Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2395: Hit the face

When I heard the movement from the door, the old man lying on the bed just turned around and looked at the door. When I saw Ouyang Ying, the old man’s eyes lit up. Then the old man saw Zhao Tiezhu and brows. It wrinkled at once. [Fast Chinese Network]

"What's the matter! Xiao Zhang, what are you doing! How to put people in!" The old man shouted dissatisfiedly, his voice was thick, and he was still very good at seeing it.

The man with sunglasses before ran into the ward and said to the old man, "General Zhuo, the general has something to look for."


The old man looked at Zhao Tiezhu, and after a few seconds, he suddenly laughed.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Zhang, are you blindfolded? Such a young general? Are you a grandson of Mao Taizu?"

"General Zhuo, he...he is really a general, and it is a general of the Special Operations Division of the National Security Bureau." The man named Xiao Zhang’s sunglasses whispered.


General Zhuo’s laughter suddenly solidified, then looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, “Are you the National Security Bureau?”

"Special Operations Division."

Zhao Tiezhu’s face was filled with a very strong smile from Laozi, and the document was directly thrown to the general of the bed.

General Naozhu picked up Zhao Tiezhu’s documents and his face changed suddenly.

" are really a major in the Special Operations Division of the National Security Bureau!!"

General Zhuo looked at the document that was really true, and his face became extremely ugly.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and said, "If it is fake, can't you see it?"

"No no no!"

General Zhuo quickly shook his head. "This is true, absolutely true. This... this general Zhao Tiezhu, you come here to find me, is there anything?"

If Zhuo General is replaced by a military district that is now in place, he may know Zhao Tiezhu. After all, Zhao Tiezhu’s name in the military is still very loud. Unfortunately, this table general has retired, to the military. Things are not so understanding. Now, to enjoy life all the time, who will pay attention to those, and he is only a retired general of the rank of major general. If the level is higher, he may know Zhao Tiezhu.

It is a pity that there is not so much if it is, so, General Zhuo did not know Zhao Tiezhu, which also found the reason for Zhuo’s next stupid behavior.

Of course, if it is not the stupid behavior of Zhuo General, Zhao Tiezhu and Ouyang Ying, neither can get what they want.

Here, Zhao Tiezhu has to thank Zhuo General for his stupidity.

"Things are simple."

Zhao Tiezhu was too lazy to pretend to be 13 and said directly, "My woman, I was slap in the face, you see this, how to solve it?"

"You... your woman?"

General Zhuo looked at Ouyang Ying, who was hiding behind Zhao Tiezhu. The intestines repented in an instant.

Nima, you are a cattleman of the rank of major general of the National Security Bureau, let your girlfriend come here as a nurse to serve people, is there a mistake? Shouldn't your woman drive Mercedes-Benz **art or BMW mini with lv bags into and out of various fashion stores? Do you dare not to play low-key like this?

"My woman!" Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said that he had passed through Ouyang Ying and said, "You hit her with a slap in the face. According to my Zhao Tiezhu's habits, others beat me and I will hit him three slaps."

"Ah!! General Zhao, this is a misunderstanding!" General Zhuo said quickly.

"I haven't spoken yet."

Zhao Tiezhu said coldly, "Others beat my woman and slap in the face, I will remove his hand."


General Zhuo was stupid, and looked at Zhao Tiezhu.

"But when you are an old man, and you still have a system with me, I will not care so much with you, ten slaps, you give me a woman to slap in the face, I will not care about this matter with you. "Zhao Tiezhu said.

"You... you are deceiving too much!"

General Zhuo’s face sank and said, “We are all one level. Your woman was beaten by me. I am going to be beaten by her ten times. Are you taking your woman too seriously?”

"Sorry, my person is more important to see women than me." Zhao Tiezhu proudly said.

Ouyang Ying stood next to Zhao Tiezhu and braved the peach blossoms. At this time, she was completely captured by Zhao Tiezhu’s performance.

Although Zhao Tiezhu’s face is cold and proud, his heart is the one who is proud of it. Is there a lot of silly and deadly for Mao to act as a tool to show his own prestige?

General Zhuo glanced at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "Do you not give me face?"

"Why do I give you a little retired younger face? What do you think of?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"You!! Don't forget, here is my place!" General Zhuo glanced at Xiao Zhang, and Xiao Zhang nodded and walked over to Zhao Tiezhu, facing Zhao Tiezhu and said, "This general, Everyone is a system, don't hurt."

Just in the gap between this little Zhang, General Zhuo has picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message.

Zhao Tiezhu looked at everything that General Zhuo did, but did not stop it, but said, "This slap in the face, you don't want to fight, I also fight, stop useless, then stop, then the next second, you have to it's here."

"General Zhao!" Xiao Zhang just wanted to say something. Suddenly he saw a black shadow flashing, and then a huge force was uploaded from himself. His whole person flew out and slammed into the wall. It was soft on the ground.

Zhao Tiezhu grinned and pulled Ouyang Ying to the stunned General Zhuo. He said, "You can try to move it. I don't mind letting you be like him."

"You!!" General Zhuo just finished the text message and saw that Zhao Tiezhu had appeared in front of himself. He just wanted to call the guard. He only thought of Zhao Tiezhu’s skill. The three guards outside the door were estimated to be useless. General Zhuo decisively had no voice.

"I said, ten slaps." Zhao Tiezhu pulled Ouyang Ying to the front and said, "Ying Ying, according to the face, he dares to hide, then add one."

Ouyang Ying looked at Zhao Tiezhu hesitantly and said, "Is it my brother?"

"I can't count, my woman is being bullied. If I don't get back to the game, what kind of man is it, give me a fight, and fight for it. I see who dares to bully my woman again." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Do you know what you are doing?" General Zhuo stared at Zhao Tiezhu and asked.

"What can you do?" Zhao Tiezhu laughed.

"You hit me, I will make you inseparable from here, even if you are the National Security Bureau!" General Zhuo threatened.

"Nothing, the people of our National Security Bureau are really not afraid of your army." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, watching Ouyang Ying, said, "Ying Ying, this year, people have to be tough, tough, others will not Bully you, who bullies you, you beat him, he doesn't dare to fight, just fine, it's better than talking about it, come, listen to the words of the brother, hit!"

Ouyang Ying bit his teeth, looked at Zhao Tiezhu, and then looked at Zhuo General and raised his hand.


(Chinese Valentine's Day plus ~ is not counted in 2,500 votes plus. Everyone is happy on the seventh night, remember to do security measures at night~ I like to be a mother, but it is not a joke~ In this Valentine's Day without a lover, I Ask for comfort~~~~)~

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