Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2167: Start trouble (47 more)

Early charter

[vip] Chapter 2,167 begins to make trouble (47 more) [1/1 page]


It’s actually very simple. You can drunk directly and then find someone who is not pleasing to the eye to tease two or three sentences. Basically, you can fight. The bar is like this. If you drink a few cups of horses, it’s easy to feel that you are the boss. The most powerful person.

In fact, the most easy to fight in the bar is generally ** silk, there is absolutely no contempt for the meaning of ** silk, just a simple sentence, the rich and handsome people of the eight classics can not fight with you, accidentally being your * *Silk is dead, he lost, accidentally killed you, if the family is too good, at most, you will lose some money and then find someone to pack it, ok, if the family is not too hard, that means Maybe you have to go in for a few years, and even some have to follow you to the list of the latest chapters of the demon king. (plain text

Therefore, most people feel that their lives are more valuable, and they are not guilty of those who drink horses and madness.

Therefore, after drinking a horse, it will be troublesome. It is a silk that is worthless for a few dollars. Every day, it is oppressed by the boss. There are not a few wages. By the spirit of alcohol, the emotions of the body are vented. come out.

These people are very teasing, but Zhang Bei is now a big brother-level figure, %% going out, is it a bit too weird? It’s like Zhao Tiezhu will now pull a person on the road and abuse the family?

Will the elephants step on the ants when the elephant is ok?

If this is not true, then it is really a matter of fact, and it will be suspected of your intentions. Is it really just a matter of doing things, or is there another plot?

Since ** silk can't be teasing, you can only find someone who looks like a successful person.

Zhang Bei sat on the bar and looked around. {Fiction}

Not long after, Zhang Bei saw a man.

It was a man who looked very young.

The man is very fashionable, sitting in the box next to him, there are several women beside him, and there are also several men. The proportion of men and women in the bar also says that the woman in the box is obviously more, and the man The wine on the table, although the dim light makes people can't see clearly, but it can be seen that there are several bottles of wine on the table, and there is no black tea green tea. Simply put, those people drink wine, If you don't mix alcohol, you can drink it directly. This is different from the average person in the bar. The average person in the bar is mixed with drink. A bottle of wine can be used to replace ten bottles of black tea, so you can drink one night and save money. When people look at your drinking, you feel that you have something.

Zhang Bei’s eyes smashed, and the man in the box was a raw face. Zhang Bei once remembered the appearance of a person with a face in Guangzhou. Although he couldn’t see his face as soon as he saw his face, his face was familiar. However, it is possible to recognize it at once. Zhang Bei is actually a very hard-working person. Otherwise, he will not come to Guangzhou and soon will be a middle-level cadre of Xingyi'an.

Since that is a raw face, it is definitely not a privileged person. At most, it should be a little bit of money, or it can be said to be a foreigner. Such a person is the easiest thing to do.

Zhang Beiyi poured a few mouthfuls of wine, and after the wine of his body came up, Zhang Bei said to several other people, "You are playing here, I am going to the toilet."

Said, Zhang Bei went straight to the box.

And just happened, a woman in the box was going outside the box, and then, it happened to meet Zhang Bei.


Zhang Bei took a hand and slammed it on the woman's buttocks. The woman was wearing a small b-skirt, which was especially thin. Zhang Bei took a shot and it was a crisp sound.

Feel good.

Zhang Bei felt a bit, but he said, "Little girl, how many numbers are you?"

In this kind of bar, there are generally two kinds of women, one is the bar girl, which is the girl hired by the bar to mobilize the popular people. These people walk between the tables and are responsible for encouraging people to consume. There will be a number plate, so that people have to give a flower, and it is relatively simple.

There is also a sister who is brought by myself.

The woman was obviously the sister of the man in the box. After being photographed by Zhang Bei, the woman slaps directly to the face of Zhang Bei.


Zhang Bei did not hide, or did not think about hiding at all, directly slap in the face.

"My grass!"

Zhang Bei reached out and grabbed the woman's hand and shouted. "Neuropathy, I will not ask you a few questions."

"Let me go, I don't know you, I am not a bar girl, a mud horse." The woman is not a good person, she just came out.

"Rely, you scold me!"

Zhang Bei’s direct slap in the face of the woman hit the past.



The woman's body squatted back a few steps, then squinted and directly turned back to the person in the box and shouted, "Hey, someone hit me!"

At this time, Zhang Bei and the woman were in a position not far from the box. Therefore, several men in the box suddenly heard the woman’s cry, and then the woman covered her face with a pear and rain. Look, the men in the box stood up and squatted. Then rushed down from above.

The young man that Zhang Bei saw was the last one to walk out of the box, then walked to the woman who was beaten, gently glared at the woman and said, "What happened?"

"Hey brother, that person just took advantage of me, but also hit me!" Beauty pointed to Zhang Bei.


The young man squinted and looked at Zhang Bei and said, "Have you hit my woman?"

"Cut, wear so exposed, I thought I was a little girl in the bar. I didn't expect it to be your female companion. I accidentally got it wrong. Can you slap me in Nima? Are you looking for death? You Do you know who I am?” Zhang Bei’s eyes said a little embarrassedly, a mouth is full of alcohol, although the most bar is alcohol, but Zhang Bei’s alcohol is quite strong.

The young man frowned and said, "What happened when you took advantage of my woman's cheapness? Don't say it is a slap in the face, I just want your life, what can you do?"

"Hey? A big tone?" Zhang Bei smiled disdainfully, then reached out and waved at the people on his side.

The people of the Blood Soul Hall naturally have been paying attention to Zhang Bei. When they saw Zhang Bei’s movements, these people walked directly through the crowd.

"Zhang Ge, what happened?" Huang said.

"I am grass, some people are looking for us trouble!" Zhang Bei said, looking at the opposite man, asked, "Reporting on the name, Laozi does not fight the nameless person." "Stubborn." Young man cold Said coldly.

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