Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2151: Take over the casino (33 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,151, took over the casino (33 more) [1/1 page]


"Isn't it all a scourge?" asked the murder.

"Some traitors, if used well, can bring us benefits, and some traitors, if you use it badly, it is likely to be bitten by anyone. Everything is two-sided, just look at how you go. Look at him, and if a gang is also properly internal and stable, and has a positive and energetic spirit, then the traitor will not use it. Looking at the past and the present, but if the traitor plays a role, then the group has already been swaying. The tree is free to read in the full text of Red Dust. "Search for the fastest free novel in .com," Zhao Tiezhu said. "Zhang Bei is a man with ambition, but he is not bold enough, or he has already turned us back. Why do you still hesitate to wait until now? In this case, I will give him a good shot, let him put those flowers and minds down, at least in the game of the Pearl River Delta, I need him to charge for me."

"Hey, Tiezhu brother, stay with you, I always feel that the pressure is great." Killing said, "Call, you are better than me, my brain, and smarter than me... I feel that I have nothing to exist. ""

"Oh, you can still hit the run and run the dragon." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"My grass, I just said it casually, you really have to pick up the chiller president: beautiful affair, no!!" said the dissatisfaction.

"You said it, if I don't pick it up, is that still my style?" Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"Right, Tiezhu brother, you said that the woman who was with Zhang Bei tonight..." asked the murder tentatively.

"I must die." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I originally intended to keep her a life, but she did not listen to me, and our words, not ordinary people can listen. If Zhang Bei is smart enough, he will not let that woman live. Going down, I have pity for another life that has just bloomed, and it’s so fragrant and ruined. (Pure text

"I don't know how to be funny, but I should live if I die."

Early the next morning, Zhao Tiezhu saw from the TV what was being jumped from the building. He smiled and gave a call to Zhang Bei.

At this time, Zhang Bei, thinking about how to pick things up at night, the phone suddenly rang, and Zhang Bei was shocked. When I saw the familiar number, Zhang Bei’s heart hangs. He did not have Zhao Tiezhu's number, because it is likely to reveal his identity, but Zhang Bei is keeping the phone number of Zhao Tiezhu in his heart. This number is Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhang Bei carefully picked up the phone.

"The heart is full of sorrow." Zhao Tiezhu said after the phone was connected.

"This... all for the sake of Zhao Ge's big thing."

In front of Zhao Tiezhu, Zhang Bei did not go to the words of the grandiose, did not say that I am not killing, this kind of things are well-informed, in the case of each other knowing the truth, but also to those who have No, it’s a little boring.

"I hope that you can have such a heart at night." Zhao Tiezhu said, "At night, I might go to the nightclub to see."

"Zhao Ge, do you go in person?" Zhang Bei asked in surprise.

"Well, I have to see if there is time." Zhao Tiezhu said, "This is the case first."

Listening to the beep on the other end of the phone, Zhang Bei was even more nervous. At night, Zhao Tiezhu had to go in person. It must be to monitor himself. Moreover, this is also forcing himself to stand firm because, if Zhang Bei In the money to help trouble, it must be the support of Xing Yi'an, and if Zhao Tiezhu announces the identity of Zhang Bei, then Xing Yi'an is stupid to support Zhang Bei? In the end, Zhang Bei will definitely fall into the trap of no one else!

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is too heavy.

Zhang Bei felt that Zhao Tiezhu began to be mysterious and unpredictable.

Of course, Zhang Bei does not know, Zhao Tiezhu is a lot of things, it is still very coincidental, such as going to the doghouse last night, it is a coincidence, as to why you know the location of Zhangbei room, it is actually very simple, Zhao Tiezhu asks about Huang million Naturally, I know the latest chapters of Chinese style in street dance.

In fact, Zhao Tiezhu did not have the same evil that Zhang Bei thought, but Zhang Bei’s preconceived view, after seeing Zhao Tiezhu’s many in fact, did not have any thoughts, there would be some extra imagination.

Of course, this is definitely Zhao Tiezhu’s opinion.

After hanging up the Zhangbei phone, Zhao Tiezhu rushed to Shenzhen Bay without stopping. He wanted to go out and go to Hong Kong.

Why go to Hong Kong?

Very simple, Li Gebao promised to give Zhao Tiezhu's two casinos, today Zhao Tiezhu has to rush to take over.

Going along with Zhao Tiezhu, there are 20 elites of the Blood Soul Hall. These people will become the first group of helpers of the Blood Soul Halls in the two casinos. The public came over and was responsible for maintaining the normal operation of the entire casino.

After passing the customs, Zhao Tiezhu was directly at Tsim Sha Tsui. He met Lee Gee here.

Not long after, Li Ge’s car appeared in front of Zhao Tiezhu, a silver-white Rolls Royce.

"Let's go. Take my car." Li Ge invites.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and sat in the two Rolls-Royce, which looked dazzling and couldn't do it. The two went to Macau.

This time, Li Ge will transfer to the two casinos that Zhao Tiezhu took over. In Macao, the locals can only be regarded as mid-range. The money earned in one year is not over 100 million. This kind of casino Li Ge will be willing to give Zhao Tiezhu, it is impossible to Li. Will the gem give Zhao Tiezhu the biggest casino he has? Then, unless Li Ge’s brain is broken.

"You can hand over the operation of the casino to a special person. I suggest that you keep these people. These people have been working in the casino for some years. I usually give them what they do. They make me feel at ease, I know. You can't stay in Macau for a long time, so you can continue to use them. They make money for you every month, and then you can earn the money you earned. It's as simple as you can save your effort and effort. Of course, on-site. Security, you have to come by yourself. I used Hongxing people before. Now I can’t use Hongxing anymore. Your blood souls are not necessarily less than our Hongxing."

"No problem." Zhao Tiezhu and Li Gee stood on the second floor of the casino. The size of the casino is relatively large. The various gambling devices are complete. The traffic is also good. It is said that the two casinos are similar. The scale, so Zhao Tiezhu came to this casino, the other one directly let the smuggling take the past to take over.

Soon, the two casinos became the industry of Zhao Tiezhu without any warning.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu also voted for Li, and promised to give Li Geshi a nightclub in the center of fj. Although there is no casino high, it is also a wish of Zhao Tiezhu. Li Ge is naturally a smile.

"Next, it is to find our prince to take things!" Li Ge smirked and said to Zhao Tiezhu.

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