Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2166: How is it trouble? (46 more)

Early charter

[vip] What happened to the 2,166 chapter? (46 more) [1/1 page]


Zhao Tiezhu never minds a night. Love, of course, here mainly refers to Zhao Tiezhu himself, if it is his own woman and other men overnight, love, Zhao Tiezhu will definitely split the man.

So, if you come out to play, if you are empty, and I happen to be lonely, then I don’t care to go to open a room with you. I will be refreshed if you are cool, but if you leave any contact method or something, This is Zhao Tiezhu absolutely unwilling to do, on the one hand because Zhao Tiezhu is now a half public figure, Sun Jiaying's rumored boyfriend, but also a big investor in Guangzhou, on the other hand, Zhao Tiezhu is very clear, some things can only Just play, if it is too serious, it can only hurt the emotional woman 30 is the full text of the fairy. [\'Fiction`.com]

The so-called one. The night is one. The night, don't mention the feelings, it hurts the feelings.

As for the leopard female, will she finally catch up with the captain, this is not what Zhao Tiezhu can intervene. This woman is quite good in Zhao Tiezhu’s opinion. The figure is good and the face is good, and the son is in the villa. The woman can't compare it. If such a woman gives a donkey, would it be appreciated to thank me?

Zhao Tiezhu thought about it in a wretched manner while sitting in the passenger seat and asked Liu Ruoxu, "Mr. Liu, this big night, the lonely man and the widowed woman in the car, what instructions do you have, or if you want me to accompany you? Do you chat and talk about loneliness?"

"I just hope that you can keep a low-key list of the latest chapters of Transformers." Liu Ruoxi generally drives the car and calmly says: "Although you are helping people with money, I am very happy, but you try to get things done." Influence is controlled in a range, not everything you have to do when you are doing it, sometimes it’s not enough to finish things, but it can show your ability. (Pure text Tonight More than two hundred people gathered there, what is it? More than people? Are you so naive?"

Although this is very calm, but Liu Ruoqi’s anger, Zhao Tiezhu is listening, Zhao Tiezhu also understands, after all, this is Liu Ruo’s land, and she is doing a play in her land, that is to Liu Ruoxi. Embarrassed, people will say, oh, are you not the mayor? Will there be such a fight for hundreds of people in your land? How do you maintain social security in peacetime? Are you negligent or have limited ability?

"This, I will pay attention to it next time." Zhao Tiezhu groaned and touched his head and said, "It is mainly this time. The man has to play with me, and he has to be more than me."

"In the land of money to help you, more people than people, leisurely panic?" Liu Ruoxi said, "If the emperor opened his mouth, directly to you to pull five hundred people, the underground world here, is money to control, The top of the money is the relationship between the provinces. If you come from outside, even if you have a big investor on your head, but if you say no bird, you will not be a bird. You should pay more attention to yourself. When you lose money and you have to withdraw your investment, it really hurts you."

"It turns out that you are worried about this!" Zhao Tiezhu suddenly realized, %% said, "I will not be able to get rid of my investment even if I suffer from setbacks. You can rest assured."

"That's it." Liu Ruoxi nodded and said, "Where are you going, I will take you there."

"I am going to the **** bar." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"It’s a bar? Going alone? I just saw that bald head. He seems to be your assistant? Why didn’t he accompany you?” Liu Ruoxi asked.

"He? In the evening he is going to talk to a few girls." Zhao Tiezhu said with a bad smile.

Liu Ruoxi’s people who are crawling and rolling in the officialdom are naturally fascinated by this kind of thing.

"You mean, with a few girls?" Liu Ruoxi asked.

"Of course, there are probably three or two." Zhao Tiezhu nodded from his own self, but suddenly picked up the phone and beat it out.

Not long after, the voice of the smuggling came from the other end of the phone. Next to the sound of smuggling, the voice of the woman’s laughter and **** could be heard faintly.

"Come on. Forget the Zen master, come and tell us the scriptures, we are waiting for the big Hong Kong 1957txt download!"

"Yes, forget the Zen Master, come and smack us, we need to improve our realm."

"That is, forget the Zen Master, hurry, I am the little goblin, come and smoke me with your stick."

"This, Iron Pillar, what? Need me to find you?" Asked to stop and ask.

"No, little things, your business is important, first finish your business, call you, just tell you, you are the first time, the first time you face three women, it must not eat, remember Let people bring you a Viagra, this thing can be extended to eat time, when the province says that you are not good at Dharma."

"This, I will let people bring it to me." Stop and say, suddenly screamed and shouted, "You...oh, don't suck."

"I am grass."

Zhao Tiezhu has decisively hung up the phone. He can already imagine the yin chaos on the other side of the phone. Only Zhao Tiezhu is not a defender, his brother, how can he be grand, right?

Liu Ruoxi was a little uncomfortable and twisted his body. This Zhao Tiezhu didn't know how to respect people. He even said in front of his own face what Wei Ge said about three women at a time. Is it really a man who is not a man?

Zhao Tiezhu apologetically looked at Liu Ruoxi, Liu Ruoxi's heart is finally comfortable, your kid knows embarrassed?

Just did not expect, Zhao Tiezhu said, "My friend is the first time, maybe a lot of things do not understand, I have to teach him, hehe." Liu Ruoxi turned a blind eye and said, "Where are you going?" ”

"XXX bar." Zhao Tiezhu said.


And at this time, at the **** bar.

This bar is located in another district of Guangzhou. If it is prosperous, it is not as good as coco, but the popularity is not losing coco. This is the industry of Xiao Tianhu.

At this time, in the coco bar, a group of crazy men and women are squirming their bodies in a crazy way. Alcohol and psychotropic drugs have caused these young people to fall into a certain illusion. Some of them are shaking their heads, others are holding them. A woman gets up and down her hand.

At the bar counter of the bar, Zhang Bei was sitting with a few men and drinking. These few men had a dragon to help the locals, and there were also those who were sent by the Blood Soul Hall. One of them was Huang Million.

Huang million did not understand why Zhang Bei had to come to this money-help site. Although there was nothing unusual on his face, he was a little vigilant in his heart. Wouldn't this North be to cooperate with the money helpers? If this is the case, when you report to Zhao Ge, you can report it as a heavyweight message!

Zhang Bei is looking around while drinking.

How do you make trouble?

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