Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2171: Good play (51 more)

Early charter

[vip]The 2,171st chapter of the good show (51 more) [1/1 page]


Outside the bar.

Several people in Zhangbei are lying on the ground like mud. When Zhao Tiezhu came out, a few people were thrown out. It has already passed fifteen minutes. At this time, several people in Zhangbei, although they have been awake, have not fully recovered. Consciousness, the body is a list of the latest chapters of the scarred dragons.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and looked at a few people in Zhangbei. Just wanted to go, a police car screamed and drove over.

A few policemen from the car, one of them called, "What happened to the matter, who is going to fight!"

When Zhao Tiezhu looked at the man, he was happy. Was this the old week that appeared when he was confronting the prince?

The old week was received by the police. The old week of this night felt very depressed. I planned to take a break in the bureau and tease the female subordinates. The result was called out by a phone call, and then I finally found it. The chance of the prince of Bajie, the result is a more powerful existence.

Now it’s hard to go back to the game and plan to continue to play the female subordinates. The result is again called by a phone call, saying that someone at the door of the **** bar was seriously injured.

In this case of fighting, the police are the least like to pick up. There is no oil and water in the first place. Secondly, they may see blood and are unlucky.

Lao Zhou did not intend to come out, but it is said that money is a good thing to follow Xing Yi'an. Lao Zhou only got it. Just got off the bus. When Lao Zhou planned to prevail, he saw a smiley eyes. Staring at myself, looking at the owner of the eye, Lao Zhou’s heartbeat is directly filled with a half-shooting and laughing at the latest chapter list. "I am grass, why are you still!"

Lao Zhou looked at Zhao Tiezhu and wondered if this person would deliberately chase himself. Then he saw the woman next to Zhao Tiezhu. [\'Fiction`.com]

As a policeman, Lao Zhou’s ability to recognize people is still very high. When I look at the silhouette of the woman, there is a person in the mind of Lao Zhou.

Mayor Liu Ruoxi!

I am grass!

Old Zhou saw a woman wearing sunglasses and directly confirmed the identity of the woman. It was the mayor Liu Ruoxi.

I dropped a bite, the mayor actually accompanied Zhao Tiezhu to soak out, this... If you say it, it is the biggest gossip in Guangzhou's officialdom this month!

Lao Zhou is figuring out how to pull the best of this gossip, and sees the woman wearing sunglasses looking at herself.

I don't know why, the old week is very certain, Liu Ruoxi must have seen himself, and, through the sunglasses, Lao Zhou can also be sure that Liu Ruoxi must be watching himself with a warning eye.

Therefore, the person who knows the time is directly ignored by Zhao Tiezhu and Liu Ruoxi for Junjie’s old week, and went to Zhang Bei and others.

"It was recognized." Zhao Tiezhu took Liu Ruoxi to the parking lot on the side and said.

"He dares to say, just wait to sweep the road." Liu Ruoxi said calmly.

"Haha, it's really murderous!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Give me the keys, let me drive."

"Right, we are drinking, can't drive!" Liu Ruoxi said, "I let the driver come over."

"No." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head and said, "This is so late, it is not easy to trouble people, let me open, my technology is still quite good, and will not open fast, believe me!"

Liu Ruoxi handed the key to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Then you will send me home first, remember to open slowly!"

"No problem." Zhao Tiezhu took the key and walked straight into the car.

Twenty minutes later.

In the courtyard of the Municipal Party Committee.

Zhao Tiezhu stopped the car and then got off the bus and said to Liu Ruoxi, "I will send you up?"

"Well, I have something to say to you," Liu Ruoxi said.

"Not a private matter?" Zhao Tiezhu smirked.

"It's a private matter!" Liu Ruoxi nodded and walked in front of him. Zhao Tiezhu smiled and followed.

Liu Ruoxi's home.

Zhao Tiezhu sat on the sofa, and Liu Ruoxi was sitting in a boss chair and asked, "How do you plan to help the money?"

"This is a secret, I have said the list of the latest chapters of the Buddha's eye sand." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You have what I need to cooperate with." Liu Ruoxi continued to ask.

"This, let's talk about it later." Zhao Tiezhu said, "I will try my best. Of course, there are some things that are contained in the periphery. You have to help me. Moreover, the law and order in Guangzhou may be worse in recent days. So, you have to take a bit more."

"What about Dongguan?" Liu Ruoxi said, "What are you going to do?"

“Guangzhou is one of the most important cities in the Pearl River Delta, and it is also the provincial capital of Guangdong Province. If it can be beaten down, then Dongguan is not a problem at all, and as long as it can win the money, Xingyi’an is difficult to support, or it’s a tortoise. Get up, either just run, and if he is shrinking, I will directly attack him." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Then I will try to help you." Liu Ruoxi said, "However, you try to control the movement to a small size. After all, in this era, stability is better than everything. I don't want any smudges on my resume that are not conducive to my promotion. ""

"I know." Zhao Tiezhu said, "Look out, you are a woman who is very passionate about power."

"Fortunately, I was instilled with such thoughts since I was a child." Liu Ruoxi said, "So, I have the status."

"But, are you not empty?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smirk. "As a woman, climbing so high, what do you say that men deserve you?"

"I am satisfied with power." Liu Ruoxi's face showed a radiance, "I don't need a man."

"Okay." Zhao Tiezhu stood up and said, "I have to talk about it here first. I have to go back and deal with some of the follow-up things. I won't stay too much. If you need me to warm the bed, I will call me."

Liu Ruoxi looked at Zhao Tiezhu and did not speak.

"It's really no fun, you have a virtue with Ling Xue, but fortunately, you are not as cold as Ling Xue."

Zhao Tiezhu said, he turned and left Liu Ruoxi's room.

"Men?" Looking at the figure left by Zhao Tiezhu, Liu Ruoxi secretly recited a sentence and suddenly felt that his body was hot.

Liu Ruoxi gently reached out and touched his chest. Then he smiled and smiled at his face. Liu Ruoxi turned and walked into his bedroom and gently closed the door.

Not long after, a burst of suppressed buzz came from the bedroom.

Who said that women are not lonely?

After Zhao Tiezhu left the Municipal Party Committee, he received a text message.

"Zhangbei has already been admitted to the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou. At present, Xiaosi is in the hospital to see Zhangbei."

"Hey." Zhao Tiezhu looked at the text message, lying on the sofa happily, said to himself, "Good play, finally to start."

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