Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2417: Shi’s plan (17 more

“Thank you for coming to this exchange meeting. This exchange meeting aims to promote the communication and communication of Shenzhou martial arts. We hope that everyone will come here and be able to hold a peaceful attitude, not arrogant, win, and maybe It’s your skill, and you’re defeated. It’s not necessarily that you are worse than others. We hope that everyone can be friendship first and exchange second...”

After Shi Wenxi said a lot of seven-eight-eight-eight words on a small set up on a temporary basis, he withdrew and the one was quickly removed. bubble-(

A girl who looks good and looks good with a microphone, "Next, it is the long-awaited exchange meeting. According to the convention, we first have the host, the people of the ancient martial arts research team first come to accept the challenges of everyone. Everyone is welcome!"

When the girl finished, there was a round of applause from the scene.

Later, Shi Wenxi came to the center of the venue again under the eyes of the public.

The girl who seemed to be the host and the commentator, under Shi Wenxi’s instructions, gave the speech tube to Shi Wenxi.

"Today, the teacher of our ancient martial arts research class, Shi teacher can not come because of some things, as a teaching assistant of the ancient martial arts research course, first of all, I, Shi Wenxi to talk to friends."

After that, Shi Wenxi handed the speech to the woman, and then made a flip in place, beaten a few punches, and the microphone was not far away. The fist wind spread through the microphone throughout the old stadium, and suddenly The soy sauce party, which attracted a lot of unclear truth, screamed again and again.

Shi Wenxi finished his fist, a beautiful closing style, then said his hands behind him and said, "Friends, please."

This one debuted a word, and let countless people be impressed by Shi Wenxi. Of course, these are the laymen watching the lively, the insider is watching the doorway. From the professional perspective of Zhao Tiezhu, this hand, the composition of the show accounted for the main As for practical value, basically no.

So the layman looks at the excitement.

"I am going to ask Professor Shi Wenxi."

A man looking at the skinny little man rushed to the center of the field, wearing a white robes on his body and a black belt around his waist.

This is a black belt for karate. As for a few paragraphs, Zhao Tiezhu does not understand. However, such a thing as karate, Zhao Tiezhu knows a little, and the black belt looks like it is scary, but as long as you have a good talent, practice for three or two years. The black belt has not ran, this stuff has practical value, but it is purely a simple fighting technique.


Shi Wenxi smiled and nodded to the man, then looked at the Karate Club, Wu Dasan slightly nodded to Shi Wenxi.

After two people face each other and salute, the mating...the amount is communication and will start soon.

The black belt person may have been instructed by some people for a long time, so this up, the one that hits is called a wonderful, ah, Shi Wenxi’s fist seems to be magnetic, no matter where Shi Wenxi’s fist hits. The body of the man can go to Shi Wenxi’s fist. Of course, these are all seen by Zhao Tiezhu. The layman seems to be that Shi Wenxi can block the opponent’s movement every time. Then, it is very clever to predict the next action of the opponent, and then carry out the pre-attack, and the result is just hitting each other.


Countless people who did not know the truth were watching Shi Wenxi’s performance with emotion.

Shi Wenxi looked calm and swayed, and it really used a very superb degree. Soon, the black belt was pushed to the ground by Shi Wenxi.

"If Shi Wenxi came down at this moment, two people holding on the ground and rolling intimate, then it will give strength!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the black belt of the karate that fell so beautifully, and could not help but think maliciously.


Shi Wenxi said with a loud voice.

"You are too powerful!"

The man fulfilled his duties to set off Shi Wenxi and stood up. His eyes were full of admiration. "Your strength is too strong, I am not your opponent."

After that, the man turned and ran out of the venue.

"Learning martial arts is to keep fit, I am not very good, I am just better."

Shi Wenxi said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Someone called it.

Some people began to applaud, and the entire old stadium was filled with some applause.

Later, several people came on to talk with Shi Wenxi. Shi Wenxi was very beautiful and cleanly wins the other side. Of course, there are arrangements here, and there are other people who have not arranged other clubs. Fortunately, Shi Wenxi The handwork is really quite good, so there is nothing wrong with it. Of course, those who did not arrange for the stupid ran up and hit, have been taught by Shi Wenxi.

"Oh, I didn't expect to have two hands!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Shi Wenxi's skill and said to himself.

"Shi Wenxi is a family member."

Ye Shishi did not know what appeared in the side of Zhao Tiezhu. His face said calmly. "Although it is not a very important member of Shijiazhuang, he is also a nephew of Shi Haoran. It will be both hands, very normal."

"He is also a family member?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ye Shishi strangely.

Ye Shishi seems to be too lazy to say the second time, so she did not answer Zhao Tiezhu’s words.

Zhao Tiezhu did not ask again, but looked at Shi Wenxi with a slight frown. This product turned out to be Shi’s family. It’s no wonder that he could stay in the position of the president of the Student Union. Although Shi’s family is a hidden family, there are always some families. Shijia is in contact with each other, and those families who have contacts with Shijia may be to please the family or something. In the secular, they are more concerned with the people who come from the family, such as Zhao, what if there is now? Shijia’s people are looking for Zhao’s family, and Zhao’s family will definitely take care of them. These are all those who belong to the river.

"Shi Wenxi, Shi Haoran, hey, this family member came to the two at once. What is it for?" Zhao Tiezhu frowned and frowned.

"For the study of old pottery."

Ye Shishi suddenly inserted another sentence at this time.

"Research of Lao Tao?"

Zhao Tiezhu stunned and immediately realized that listening to Lao Tao said that if his research was really successful, it would be enough to change the world, just like the biological agent of his old lady, when he was studying his biological agent. With their background behind them, they have to be forced to escape from China. This is enough to see the importance of this research. Chemical chemistry seems to be as important as biopharmaceutics. It is no wonder that Shi’s family will come out. .

"Are they planning to recruit old pottery? Or do they directly grab the study of old pottery?" Zhao Tiezhu asked an eyebrow and asked.


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