Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2389: Ye Jia and Shi Jia

Zhao Tiezhu will also be a real man. ""

However, Zhao Tiezhu never put such a person's joints so unloaded, and look at Ye Shishi's appearance, but also very easy!

"You are all looking for our president to learn?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No." Ye Shishi shook his head and said, "This is what my master taught me. Ancient martial arts, not only the uncles." Ye Shishi said.

"Uncle Shi?" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Yes, the president is the uncle, that is to say, your master is the president of the brothers, is the relationship between the brothers and sisters?"


Ye Shishi’s rare few times did not ignore Zhao Tiezhu, and said with a slight smile on his face, “As long as you let me study your blood, I will teach you some of the most mysterious ancient martial arts that will allow you to at least fight. Play more than 50% of the strength!"

"So a cow x? You won't be bragging?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ye Shishi obliquely, although he believed in Ye Shishi's words, but Zhao Tiezhu had to take advantage of the cheap psychology, so he chose not to believe Ye Shi at this time. If you talk about poetry, if you are negotiating, you can take advantage of it more cheaply.

"If you don't believe it, then forget it." Ye Shishi shook his head and said, "Everyone's ** has limits, even if it is as strong as a person on the Dragon List."

"Longbang? Do you know Longbang?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Longbang is just what I think you might know, so I told you that Longbang, above the Dragon List, there is a **** list, and above the gods list, it is a legend, these things, from you, may be far away." Ye Shishi The tone is gentle, "The people on the dragon list have very strong force, and the physical qualities of each other, the top three, the latter, are similar, and why in the same situation Some people can be the fourth, some people are the tenth? This is related to their skills and techniques, and these skills and technology, we call ancient martial arts, in the uncle, you may be able to learn some fur, But you can never learn the most exquisite part of ancient martial arts. You can't find anyone in the whole of China. Any genre of ancient martial arts can compare with us or their family."


Zhao Tiezhu was suddenly stunned. He once heard people say that Shijia can be regarded as the most mysterious family in China. I don’t know where to live. The people inside are very powerful. It is said that one is out. They are all able to compete with Qinglong, and their own good brother Lao Shi, their own guess should be related to the family, but did not expect, in such a place, can actually meet with the family, this... Should this be said that the world is really wonderful or fate?

"If you give me your blood for research, I don't mind telling you something about giving me something." Ye Shishi may also see that Zhao Tiezhu seems to be a little curious about Shijia, and smiles and says, this time Ye Shishi, there is no such thing as a cloud before, and it seems that any person who meets what she likes will become like a mortal. In this world, too There is no such thing as a true desirelessness, just to see what you need to find what she needs.

"Your surname is Ye, why do you say that you are a family?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and asked, he also ignored the later words of Ye Shishi.

"Our family, with Shijia is a neighbor, I have been studying with my master since I was a child, and I am a second home!" said Ye Shishi.

"Oh!! The last question."

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes flashed a strange look. “As long as you answer my question, we can start talking about my blood.”


Ye Shishi nodded.

"Your surname is Ye, then it means that you are a Ye family, right?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.


"There are you Ye Family, where is it?"

When Zhao Tiezhu asked this question, there was an excitement in his eyes that was difficult to suppress. Why is this happening? Because Zhao Tiezhu’s aging mother is the surname Ye!

Some people may say that there are thousands of people in the world who have surnamed Ye, and the family named Ye is also tens of thousands. Even if Ye Qingxia is very bullish, this Ye Shishi is also very good, but the two seem to be It doesn't matter much, but Zhao Tiezhu has an intuition in his heart. His mother, with this leaf poetry, must have a relationship. First of all, Shijia is a hidden family, right? And Ye Jia can be a neighbor with Shijia, then it proves that Ye Family is not simple, right? If Ye Family is just a simple family, is it qualified to be a neighbor with others? Will Shi’s family raise Ye Family’s children from an early age? This is absolutely impossible! And my mother, also from Ye Family, is also from a family that has barely appeared in front of the world. So, if you contact this, there is a possibility that there will be some connection between the two! ! !

"We Yejia..." Ye Shishi’s brow furrowed slightly and said, "This, can't say."

"Why can't you say?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"We don't want to be exposed to the world too much." Ye Shishi said, "We Ye Jia and Shi Jia, have already withdrawn from various disputes in China. Our ideals are no longer how to be in China, but will be old. Everything left to us by our ancestors is thoroughly studied. Our family rules are not to let people know where our Ye family is. Therefore, if you know where our Ye family is, then you are likely to get some trouble. For anyone who knows where our Ye family is, either, we will absorb it into the Ye Family, or we will obliterate it."

"Cut, have you obliterated me?" Zhao Tiezhu snorted disdainfully.

"You are too arrogant." Ye Shishi shook his head and said, "It is useless to say that, you can say something more."

"Then tell me about it, Shijia, where?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Tell you where the family is, then you don't know where Ye is?" asked Ye Shishi.

"But your family rules do not stipulate that you can't tell others where to apply?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"This is not." Ye Shishi shook her head.

"That's it. Let's talk." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"No!" Ye Shishi shook his head again.

Zhao Tiezhu bit his teeth and said, "If this is the case, then I will ask you, you just have to answer yes."


"Yejia, is it in the Kunlun Mountains!?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

Ye Shishi’s eyes were slightly bright, but then he suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhao’s neck.

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