Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2394: Brother takes you to take revenge

"Go, brother takes you up. [#]"

Zhao Tiezhu stretched the hand of Ouyang Ying and walked up the stairs.

It was at this time.

The head nurse who appeared before, did not know how, suddenly ran downstairs.

"Oh, Ouyang Ying, you are here! Thank goodness, I thought you ran, hurry up with me, now Zhuo General is on the air, you are going up to apologize to everyone!" The head nurse panted Said.

"Do you apologize?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a frown.

"You..." The head nurse looked at Zhao Tiezhu and looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s hand with Ouyang Yingla. He said, "Are you a boyfriend of Ouyang Ying? I told you that Ouyang Ying had a medical treatment this time. The accident, now the patient has to complain to her, for her future, you should let her go up and apologize to General Zhuo."

"Zhuo General?" Zhao Tiezhu's mouth evoked a disdainful smile and said, "It seems that in Shenzhou, only the rank-level officer can be called a general? Just that person, is it enough for the generals?"

"What do you know? General Zhuo is retired from the rank of major general!" said the head nurse. "Don't talk nonsense with you, Ying Ying, come with me!"

Speaking, the head nurse will reach out and pull Ouyang Ying, Ouyang Ying will hide and hide behind Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey, hello, don't do it." Zhao Tiezhu stopped in front of Ouyang Ying and said, "I just want to go up and see what Zhuo General, you don't pull my family Yingying, we will be there later."

"I told you, young people, don't be impulsive. There are guards on the top of the house. If you do something indiscriminately, you will be killed. You know, in the Chinese army system, kill one." Putting people, really not a thing, don't be able to do this kind of little thing, do you know?" The head nurse seems to care about Zhao Tiezhu's, and sees Zhao Tiezhu's imposing desire to go up, even though he still persuaded him.

"I know the army is black." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "It happens that I am also in the military system. I would like to see if it is darker in our military region or darker on the side of sh."

"You!! Hey, you guys, why are you so embarrassed, how old are you, let you be a major at most? People are rare generals! Ying Ying, persuade your boyfriend, don't make things out of control, You apologize to me now, everything is easy to say!" said the head nurse.

Ouyang Ying hid behind Zhao Tiezhu and looked at Zhao Tiezhu’s body as if it were a mountain. He shook his head.

"You!! You two!! Well, I should say everything, Ying Ying, wait for what to do and what to do, I don't want to tell you, you can do it yourself, don't give it. Our hospital is just a disaster!"

After that, the head nurse turned and ran up the stairs.

"Iron brother, or else, let's not go up!" Ouyang Ying hesitated and said, "I am wrong, it is my fault, it is normal for people to get angry."

"Oh, I am weird!"

Zhao Tiezhu took Ouyang Ying up and said, "Hello, you are also the granddaughter of Commander Chen. How can you be bullied in this hospital? You are also beaten by a general who is retired by a major general. I don't know if you are the granddaughter of Commander Chen?"

"I... my dad said, I want to keep a low profile here, so... so the dean knows my identity, and the dean doesn't take care of me, so everyone doesn't know my situation..." Ouyang Ying said with a low head. .

"Low-key...? Low-key people are bullying?" Zhao Tiezhu said helplessly, "I said that your father is still alive and hurt, clearly identity is there, you have to ask what is low-key, really. Tell the brother, in How many floors?"

"5th floor, luxury ward."

Ouyang Ying said.

Zhao Tiezhu nodded and took Ouyang Ying directly to the 5th floor.

The 5th floor is more open than the downstairs, and the decor is more luxurious.

Zhao Tiezhu saw from afar that at the end of the corridor at the far end, there were several strong men in camouflage uniforms standing there, with their hands behind them, and they looked extraordinary.

Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes turned and he reached out and touched it. After touching a small book, Zhao Tiezhu glanced at Ouyang Ying and said, "Ying Ying, go with me, let's take revenge!"

With Ouyang Ying coming to the men wearing camouflage uniforms, one of the people with sunglasses and unusual bags was in front of Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Who?"

"Here is the ward of General Zhuo?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smile.

"who are you?"

The man looked at Zhao Tiezhu and took another look at Ouyang Ying.

"I came to him to discuss something." Zhao Tiezhu said.

"General Zhuo has a flaw in his body. If you have anything, let me tell you."

The sunglasses man said.

"This thing, you have to say it yourself, you know, revenge has to find the right enemy, can not let people replace it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

When the words were exported, several men immediately surrounded Zhao Tiezhu and Ouyang Ying. One more man found a black pistol from behind, and the gun was directly hooked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"Hey? Also take the gun out? Is this the attitude of the sergeant?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a frown.


The people around him showed a confused look.

Zhao Tiezhu was wiped out of his arms, and a book appeared in the hands of Zhao Tiezhu.

"In Shenzhou, what do the lower-level officers see at the lower-level officers?" Zhao Tiezhu said, opening the book on his hand.

The people around him are the guards of Zhuo General. The knowledge is not weak. When they see Zhao Tiezhu’s book, their heads suddenly rise.

Documents from the Special Operations Division of the National Security Bureau! !

If it is only the documents of the Special Operations Department of the National Security Bureau, then there is nothing. The key point is that there is still a golden dragon mark on the document.

This represents the person in front of him, a member of the Special Operations Division of the National Security Bureau of the rank of Major General!

The two add up, enough to hold back any officer below the level!

"Do you want to test your true and false?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.


All the people around him respected Zhao Tiezhu for a standard military ceremony. Before wearing sunglasses, the sunglasses were taken off.

"Let's go, I want to go in and meet with General Zhuo." Zhao Tiezhu smiled.

"This..." The sunglasses man hesitated, but Zhao Tiezhu was already pushing him away, then pushed the ward away and walked in.

In the ward.

A bloated old man was lying on the bed, standing next to the old man with two voluptuous nurses, each holding a plate with some fruits and the like, and the old man was on the side. Watching TV, one hand, is placed on the full buttocks of one of the nurses.

A good scene to enjoy.

(Happy Valentine's Day~~ I want to spend~ I want VIPs, I have to do anything. To celebrate Tanabata, add one more today. Not a VIP plus. I secretly added, everyone looks quietly. The fourth is 13 When you send it, everyone remembers to subscribe~!)~

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