Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2169: Honor (49 more)

Early charter

[vip]The second thousand one hundred and sixty-nine chapters of honor (49 more) [1/1 page]


"Grass, what happened to me?" The people who watched the scene were not very good-tempered. Of course, no matter who made trouble in their own field, it would definitely not give a good look.

Moreover, the people who watched the scene actually looked down on Xing’an’s people, because in the eyes of many people who helped the money, Xingyi’an belonged to the big money. If you look at Wei’s Wu in the Three Kingdoms period, Xingyi Ann is the early country, the weak is going to die, if not the people on our side are pulling you, you have long been the latest chapter of the love of the triad. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

This also caused the money helpers to have a sense of superiority when faced with Xing Yi'an.

Right now, this sense of superiority is perfectly reflected on the face by this person who looks at the scene.

Zhang Bei angered, "I am a man of Xing Yi'an. I was slapped in your field and wanted to take revenge. Can't you?"


Although the man looked down on Xing’an, but now Xing Yi’an is still an ally of money, and this person seems to be someone from Xing’an, and such a person is slapped in his own field. To take revenge, you will say that you have loved me in the past.

"This person is cheaper for my woman. My woman slaps her in the face. He also slaps me a woman. You say, who is this thing?"

Reluctantly cold face said, the North has been stopped by people, so I have a chance to breathe. "I am spending it on your side, it is not once or twice, A Bao, this thing. If you want to give me a reasonable explanation, I will definitely not come back to you later.

"Strong brother don't be angry." The sturdy man did not expect to be called a feminine name like A Bao, and looked as if he knew how to be reluctant. After listening to the reluctant words, A Bao said to Zhang Bei. "Does your kid account for a cheap woman?"

"My grass, I thought that the woman is the girl in your field!" Zhang Bei said: "Who knows what the **** is? I am grass, the boat is so exposed is not a bar girl? What happened to the ass? I did it. I still have to be pure, I will not wait to see this! You said that you will not give people a day at night? I have the right to have money, I can’t touch it. I can’t give you money, you will accompany me at night. Take a nap and give me a few shots, all of which are sold out, and you are pure in paralysis."

Zhang Bei’s words were quite vulgar and hegemonic. He directly let the stunned stunned. He barely thought that this person was still so fearless. The people who watched the scene had already come out. They dared to say such words and barely stared. Zhang Bei said: "It seems that my temper is too good, being treated as weak!"

Said, reluctantly said to Ximen Qing on the side, "Call the people of ours, and do not unload the limbs of this person at night, I am barely mixed in Guangzhou!"

"Don't talk!"

A Bao can be anxious, although this is not particularly strong, but in all the guests who come to his own bar, this barely ranks at least the top three, and this person is particularly willing to spend money, every time I don’t want to spend ten or tenth of it. This kind of gold is mainly because this time things will not come again, and the loss is still his treasure!

Therefore, A Bao calmed and reluctantly, but on the other hand, he turned back and called Zhang Bei. "I am a muddy horse. In my field, do you dare to compare? You don’t say whether you are a cadre of Xingyi'an, even if you are Xing Yi'an cadres, a broken Xing Yi'an, really thought that you are the second child of Guangdong Province? I grass, Lao Tzu is the most unseen person who is Xing Yi'an, the garbage is not to die, but also follow us all day long. I am afraid that I will be bullied by people. Do you have such a gang of gangs? I am going to change it to be me. I have to make money early and low-key. You still have to come to the eye and tell you, this evening, you will apologize to the strong brother. Or, let's let you climb out of the bar! "Zhang Bei was shocked. He was only going to make a fuss, and then intensified the contradictions. I just didn't expect this side to directly start with myself. It looked very general in front of me. People, is it really what the character of the cow x is not? This year, I didn’t bring pigs to eat tigers like this. It’s a bad taste, I’m very boring to know?

However, at the moment, Zhang Beijian is on the string and has to send it. If it is retreating at this time, then there is no meaning in this evening's affairs.

Therefore, Zhang Bei shouted directly at his throat. "I am grass, you are jealous of us." "I am yelling at you, how is it?" Abao called, "Xingyi An is a garbage, and a middle-level cadre." What about your middle-level cadres at the level of one of our small captains, playing with Mao? Do you not accept it? Laozi specializes in all kinds of dissatisfaction!"

"Brothers, I heard it!" Zhang Bei turned to a few younger brothers standing behind him. "The people who have been loyal to Yi’an have never done anything. Today, someone has insulted our gangs. Even if we are thrown out of the bar, it is not good at night!"

"Can't be good!"

A group of people standing next to Zhangbei were filled with indignation. Of course, the people here were all pretending to be out, and those who were originally gangsters were really angry. After all, their gangs were shackled. Garbage, that can't be hanged on my face?

The sense of honor is the core of a gang and a good thing that can unite people.

Zhang Bei decisively provoked the anger of the two gangs. Then, when they reached the critical point, Zhang Bei decisively cried. "The grandchildren of the money help, although the old son Xing Yi'an is smaller than you, but definitely not I am so kind, if you have one, let us climb out tonight, otherwise, I will not be good with you!"

"My grass, you are looking for death!" A Bao decisively couldn't bear it. He directly went to Zhang Bei's head and fanned it. Zhang Beiyi hid, picked up the wine bottle on the table and looked at A Bao's head. I am going down.


With a crisp sound, the bottle really squatted on A Bao's head.

A Bao was stunned.

He did not expect that a small middle-level cadre of Xingyi'an would dare to shoot himself, and he still took his bottle and licked his head!

A little warm liquid flowed from the head.

A Bao touched his forehead.

Wet and have a smell.

See the blood!

"My grass!!!! Brothers, killing this little hybrid of Xingyi'an!" Abao cried, regardless of the injury on his head, decisively attacked Zhang Bei, and the other dozens watched the scene. People have also rushed to the front.

A melee, it started.

At the bar door at this time.

Zhao Tiezhu is standing in the place where Liu Ruoxi is standing to buy tickets. Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile to Liu Ruoxi. "It’s boring to go back too early in the big night. Let’s go play together."

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