Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2126: Gold sports car (8 more)

Early charter

[vip]The 2,216th chapter of the gold sports car (8 more) [1/1 page]


"It’s too early for us." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at Li Ge. Li Ge’s side changed another woman this time. It’s not the same as the woman she saw on the indoor circuit. List of chapters. {Fiction}

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart moved, it seems that this Li Ge is also the same person.

The woman around Li Ge is also a beautiful woman. When she saw Ling Xue, she was on guard.

Ling Xue's gas field is enough to kill the general beauty, even if this is the woman who is qualified to follow Li Ge, it is also a feeling of pressure in a moment.

"You must do your thing first."

Li Ge went to Zhao Tiezhu and said to the staff who had been dull.

"Ah? Ah! Ok, Mr. Li, this gentleman..." The staff looked at Zhao Tiezhu and asked tentatively.

"This is our guest, Mr. Zhao Tiezhu." Li Ge's temper seems to be very good. He smiled and said to the staff member, "This person is a big rich man. You didn't offend him?"

"Nothing." The staff member shook his head and said, "Just just to clear the scene here, so... I made some things in the regulations."

“Oh?” Li Ge’s eyebrows picked and said, “Are you going to clear my Zhao’s brother?”

"Nothing..." The staff quickly shook his head and looked at Zhao Tiezhu with a look of help.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "The people are responsible for the latest chapter of the imprisonment."

"Then you apologize to Zhao Laodi. " Li Ge said.

"Mr. Zhao, I am sorry, I just didn't know Taishan." The staff quickly nodded to Zhao Tiezhu and was waisted.

For such a small person who is as small as the Japanese prime minister's little jj, Zhao Tiezhu has no idea at all, so after nodding his head with a smile, he will decisively ignore this person.

The man did not talk much. After a deep shackle, he turned and left.

"Sorry, let you see a joke." Li Gemei smiled apologetically.

"Haha, it's okay, you have a little fuss." Zhao Tiezhu said, "It's a small thing that can't be small. When I was out of the river, I met a lot more than this." It’s also like a cloud, what is this?”

"Oh, indeed." Li Ge smiled and nodded, then looked at Ling Xue and said, "This is Ling Xue?"

"Hello Li, hello!" Ling Xue’s face showed a smile, and the sunglasses that had been worn on his face did not know when it was picked up by Ling Xue.

The so-called rich money can make the ghosts push, and Li Ge has already had a certain amount of money, even if it is Ling Xue, it is not good to have a coffin face.

Of course, there is another reason here. Li Ge and Zhao Tiezhu are friends. When Ling Xue meets Zhao Tiezhu’s friend, if there is a coffin face, it is undoubtedly not to give Zhao Tiezhu face.

I don't know when it started, Ling Xue will take care of Zhao Tiezhu's face.

I have to say that this world is so wonderful.


After seeing Ling Xue’s appearance so close, Li Ge was shocked. He didn’t know why there were beautiful girls like Ling Xue in the world. This is beyond the scope that ordinary people can understand. The five senses are so refined that there is no flaw, and the skin is the real kind of blown bullet.

"you are so Beautiful."

Li Ge said sincerely, "I have never seen a beautiful woman in my life, and the beauty of the national treasure level has seen it, but there has never been anyone who can compare with you."

"Thank you, Mr. Li." Ling Xue smiled and said, "In the man I have met, there is no man, you can compare it with Li."

"Hahaha, I love to listen to you." Li Ge smiled and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Zhao Laodi, you see what people said, but she has never seen a man who can compare with me, haha. You can Don't be sad!"

Zhao Tiezhu shrugged helplessly and said, "I couldn't compare you with the fight of online games. I can't beat the full text."

"I don't like to listen to you, let's be friends, why do you compare things that are not there?" Li Ge shook his head. "We are at your heart, are you right?"

"Yes." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "The relationship between men and men is not to see how much money you have, how much power there is, but because I see you are not pleasing to the eye, your character does not meet my temper."

"That's right, but we still don't stand here, let's go, iron pillar, I will take you to see the booth of Ling Xue." Li Ge said as he walked forward, "This time I Specifically, people came by air from Dubai and came over a good car, haha."

"What a good car?" Zhao Tiezhu curiously followed Li Ge's back, "Golden sports car." Li Ge smiled proudly.

"Golden sports car?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Li Ge with doubt.

"Well, you will know when you look at it later." Li Ge said with a smile. "That is the best thing."

Zhao Tiezhu walked along the side of Li Ge to the depths of the exhibition hall, while Ling Xue was next to Zhao Tiezhu.

After about a minute, the two came to the front of the biggest booth.

There was a car parked on the booth. The car was covered with a red cloth. People couldn't see the inside of the car. They could only see the outline of a car.

"This is the golden car."

Li Ge went to the booth, and a few blood soul halls responsible for the safety of this area helped the public to take a step forward in front of Li Ge. Zhao Tiezhu waved them directly to let them back.

Those few people quickly retired.

Li Ge went to the car and picked up the red cloth on the car.

At that time, the cloth was picked up, and Zhao Tiezhu seemed to see a golden light bursting out of his eyes.

"My grass!"

When the golden light slowly disappeared, Zhao Tiezhu saw a scene that shocked him.

In front of his eyes, it is a car!

A full-body golden car!

This... What is this stuff?

Zhao Tiezhu was shocked to see the golden car, and looked at Li Ge with doubt.

"This is a car made of pure gold, but it is not gold!" Li Ge reached out and touched the body gently. "The market value of this car is about 3 billion. It will wear out every 100 kilometers." Losing 50 grams of gold, this is a veritable gold car!"

"I am grass, this is no place who has more money to burn!" Zhao Tiezhu said with emotion.

"Haha, not the oil tycoons." Li Ge said, put the cloth on the car again, and then said, "Iron pillar, this time you have to let your people protect this car well!" ”

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