Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2125: Auto show site (7 more)

Early charter

[vip] The 2nd and 125th chapter of the auto show site (7 more) [1/1 page]


Every place, every moment, is playing a variety of plots.

Some of these plots have been pre-planned for a long time, while others have only just begun to show up. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

Zhao Tiezhu is not a man of God. He naturally does not know that the Dragon Dragon's Twelve Dragons have already come six, and he does not know that these six people will all obey Zhao Kunlun's instructions.

At the moment, Zhao Tiezhu is carrying a cold face and a strong gas field to go to the convention center.

Simply checked the identity, Zhao Tiezhu and Ling Xue were put in.

The auto show started at two o'clock in the afternoon, but now it doesn't even arrive at noon, so there aren't many people in the entire exhibition center. Only some cars that are coming early are being placed so that they can be put out after the auto show starts. The most perfect shape gives people a photo.

To be honest, Zhao Tiezhu is also participating in this so-called auto show for the first time. In the booths, all kinds of beautiful cars that are not beautiful can be parked there quietly. Next to the car, there are car models. That's a beautiful one, and that's a good figure.

Many are the beauty of Su Yanni.

So many beautiful women gathered together, Zhao Tiezhu this goods can be cool, but because of the reason for Ling Xue, so Zhao Tiezhu did not go forward to find those sisters to a phone number 啥 crack marriage.

Zhao Tiezhu had already called Li Ge at this time, saying that he and Ling Xue had arrived, and Li Ge immediately said that he would come over immediately.

Looking at Li Ge's heat, Zhao Tiezhu has some doubts, this Li Ge, will not be afraid of Ling Xue. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

In the process of Zhao Tiezhu waiting for Li Ge, the smuggling was the beginning of the security arrangement of the entire exhibition center. More than 100 people were scattered to various areas in an orderly manner, almost bringing the entire venue to a zero dead angle. And every person in the area can respond to each other, as long as there is something on the other side, the other side will definitely be able to support for the first time.

Some car models that are taking pictures are seeing this huge pile of strong men. I can’t help but feel curious. They haven’t seen security guards yet, but they have never seen the security guards in the gas field. With the chest, walking and coming to the ground, there is no feeling of dragging the water. Compared with ordinary security guards, there is really a big difference. If you have to say it, these people are not like security guards, more like bodyguards. .

And slowly, someone found the tattoo on the neck of these people.

There are some models from fj, or fj, have a little understanding of fj, after seeing these people's tattoos, there is a feeling of a sudden realization.

"The original people are the elite of fj's Blood Soul Hall!"

It is said that the blood soul hall is sharp, the blood is on the neck, and there is a knife axe or something.

Slowly, these car models are a bit of a discussion, especially those car models that are resting, but also whispered about the total collection of the Blood Soul Hall.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at it with smug look. Blood Soul Hall, I don’t know when it’s been developed from a small iron hand in front to a big gang that is now well-known throughout China. Efforts have finally paid off. If these people know that they are the helpers of the Blood Soul Hall, will there be a large group of people coming up to find themselves to sign? What if someone wants to dedicate themselves to themselves?

Zhao Tiezhu suddenly thought about it again and again.

Ling Xue, standing next to Zhao Tiezhu, calmly looked around the exhibition hall and said to Zhao Tiezhu. "Unfortunately, there is no brand I like."

"What brand do you like?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Aston Martin." Ling Xue said.

"The car is not cheap, tens of millions of up and down!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Few women generally like the car."

"Oh, okay." Ling Xue said, "I like his lines more, but it is too expensive, I can't afford it."

"You will not have tens of millions?" Zhao Tiezhu said unbelievable that Dzi Beads changed.

"Although money is used to enjoy it, but more often I like to make more money, an Aston Martin, more than 40 million. If you use it for me, I can earn at least one in a year." Ten million. The feeling of making money is more comfortable than having Aston Martin." Ling Xue said.

"Hey, you businessman." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Are you jealous of me?" Ling Xue looked at Zhao Tiezhu with his head.

"No, no, no, you are because you are a businessman."

At this moment, a man who was dressed very formalally went to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hello, my car show has not yet started. What are you doing?" the man asked.

"I am looking for someone." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Who are you looking for? Which model is it? If you need it, I can help you find it. Now our venue has to be temporarily cleared. Except for the staff, everyone else is not allowed to stay in the venue. I hope that you can support our work!" Although the man said with a smile, but his face is with a hint of anti-objection, and the eyebrows are slightly upturned, looking a little proud.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "No problem, my friend is estimated to be coming soon. It is better to do this. I will go out first, and later my friend will arrive. I will come in again."

"Oh, sir, we are not allowed to enter and leave here. If you want to wait for friends here, I guess you can't wait. It is better to wait in the hall outside, so the probability of waiting for you is higher. The man said with a smile.

"Cheng." Zhao Tiezhu did not have more nonsense, turned to Ling Xue said, "Let's go, wait for someone to come in."

Ling Xue’s face showed a strange smile.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "This, don't look at me with the kind of smile that looks down on people. Isn't this someone else yet? Let's go out and wait."

"You Zhao Shao, will be cleared by people!" Ling Xue said with a light smile.

"You are responsive to me." Zhao Tiezhu shrugged and said, "Let's go, I am not Zhao Shao."

“Is this lady the model of the exhibition?” the man suddenly asked.

"She is." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "It is also my female companion."

"Oh, if you are a model, you can stay, but this gentleman..." The man looked at Zhao Tiezhu helplessly.

"I go, women are privileged!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

at this time.

"Iron, I am sorry, I am late."

A hearty sound sounded, Li Ge appeared not far away, and looked apologetic to Zhao Tiezhu.

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