Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2393: Being bullied

Zhao Tiezhu does not really like the hospital. ""

Whether it is a private hospital or a public hospital.

The smell of sterilized water in the hospital always makes Zhao Tiezhu feel uncomfortable, and what makes Zhao Tiezhu even more uncomfortable is the death of the hospital.

When I was a mercenary in a foreign country, Zhao Tiezhu could be said to be a frequent visitor to the hospital. Sometimes Angel sent him to the hospital. Sometimes Lei Zi sent him to the hospital. Of course, sometimes it was Zhao Tiezhu. These two people were sent to the hospital, and more than Lei Zi and Angel, Zhao Tiezhu also sent many brothers and friends to the hospital, but some brothers and friends, always lying in the hospital bed.

Zhao Tiezhu has seen too many lives and deaths, so the hospital is synonymous with death in the eyes of Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu hates death and hates distinction. However, what is more, this year, is more powerful than death? Strong as a green dragon, can't hang, can't you say what you have to say?

Zhao Tiezhu raised his hand and held his hand slightly in front of the nose, hoping to absorb a little bit of disinfectant water.

The biggest difference between a private hospital and a public hospital is its decoration.

Public hospitals, you have more money, hospitals can not do the same as the palace, then people who come to see the sick, look at your luxurious decoration, may feel that you are all made with their hard-earned money, Originally, the mood is not so good, then it becomes even worse, and then it is likely to be something, and private hospitals are different. The decoration of private hospitals is much better than that of public hospitals, because the main services of private hospitals are It is some celebrities, rich people or powerful people. Some of these people have got the disease, and some of them may be unspeakable. For example, if a female star is pregnant with a child who does not know who it is, what should I do? Can't go to a public hospital? Then line up the registration, with a group of big aunts to hang obstetrics and gynecology? This second day, the female star got fire. Or a male star is infected with sex. I can't go to the old military doctor. Or is it a little rich honey to have a baby, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, the same to come to a private hospital.

The best place in a private hospital is that ** is very well protected. Just now, Zhao Tiezhu did not come in outside the hospital, mainly because someone stopped at the door.

Private hospitals, not everyone can come in, come in, not everyone can stroll, maybe you can open the door, you can see what people often see on TV.

Zhao Tiezhu did not go everywhere, just simply swayed in the lobby, and then found a place to sit down, patiently waiting for Ouyang Ying to find himself.

After about ten minutes or so.


A roar sounded from the building, although the sound has become very small, but vaguely can feel the anger inside the voice.

Although private hospitals are good, they are all well-known people, and celebrities generally have a relatively strong temper. Therefore, many people working here must be careful, and one person who has been accidentally has to be jealous or even In the case of being beaten, and still unable to resist, here is the main and passive relationship between the doctor and the patient. It is completely different from the public hospital outside. In the public hospital, the doctor is the boss, he is the biggest, he is not a bird. You don't bird you, you dare to compare, he will let you ****, and in this private hospital, your doctor dare to compare, the patient will let you ****.

Then, after a minute.

A pretty figure appeared on the stairs, Zhao Tiezhu looked, isn't that Ouyang Ying?

Zhao Tiezhu just stood up and wanted to greet him. As a result, he saw Ouyang Ying wow and cried and ran towards himself.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly greeted him.

"Hey, my brother!"

Ouyang Ying hugged Zhao Tiezhu and buried his head in Zhao Tiezhu’s chest, sobbing in desperation.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Tiezhu asked as he patted Ouyang Ying's back.

"No...nothing." Ouyang Ying said sobbing.

"Nothing, what are you crying?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned, one hand on the shoulder of Ouyang Ying, lifted Ouyang Ying's head, and then Zhao Tiezhu's head was a big one.

A palm print, clearly appeared on Ouyang Ying's left face.

"Who is playing?"

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes seemed to be bleeding, and Zhao Tiezhu’s surroundings seemed to be cold for several times. Several people passing by Zhao Tiezhu looked at Zhao Tiezhu with horror.

"No... no one is playing." Ouyang Ying quickly raised his hand and grabbed his face.

"Say, who is playing."

Zhao Tiezhu took a deep breath and said, "Ying Ying, tell me, who hit you. No one can beat me Zhao Tizhu's woman, even if it is only the woman I booked, there is no one, qualified to fight!"

"Really, really not." Ouyang Ying shook his head, "Iron column brother, let's not let us say this!"

"Ying Ying, don't you say?" Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ouyang Ying with his eyes open.

Ouyang Ying looked straight at Zhao Tiezhu and immediately cried out, "Iron, Iron Pillar, they, they beat me!"

"do not Cry!"

Zhao Tiezhu grabbed Ouyang Ying and said, "Whoever beats you, said to the iron column brother, the iron pillar brother will help you revenge."

Ouyang Ying cried, "That is... those people upstairs."

In Ouyang Ying's intermittent description, Zhao Tiezhu understands the process.

It turned out that a retired veteran cadre who appeared to be in the military area had been hospitalized, and then the entire hospital mobilized to check the old cadre. The result of the examination was actually no big problem, that is, blood pressure and blood sugar were a bit high, and then the blood vessels. If you look at the results of the inspection, you will let go of the hospital, and then arrange for Ouyang Ying to hang a water for this retired veteran cadre. As a result, because the old people are old, and the old cadres are fat, Ouyang Ying The child did not find the middle blood vessel, and gave the wrong one. This was wrong. The old cadre broke out directly. According to Ouyang Ying’s face, he came and snorted.

Zhao Tiezhu also knows at this time that he dared to confuse the old man, that is, what retired veteran cadres shouted.

"I went, I was wrong. You are just a little nurse. It is not a broken end of his fart." Zhao Tiezhu said with wide eyes. "This is too arrogant, Ying Ying, nothing." Children, go up with the brother, brother to avenge you!"

"Iron column brother, don't." Ouyang Ying shook his head. "You can come to see me. I am already very happy. I know that you have to do something big to do. There is no need to provoke some unnecessary troubles because of my business. ""

"Hey, what you said." Zhao Tiezhu stroked Ouyang Ying's hair and said softly, "My business is bigger, and there is no such thing as my woman."

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