Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2390: Oops, real dog blood


Zhao Tiezhu snorted and raised his hand directly.


Ye Shishi’s five fingers were buckled on Zhao Tiezhu’s wrist. I saw Ye Shishi’s finger in the middle of Zhao Tiezhu’s wrist. Zhao Tiezhu felt his hands numb in an instant!

"It is another ancient martial art!"

Zhao Tiezhu's face is unchanged, and the muscles harden instantly.

The feeling of the numbness disappeared in an instant. Then, Zhao Tiezhu’s other hand stretched out and attacked the ribs of Ye Shishi.

Ye Shishi did not hide or scream, so she sat so straight, the hand caught on Zhao Tiezhu’s wrist, a fierce bend, and then stunned, actually bypassed Zhao Tiezhu’s wrist and went straight to Zhao Tiezhu’s left chest. .

There, it is where the heart is.


Zhao Tiezhu’s hand hit the ribs of Ye Shishi one step at a time, but Zhao Tiezhu was stunned at the moment of hitting.

What about ribs?

It was supposed to be in the ribs of the ribs, and at the moment when Zhao Tiezhu hit it, it seemed that there was no such thing as a slap.

"Breaking the bones, I am grass!"

Zhao Tiezhu has been in the rivers and lakes for many years. Naturally, he knows that there is a stunt called shrinking. However, this stunt is generally seen in stealing children. When there were rumors, this bone-removing work was passed from the swallow Li San. This poem of poetry will actually shrink its bones. Is this too illusory?

Ye Shishi’s palm was directly printed on Zhao Tiezhu’s chest. After a muffled sound, Zhao Tiezhu’s body trembled.

Power is still a success!

Zhao Tiezhu secretly said that a woman is a woman, and this power is just general.

at this time.


Four consecutive times, very rapid muffled sound.

In the palm of Ye Shishi, three palm prints were changed, and within one second, they were quickly printed on the same place.

First, Zhao Tiezhu’s body just shivered. Secondly, Zhao Tiezhu trembled fiercely. Thirdly, Zhao Tiezhu felt that a huge force was on his body. This third giant has not yet Dissipated, the fourth power, directly let Zhao Tiezhu fly out.

Yes, it is flying out!

Zhao Tiezhu flew out like a kite with a broken line.



A burst of noise rang, Zhao Tiezhu fell to the ground two meters away, and some tables, chairs, and anything, scattered to the ground.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly put his hands on the ground and let himself stand up.

Immediately, Zhao Tiezhu felt that his left chest had a burst of pain, and it was still a little hot.

Zhao Tiezhu looked down and saw that his left chest clothes were directly broken into pieces by Ye Shishi. At the chest, a dark red handprint was so clearly reflected in his own eyes.

Zhao Tiezhu looked up and looked at Ye Shishi with shock.

The strength of the total of four times has turned out to be doubled. If the first force is two hundred pounds, then the second is four hundred, the third is eight hundred, and the fourth is directly one thousand six. This doubles the power, Zhao Tiezhu sees nothing! Of course, if it is only the case that doubles twice, Zhao Tiezhu himself will, but like this three times, I don’t know how many times, Zhao Tiezhu asks himself not.

"who are you??"

Ye Shishi stood in the same place, looked at Zhao Tiezhu, and asked with a calm face.

"I am going, you dare not change a new question. How many times have you asked me about this question?" Zhao Tiezhu wiped his palm print on the helpless hand, and a pain came from the top. It seems that this Palm print is still bloody.

"How do you know about Kunlun Mountain?"

Ye Shishi saw Zhao Tiezhu did not answer the question, and did not ask again, but asked another question.

"You will be so excited, it seems that I am right!" Zhao Tiezhu took a deep breath, just did not use the internal gas for the first time, so this only ate the loss of Ye Shishi, and this wound though Looking at it is terrible, but Zhao Tiezhu knows that this can only be regarded as a skin injury, so now Zhao Tiezhu is also very easy to look at, and there are still a few cards that he has not played. Can you stop this poetry? What must be done now is how to open the mouth of Ye Shishi and let her teach her lost ancient martial arts. If she can learn a little bit, then she can overcome the Qinglong, but it is just around the corner.

Qinglong, has always been like a mountain, pressed on Zhao Tiezhu's body, heart.

"If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, then I will take you back to Kunlun Mountain." Ye Shishi said.

"You..." Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ye Shishi, after pondering for a while, said, "Do you know Ye Qingxia?"

"Auntie Qingxia!?"

Ye Shishi’s face finally showed a surprised look. "Do you know Auntie Qingxia?"

"Yeah." Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "It's quite familiar."

"No wonder."

Ye Shishi’s face showed a clear look and said, “It seems that you should be a person close to Aunt Qingxia, or else Aunt Qingxia can’t tell you about us.”

"Crap, Laozi is her son, of course close."

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart groaned and said to his mouth, “Qing Xia, who are you? How do you call her aunt?”

"She is my big sister."

When Ye Shishi came out, Zhao Tiezhu was decisively stunned.

My own mother, is the poem of Ye Shishi? According to the general logic, isn’t he the cousin of this poem?


I go! Do you dare not to be so bloody!

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ye Shishi, his face was really unpredictable, his aging mother turned out to be Ye family, and this beautiful and sharp woman in front of her eyes turned out to be her cousin, the so-called master of this cousin, it is estimated It has a relationship with his own aging mother, and Ye Jia and Shi Jia are neighbors. It is estimated that the aging mother and the Shijia people are also familiar with each other. Is it true that they can be regarded as the world?

"How do you know Aunt Qingxia?" asked Ye Shishi.

“How can I know her?” Zhao Tiezhu said, pointing his finger and saying, “I have known her for more than 20 years.”

"Twenty years?" Ye Shishi frowned slightly, slowly, Ye Shishi's eyes, suddenly wide.

"You mean... you mean!" Ye Shishi pointed to Zhao Tiezhu, and the voice shook slightly. "You are the son of Qingxia aunt!!"

"We don't look like it?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No wonder." Ye Shishi shook his head and said, "No wonder I think you are familiar."

"Hey, cousin, this is a trouble, we are all family, you also hit me, what is this thing!" Zhao Tiezhu shamelessly set up almost.

"We can't really count as a family." Ye Shishi bit her lip and said.

(Ye Shishi is actually the cousin of the Iron Pillar, good dog blood oh~ Is it necessary to come to a close relative... will it be too evil?)~See the first advertisement without advertisement, please go to ""

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