Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2170: Play (50 more)

Early charter

[vip]The 2,170th chapter drama (50 more) [1/1 page]


Liu Ruoxi originally wanted to refuse, but Zhao Tiezhu let Liu Ruoxi agree to it in one sentence.

"This is a place for money to help. I will take you to the theater at night, and I will help you with revenge. This evening, I will officially start the latest chapter of the school. [\']"

This is what Zhao Tiezhu secretly told Liu Ruoxi.

After that, Zhao Tiezhu glanced at Liu Ruoxi's eyes.

Therefore, Liu Ruoxi was brought into the bar so confused.

This is the first time Liu Ruoxi entered the bar.

For the first time in this life.

Enter the bar.

The noisy voice made Liu Ruoxi feel a little uncomfortable, and the whole head would tremble with the shocking music.

“The first time I came to this place?” Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"Well, the first time!" Liu Ruoxi nodded, with a pair of big sunglasses on his face, wearing sunglasses in such a dark place, it was a bit of a feeling of force, but here is the bar, in the bar, What kind of people are there, Zhao Tiezhu has also seen men wearing stockings, so these strange clothes are all clouds.

"Haha, nothing, we will drink a little wine, then watch the show." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

Liu Ruoxi nodded and did not say anything.

Zhao Tiezhu came to a position with Liu Ruoxi and made a few bottles of beer.

After sitting down, Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes wandered around for a while. Soon, Zhao Tiezhu heard the sounds of screaming and the latest chapters of the screaming screaming gods. "Search for the fastest free novels on .com"

The sound of the entire bar dj quickly stopped.

Then everyone looked at the place where the screams came.

I saw a group of people outside the bar, a group of people are playing together, one of them is the bar to watch the scene, the body is wearing uniform uniforms, the other side, but some faces are not familiar, the number of people The gap is quite big, but the party with a small number of people is very hard-working. Although several people are hanging out, they still sing their lives. There is a kind of posture that the old man will bite off if you are not dead.

“What happened?” Liu Ruoxi asked, frowning. “Is it a lot of time to fight in the bar.”

"This, okay." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "mainly this evening, you need to act."

"Lecture?" Liu Ruoxi looked at Zhao Tiezhu puzzled.

"I will show you the drama, just look at this." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "Right, these days, you will help me to pay attention to the high-level dynamics of your provincial government, especially Liu Changfeng."

“Liu Changfeng?” Liu Ruoxi asked. “Are you still okay with him?”

"It can be, but the most unbelievable thing in this year is the official, so it is still a good time. If there is any movement on his side, you will tell me immediately." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Then I am not an official? If you want to, I will believe?" Liu Ruoxi asked.

"You are different." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "I believe in the words of women."

"You are really... passionate...lang." Liu Ruoxi's face with a clear playful look, Zhao Tiezhu did not care shrug.

The other side of the bar.

Zhang Bei’s body has been hung up, his mouth has been opened, and his nose has been beaten with blood. There are several wounds on his body. However, Zhang Bei has not retreated.

Zhang Bei’s eyes are shining with scarlet light, he wants to vent!

Originally, Zhang Bei’s ambitions have been caused by the success of the tracing, but Zhao Tiezhu’s sudden appearance and the mysterious means have made Zhang Bei’s ambition disappear instantly without a trace, but this ambition is not evaporating. However, Zhang Bei gave the hard-pressed suppression to the deepest part of my heart. At present, there is a chance to vent. Zhang Bei decisively vented all the dissatisfied grievances in his heart through his fists.

Zhang Bei, who is not afraid of death, was finally decisively brought to the wheel by A Bao.

A Bao is also a man on the road. Although he is afraid of sorrow, he is afraid of being desperate, but the people on the Tao naturally have the means to cure those who are not dying. Moreover, not everyone will be feared by the other. Death to scare Senro's latest free chapter.

Those who have had blood on their hands and have passed their lives are not so embarrassed.

Huang million and several other people were first smashed, Zhang Bei was the last one to fall, and was surrounded by a mess.

However, it was because of his identity that Abao did not die, but after successfully stunned Zhang Bei and others, he lifted these people and threw them directly outside the bar.

At this time, Zhao Tiezhu only saw an old friend of his own, barely.

"How is he here!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at him with a strange look and went straight.

At this time, I was reluctant to thank A Bao’s derogatory. I did not expect a familiar person to appear in front of myself.

"Oh, ha, iron column, why are you here!" cried out in surprise.

"Haha, play with friends, and you will see that you are here." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "What happened, what happened?"

"Hey, it's a little broken." Reluctantly smiled and said something happened to Zhao Tiezhu. Zhao Tiezhu listened, and my heart was amazed. This North is really looking for someone. So many people here. Looking for, I found my friend barely!

Moreover, reluctance is still the most distinguished guest that can be found in the present, and it is precisely because the reluctant distinguished identity is placed there, so this Abao will help the barely, if Zhang Bei casually Looking for some cats and dogs, that Abao really does not necessarily have to offend Zhang Bei for the A-cat and the dog, and will not be as bad as Zhang Bei.

"Hey, it’s quite good!" Zhao Tiezhu said to the reluctance.

I can barely know that Zhao Tiezhu said that his own person would find a reluctant trouble. He thought that Zhao Tiezhu said that he could meet him here. He said with a smile, "I really have a good relationship. How many drinks do you have?" ”

"to make!"

Zhao Tiezhu nodded.

"A Bao, thank you very much!" Reluctantly walked to the side of Abao, who was cleaning the battlefield, and said, "This kindness, I wrote down."

"No, what, strong brother, you are drinking here, I went to the hospital to dress up!" Abao said, turned and left, and Zhao Tiezhu went to Liu Ruoxi, and told Liu Ruoxi to see The reluctant thing, then took Liu Ruoxi together to find a few glasses of wine.

Because Liu Ruoxi has been wearing sunglasses for a long time, so she barely recognized Liu Ruoxi, but she felt that the woman was a little familiar and very proud. She saw that she had not taken off her sunglasses.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Zhao Tiezhu took the lead and took Liu Ruoxi to leave the bar.

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