said.

"I really let you listen to me?" Zhao Kunlun said, his eyes lit up.

"Of course, less help." The thief-eyed man said, "Zhao Wangye said, you are the one who wants to inherit the dragon gang in the future. Naturally, you can have autonomy in many things. Zhao Wangye also hopes that you can A lot of exercise, so that we can lead us to the future better."

"Haha, mouse brother, my dad really said that?" Zhao Kunlun asked with a smile.

"That is natural, these are all the things that Zhao Wangye said to me is to love you the latest chapter." The eyes of the sneak-eyes of the mouse brother were smashed into a line.

"Haha, then this time, I will do it once and for all." Zhao Kunlun said, "All of you are my elders, they are all watching me grow up. If Zhao Kunlun does something wrong, it’s not right. Everyone can't understand, I hope everyone can tell me more, guide me to educate me, don't because of my identity, everyone will watch me do something wrong and do bad things."

"Zhao Shao, let's learn together and make progress together." A long, thin man like a bamboo pole said.

"Yes, Zhao Shao, we are still counting on being able to follow you with Zhao Wang for a lifetime, and then fight the world together!" Another man said.

Zhao Kunlun's face is full of joy, these people are the main characters in the dragon's helper!

The composition of the dragon gang is actually very simple. The top Zhao Wangye Zhao baby, then go down to the four dragon kings, and the four dragon kings below are the twelve dragons, respectively, with the twelve zodiac to seal the number.

The five people who came here this time are one of the twelve dragons. Each one has at least the strength to quit. If these five are united, even the top 100 people in the gods must avoid their edge. In the case of killing a hundred people in the top of the gods list, it is not impossible, and it is said that if the twelve dragons are all together, even if they can compete against the top 50 of the gods list, only these things are Legend has it that no one has ever seen the Twelve Dragons besieged one person together.

As for the strength of the four dragon kings, they are still confusing in the outside world.

It is rumored that the four dragon kings were the first to follow the baby Zhao in the world, and there were quite a few people, but the last four came to the end.

These four dragon kings have basically stayed with Zhao Bao in the three provinces for a long time. They did not move on the rivers and lakes as early as seven or eight years ago, so the information about the four dragon kings is still very few, most people I only know that the four dragon kings are masters who are not weak in their hands, and there are rumors that these twelve dragons are actually apprentices brought out by the four dragon kings.

As for the facts, no one knows this.

As a super-big gang that ruled the entire northeastern part of the Shenzhou and ruled the plains of Siberia, the dragon gang is not as imaginable as the average person can imagine.

This time, the new five dragons, with a monkey in front, a total of six dragons all gathered in Guangzhou, which is enough to see Zhao Bao’s emphasis on this Guangzhou event, and Zhao Kunlun is the first time. I took a little gang power from my father.

Although it is only a little bit, it is enough to make Zhao Kunlun happy.

"We will definitely get what we want in the end!" Zhao Kunlun said with a fist, excitedly said.

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