In today's old gymnasium, there are talented people, crowds of people, people and seas, and sea and stone.

People from various martial arts associations in Danfu University are gathered here. Among them, there are karate clubs, taekwondo clubs, Sanda clubs, cosplay associations, and soy sauce clubs.

Many viewers who don’t know the truth come here. In fact, it’s mainly to see if you can see the legendary Dafu University’s school poems and poems in the ancient martial arts research society. Of course, there are also many people who come here to see if they can see. Something that looks good, like a fight.

No matter where, there is no shortage of people whose hormones are too rich.

The second floor of the old stadium is full of people, and this old stadium is actually a big shed. The second floor is only the auditorium. From their location, they can clearly see the big basketball court on the first floor. It is the same as the training ground of the Xiangbei team in the slam dunk.

In every corner of the stadium, there are a glimpse of people. These are the people from various societies. Although it is a meeting, it is actually a pk meeting. Everyone chooses to go to the individual, and then you choose another person’s re-election. Then, carry out the indiscriminate fighting, winning the game is to glory for the community, there is nothing to lose, and then arrange people to go up.

Almost every month, every athletic association in Danfu University will do this kind of activity, which is said to keep the members' blood and competition consciousness. From this point of view, Danfu University is better than fj University, and fj University is its own. Playing with yourself, it is rare to say that there are such activities with such multiple associations.

Originally, the ancient martial arts research society did not participate in every activity, but this time the ancient martial arts research society took part in the unprecedented, which also brought some gimmicks for this exchange, such as the people of the ancient martial arts research society. Who is going to be abused, such as whether Ye Shishi will come or not.

At this time it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. The head of the old stadium had already arrived, and everyone who was soaking soy sauce was also there.

On the side of the Karate Club.

Xuan Yuanyi is standing in front of a five-big three.

The five big three thick people are the presidents of the Karate Society. Because they are too big, the name is called Wu Da San.

"Wu Dasan, when the ancient martial arts research society will arrange a person to go up, then you will go up, then, according to what we have done, know? I will ruin that person!" Xuanyuan whispered.

"Do you really want to get rid of it?"

Wu Dasan asked with a squint. "Is this too embarrassing?"

"It's okay."

Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "Despite the disability, but don't make a brain damage, you can just break a few spine spine with him. I want him to die. As for the aftermath, I will come. I have covered you with Shi Wenxi, even if you killed someone, it’s okay, and, in the martial arts competition, who is not an accident? Right? It’s a helpless thing, it’s nothing to do. After I become, I will give you 500,000, cash!"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Wu Da, and said, "Okay, far, I will believe you, but you should not lie to me. Otherwise, our karate community will not agree."

"I wipe, Wu Dasan, you and Wenxi have me, but I have been friends for many years. Are you afraid that we will lie to you? I am now ready for money, just outside my car, after waiting for me." I will let people send the money directly to your dormitory, so that is enough?" Xuanyuan said.

"This is ok!"

Wu Dasan said, "That's it!"

"Okay, a word is fixed! However, Wu Dasan, in order not to make the game look awkward, so you have to wait a while, and I have already made arrangements, and later, Shi Wenxi first, you Just arrange a few people to go up, you can definitely beat, but you can go to the show, then Shi Wenxi can go off, then he will arrange Zhao Tiezhu to play, before Shi Wenxi bullied your ordinary members, then you go Bullying Shi Wenxi's ordinary members, this is also reasonable, when you just let go of playing!" Xuanyuan said.

"Well, I understand!"

"Right, I have something for you, I wish you success."

Said, Xuan Yuanyi found something from his body and handed it to Wu Dasan.

Time is slowly moving forward.

Zhao Tiezhu came to the old gymnasium slowly, and saw Zhao Tiezhu was shocked by the appearance of the people in the stadium.

"I am going, a communication meeting, so many people!" Zhao Tiezhu felt with emotion and went to the area where the ancient martial arts research association was located.

Many people have already arrived. Shi Wenxi is talking to people. When he sees Zhao Tiezhu, Shi Wenxi smiles and says, "Iron pillar, I will be a long-faced opportunity later, do you want to go up and play with others?" ?"

"This, I only learned a few lessons, I just learned a few lessons, I dare not go up to shame." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's important to participate." When Shi Wenxi finished, he didn't say anything more, but turned around and said something to the people around him, as if his words were just a polite one.

at this time.

Suddenly smashed up in the entire stadium.

A pretty and elegant figure appeared at the door of the old stadium.

Ye Shishi is coming!

Ye Shishi seems to be a bomb that has been thrown out of the pond. In the old gymnasium, a few waves high waves are set up. The sight of everyone is almost concentrated on Ye Shishi’s body. The strange thing is that Xuanyuan A veteran of this flower, did not even read Ye Shishi, estimated that this person in Ye Shishi, but no less loss, but Xuan Yuanyi's eyes also have some other things, but no one has seen It’s gone.

Ye Shishi turned a blind eye to everything around him, and there was no deviation in his eyes. He walked straight to Zhao Tiezhu.

"Poetry, you come to pull!"

Shi Wenxi enthusiastically stepped forward.

Ye Shishi did not answer Shi Wenxi’s words, but looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, “You...want to change with me?”

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and immediately understood what Ye Shishi said, but said helplessly, "This, I said, can't change."


Ye Shishi snorted and did not speak again.

Shi Wenxi looked at the two and asked, "What?"

"Since we met on that day, we couldn't help ourselves. She planned to exchange a sentimental token with me, but I am not so sloppy, so..." Zhao Tiezhu said casually.

Shi Wenxi smiled and said, "Oh, I think the students will be joking."

Not long after, it seems that people have come almost, Shi Wenxi sorted out his martial arts clothing and walked to the center of the old stadium.


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