Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2152: Prince's happy life (34

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[vip]The 2,152 chapters of the prince's happy life (34[1/1 page]


The prince has been very comfortable recently.

His father, the deputy gang of money, because of the recent tense situation, is not as strict as the princes in the past, and after his father relaxed his discipline, the prince can almost dream of drunken life every day. To describe the difficulty of reading the full text for free reading. {Fiction}

Here I have to talk about the prince's father.

The name of the prince’s Laozi is Wang Di, yes, it is the emperor who sounds like an emperor.

With the name of the old man, this can only have the son of the same style name, just like Zhao Ergou and Zhao Tiezhu.

At the very early age, Emperor Wang mixed with the current helper of the money help. Naturally, the qualifications were accompanied by some cleverness and then the relationship with the iron buddies of the gang, so the emperor became a deputy gang, and I have been doing my best to help with money.

The emperor’s son is still stricter. The prince can almost be said to have been beaten up by his own son, but now that the prince is an adult, the emperor is not as ruling as the prince, and the prince Because of the strict discipline of childhood, people have only been an ordinary second generation. Of course, there are occasional flying cockroaches. The old man at home is so powerful. You don’t fly, you are really sorry for your power. The latest chapter on split marriage.

On the one hand, Wang Di teaches his son, but on the other hand, he is also teaching his son, for example, how to manage some industries. Therefore, although it is less than 30 this year, the prince’s subsidiary has already had many industries. Of course, big. The name is still hanging under the name of money. {Fiction}

Because of those industries, as well as the power of their fathers, the prince became the top group of Gongzi in the entire Pearl River Delta region. Then naturally it was smooth sailing and a business. People heard the prince’s behind the first major force in the Pearl River Delta. The deputy lord of the money help, naturally know how to do business with them, so after so many years, the prince also made a lot of money for himself.

However, most of this money is still under the control of the king, and recently, the Emperor did not have so much time to manage the prince, so the prince suddenly had a feeling that the monkey was put into the mountains.

Throw a few hundred thousand today, sleep this star, throw another million tomorrow, grab two female stars to play double flying, the day after tomorrow is to go to a well-known club, directly to the head card to win, and then play.

Anyway, the prince feels that if his life can continue this way, it is really complete.

Last night, the prince was indulgent for a night, and, for some pig friends, the prince tried the peony for the first time last night.

That kind of dreamy feeling makes the prince still comfortable and straightforward to find a woman to vent.

Just next to a woman who was brought back from the night scene last night, so the prince directly rolled over and pressed it up, and then it was some work.

Just when the prince’s passion was going to flourish, the prince’s phone rang.

It is a phone with no name.

The prince just pressed it.

As the top son of the entire Pearl River Delta, he can receive calls from countless people who want to climb himself. These people don’t know how to know their phone number. Anyway, they just call and send text messages. All kinds of pleasing, at first, the prince will be a little bit sloppy with others. Later, the prince is looking at it. For those who ask for themselves or who have their own plans, you don’t have to be too polite, so the prince In the face of such unnamed phones, they all look at their moods and pick up when they are in a good mood.

At the moment, the prince is cool, obviously does not want to answer the phone.

After the phone was pressed, the prince continued to fight on the woman in front of him. Finally, the prince whispered and left all the essence of the statement in the woman's body.

The woman hasn't had time to be happy yet, but the prince said, "You go to the toilet and get those things out. Go back and eat again. Don't think about keeping my kind, if you let I know that you have left my species, I will kill you."

The woman’s face changed. She knew the identity of the prince. Otherwise, she would not open the room with the prince. The prince’s essence of life is not comparable to that of ordinary silk. If you can give him life. Whatever a son came out, it would not be able to run away from the wealth of a lifetime, and even a woman who might become a prince, which made a group of women choose not to wear a set when they went to bed with the prince.

Women, when choosing to go to bed, may be more casual, but when choosing their son's son, many people are very savvy, and some silk can occasionally go to some good women, but you don't I want to leave something in the body of the people. This is why some goddesses always ask for a set when they go to bed with the silk, but they can wear it when they go to bed with Gao Shuaifu.

To put it simply, the essence of ** silk is ** fine, is not qualified to remain in the body of the goddess. Maybe you are sexual. The ability is outstanding, and occasionally you can give the goddess some physical comfort. As for making a child out, don't think about it.

Closer to home.

The prince didn't look at the woman any more, but took a pair of underwear directly from the side and put it out, and then took a piece out of the cigarette in the bed and squatted into the toilet.

After a while, the prince came out again, then dressed, took a card from the handbag on the side, and threw it in front of the woman who had left him in the essence of her life, and said, "The head here. There are 100,000 yuan, which is the money to avoid the pregnancy drug. I told you that there should be no luck. In a few days, I will misunderstand and let my people take you to check. If I check out something, then I can only follow You are sorry."

After that, the prince wanted to go, but the cell phone rang again.

The same number.

The prince pressed directly.

However, after a few seconds of pressing, the number actually hit again.

"Looking for death." The prince snorted and picked up the phone and said, "If you can't say something that interests me, I will definitely let people find you along this number and kill you."

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a while, this temper, seeing up."

There was a contemptuous male voice on the other end of the phone.

The prince frowned, and the voice was a bit familiar.

"Who are you," asked the prince.

"You forgot, when you last raced, you lost five of my nightclubs." The phone said with a smile.

"Zhao Tiezhu!"

The prince said with a glimpse of his eyes.

"Oh, it is me!"

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