Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2150: Fearful fear (32 more)

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[vip] The 2nd and 150th chapters of the trepidation (32 more) [1/1 page]


(There are still more than forty. It will be added to the 71-series full-text reading. " to see the fastest free novels") "This... This is what happened." Huang manager looked at Zhang Bei with confusion.

"The woman is not really a woman, a woman, or a place." Zhang Bei said calmly. "I have met a lot of virgins, so I know it. For anyone who has cheated me, I have only one." One way to deal with it is to let her die."

"Is it really installed?" Manager Huang’s face showed a sly look. "I... I don't know this. I just saw that there is such a good one, so... I just thought about introducing it to Zhang Ge, 唉This thing is that I am not authentic, let Zhang Ge you are also cheated, and the person will die when he dies. You will hand it over to me to deal with it, just hope that the future, Zhang Brother still has to take care of it."

"It will definitely be." Zhang Bei said, "I have to trouble Huang Manager again."

Not long after, the police came to investigate, and found that the woman did take drugs, coupled with the operation of Manager Huang, very quickly, the death of a 18-year-old girl, was simply regarded as a high-altitude, Even if the parents of this girl are not convinced, but in such an era, you can't believe it, what can you do? People say that it is the free reading of the full text of the chaotic world. What can you make if you are a fart? Finally, is it not worth it?

Although some things are very ugly to our fart people, for example, a person who commits suicide is killed, but in a considerable number of elites, this is the necessity of their privilege. Otherwise, the privilege is placed on the body. What is the use? Some people say that the judge sentenced a person to death, this is power. Others said that the emperor forgave the death penalty of that person. This is called power. In fact, what is the real power? The real power is that when everyone knows that a person commits suicide, it is impossible to cut off his own hands and feet and then cut off his head. You said that he committed suicide and he committed suicide! I want you to be killed and you are killed. (Pure text Make trouble again, you should be suicide, or be suicide.

This is the power of the red fruit!

This is the most helpless thing in this era. We know that many things are like this, but those who have the power are not allowed to say that the deer is like that. We can only spray those people on the Internet. On the other hand, we I still have to rely on those people to survive and fight, and I am afraid that I will be suicide on my own day. I am afraid that I will be bullied and helpless.

Zhang Bei once again felt the benefits of power. However, Zhao Tiezhu’s sudden appearance last night was to let Zhang Bei, really have a terrible battle.

Zhao Tiezhu did not ask Zhang Bei where to live, but he could still find his own place of residence. This is not a simple explanation of the intelligence. This is almost a godsend!

Why can Zhao Tiezhu easily find the residence of Zhangbei? In fact, it is very simple. Zhang Bei estimates that Zhao Tiezhu must have an overwhelming intelligence network, and that information network can control Zhang Bei’s every move.

Otherwise, how can I explain that Zhang Beigang was appointed to come to this dog fighting field last night, Zhao Tiezhu will appear in due course? Is this coincidence?

Zhang Bei thinks that this is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence. If there are so many coincidences in the world, then everyone should not do it. Wait and see if you can happen to have a relative. You have very rich money and then no children. The property is for you.


Zhang Bei shook his head and all of them were Zhao Tiezhu’s weird smile.

At this time, Zhang Beizheng was in his room. When he thought of Zhao Tiezhu, Zhang Bei felt unconsciously blowing a smog.

Zhang Bei looked around and would you have some cameras left by Zhao Tiezhu in this room?

Zhang Bei looked around and determined that there was nothing left by Zhao Tiezhu. Zhang Bei laughed and laughed at himself. Now he is really a little bit of grass and feels the latest free chapter of the undead.

"Hey, let's do things honestly." Zhang Bei's courage, not to be scared by Zhao Tiezhu, was completely broken, but that little ambition was scared by Zhao Tiezhu.

People, ambition is a good thing, but if you don't have that life to complete your ambition, then your ambition is a cloud.

Compared with life, ambition is a bit insignificant.

"Hey, things at night are also a problem." Zhang Bei smashed his temples. Tonight, he will take people to the money to help find things in the field. This is not a matter of finding them. You have to find them. Reasonable, you have to be famous, just like that Xu Yin wants to go to Li Ge's auto show to make trouble. If you are unnamed, it is easy to expose your true intentions. On the other hand, it seems that the city is not enough.

In the rivers and lakes, you want people to think that your city is not enough, then no one will find you to find something, the rivers and lakes are not about playing pigs and eating tigers, but the strength of the eight children.

People who play pigs and eat tigers often end up being eaten by pigs.

Time to go back a little.

Zhao Tiezhu took the murder and left the private club.

"Iron brother, why don't you kill him?" asked the murder curious.

"It’s a shame that it’s a little bit of a chess piece, so it’s a shame.” Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, “I might give him a chance. If he is interested, he will continue to make the pieces and eventually become a chess player. If he doesn't know how to be interested, we can't lose this abandonment and change something else."

"Oh?" asked the murderer, "Iron brother, how do you change?"

"Oh, traitors, there will always be some value. Some people are willing to pay a little price to clean up the traitors in his organization. It’s like me. If someone makes me five million now, then he told me that they are lurking in our blood. The traitor in the soul hall, I am very willing to pay the money, of course, the premise is that the traitor has a certain identity." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Iron column brother, you said that we are in the soul of the soul, will there be people like Zhang Bei?" asked the murder.

"Yes, and more than one." Zhao Tiezhu said, "What we can think of, others must be sure, don't go down the wisdom of others. In this case, the best way is to keep it forever. A humble heart."

"Know it." He nodded and said, "I will definitely increase the intensity of internal rectification and try to make those traitors have no place to stand."

"Oh, look down." Zhao Tiezhu said, "When the traitor is such a thing, it will be there, depending on whether he can function."

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