Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2172: Departed! (52 more)

Early charter

[vip] The 2,171nd chapter was separated from the medicine of rebirth! (52 more) [1/1 page]


At this time, in the inpatient department of Guangzhou First People's Hospital.

In a luxurious vip ward. {Fiction}

Zhang Bei is lying in a hospital bed.

Some bandages were tied to the body, especially on the head, and a large band of bandages directly wrapped the entire head. Zhang Bei’s arm is hanging on the arm.

Sitting next to Zhang Bei’s bed, a man sits.

This man is one of the four kings of Xingyi'an four kings.

Xiao Si’s face looked gloomyly at Zhang Bei in the hospital bed and said, “You are sure, it’s the money helper, take the initiative to provoke you!”

"OK, the fourth brother." Zhang Bei nodded seriously. "You think, I just entered the city center, how could it be so high-profile?"

"You honestly told me about what happened tonight." Xiaosi said, "Don't give me any details. If I find that you are cheating me, the consequences, conceit!"


Zhang Bei wanted to nod, but he felt a pain in his neck, and his face twitched directly.

"Don't move." Xiaosi said.

"Well, my fourth brother, this is the case!" Zhang Bei said. "I went to the bar with a few buddies tonight. You know, the bar is next to the place where I live. As a result, we are at the bar. I have been drinking for a long time, then I am going to the toilet, I met a woman on the way, and I was very **** when I was wearing it. Then I touched her **** and felt very good. As a result, people turned back. I slap, I think, how can I not fight back when someone hits me? I gave her a slap, and she called her man. Her man seems to be helping the people who watch the field with money. I am familiar, then I will say that I am a person of Xing Yi'an, and then they will yell at us and say that we are a small gang who needs to be blessed by them behind them, saying that without them, we are nothing, I just thought, although we are not as good as them, but we can't let them say so, so I started with it, gave the man who called Abao a bottle, and then we started playing, oh, Four brothers, we Less, have not played them, you will lose face three demons Flurry free to read the full text. "

"Don't say this." Xiaosi's face shook his head calmly and said, "I have a few questions to ask you now."

"Four brothers ask."

"First, let's have a place for ourselves. Why do you want to go to the money to help drink?" asked Xiaosi.

"Because the bar is close to where I live, there is the dog fighting ground, so we went there, and we know that it is controlled by money. We are not an ally with money, so we naturally Go!" Zhang Bei replied.

"The second question, why do you want to touch the woman's ass?" asked Xiaosi.

"This...the woman is really beautiful, and she is too sloppy. I thought it was a bar girl. I am not familiar with the bar. It is the first time I went there. I am not very familiar with the people inside, but I am Think, wear so little, that is definitely not a good thing, you know, it’s normal to touch and touch the bar, so I touched it."

The little four nodded, and the two answers of Zhang Bei were logical. The bar was next to the dog-dog field in Xingyi'an. It was easy to go to the north to drink. As for the ass. The people who mixed the underworld have nothing to pay attention to. When it comes to a beautiful woman who licks some oil, it is normal and normal.

After a moment of silence, Xiaosi then asked, "Does money help people over there, really so?"

"Of course, I am grass!"

Zhang Bei said, his eyes are widened. "They are more difficult to listen to than me. I am grass, anyway, that is, we are worse than them. They are holding their thighs than their garbage. Four brothers, I am this person, though. The time to come in here is not long, but I am so happy that I have the label of Xingyi An, and people say Xing Yi An, how can I stand it!"

"Then you will start first?" asked Xiaosi.

"Of course, first ask the latest chapters with your eyes!" Zhang Bei said, "It’s natural to beat people first! How can I say that the two sides are bright and ready to fight? I am not so stupid, I will follow him first. The bottle, if you can get rid of him, then you earn it. If you can't, it can make him lose some combat power, but at night the person is too powerful, and they have too many people, oh, otherwise they must kill them. "!

Zhang Bei said while he sighed with regret.

Xiaosi carefully observed the look of Zhang Bei. He couldn't see any traces of lying from Zhang Bei's face. Zhang Bei was completely a **** that was smashed by his gang and then angered.

"I will endure this kind of thing in the future, how much I endure!"

Xiaosi frowned and said, "You are not just a mixed society. Don't pay attention to a person who knows the time is a handsome person? You are less, you still hold people, and it is no wonder that you will be thrown to the road." on."

"Four brother, I will not wait to see others despise me!" Zhang Bei said dissatisfied. "He is right, but his cow can despise me? I am... no, it is me, I am not coveting him." What did he do with me?"

"Haha, you, you." Xiaosi shook his head with a helpless smile and said, "You will be a coward."

"I don't care so much anyway, he has to dare to say, I dare to give him another bottle." Zhang Bei said.

"Hey." Xiaosi snorted and said, "Do you have a courage to say someone who has beaten me? You said it is true. Money is helping the cows, but we are not weak, where are we? It’s an alliance, not a vassal. I will give you an explanation for this incident."

"This... Four brothers, will it make you embarrassed?" Zhang Bei hesitated, said.

"If their two assistants came out, I would have to be embarrassed." Xiaosi smiled and said, "A person who looks at the scene dares to marry us. It is really awkward! You are here to recover." The doctor said, it’s all bruised. After three or two days, I will be able to go to the ground. At that time, I can arrange for you to work."

"That... then thank you to my fourth brother, I need to say something, even if I say it!" Zhang Bei said.

"There is nothing I need now, well, I will go first, come see you later."

Said, Xiaosi stood up and walked out of the ward of Zhangbei with a few confidants.

At the door of the ward.

“Did anyone ask?” asked Xiaosi.

"Asked!" A confidant stood in front of Xiaosi and said, "According to the news from feedback, Zhang Bei said that more than 95% of the information is true. As for the others, although there is a slight error, It didn't have much impact."

"It seems that money help, really when they are the boss! I really think that there are foreign enemies, I feel high up!" In the eyes of Xiaosi, flashed a cold mans.

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