Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2431: The value of old pottery (31 more)

(70318 votes, should add more 28 chapters, the bottom of the three more, a total of 31 more. "" arrived. Everyone is so powerless? Only 31 more!)

"Because I love you?"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Ouyang Ying strangely.


Ouyang Ying nodded and said, "I know, I love you, you love me too. This is enough. Love is not selfish possession, but makes you live more free. Mom said that men are heavenly. Kite, if you want to catch it, it is easy to break the line. Therefore, my mother said that if I want to find a man in the future, then let him fly in the sky. When there is no wind, he will naturally come down."

"Thank you mom."

Zhao Tiezhu said over the shoulder of Ouyang Ying and said.

"Iron brother, you are not good at listening to this... but I like it!"

Ouyang Ying smiled and kissed Zhao Tiezhu's face.

"It’s all saliva..." Zhao Tiezhu said wronged.

"It's okay, people's saliva can be disinfected, when you get acne, although you don't have acne now, but there may be some time!" Ouyang Ying said with a smile.

"I love you too."

Zhao Tiezhu reached out and pinched Ouyang Ying’s face and said.

"But I love you too."

The squad leader looked at Chen Lingshan inexplicably. "I heard your sister say, the man, can't give you anything."

"Oh, do you think that love, you must have one party to give another party? Or, love is just a guarantee, an oath? I promise to marry you, I will fall in love with you? Or I must be consistent with you." Just love you?” Chen Lingshan’s face has a charming smile. “Love, don’t need anything, don’t even need him to love me. As long as I love him, this is my love. Sorry, you are very good. But I love him."

"That... then we will be friends."

The squad leader said that he did not give up.

"Oh, my heart, there will only be a man." Chen Lingshan shook her head and said, "Thank you for sending me back, my sister is actually quite good! Bye bye."

After that, Chen Lingshan nodded to the squad leader and immediately turned to the girls' dormitory, and did not look back.

Looking at the back of Chen Lingshan, the squad sighed sighingly. "How are you so stupid?"

There is a kind of person in the world, their behavior, in our opinion, it is stupid to be stupid, but they still like to obsess, such as a woman, the man she loves is a well-known scum. Eat, drink, gamble, do everything, but the woman is willing to give everything to the man, even willing to sell to support the man, we will be stupid and clumsy, but people will not care about this, in her In the heart, she loves him, he loves her, this is enough, this is everything.

We are not the Lord. We are not praised for judging whether such a person is doing good or bad. It can only be said that people have their own lives. Even if some people are finally wounded completely, they can only say that they are self-sufficient.

Chen Lingshan also felt that even if she was treated by Zhao Tiezhu, it wouldn't matter. Who told her to love him?


Ye Shishi sat cross-legged on a lawn in front of the female dormitory building, holding a donut in her hand and looking at the girl dormitory building not far away, saying to herself.

"Poetry, that Zhao Tiezhu, what do you think?"

A male voice came from behind the poem of Ye Shi.

"Shi Bo is good."

Ye Shishi took a bite of a donut and turned her head and looked behind her.

Shi Haoran looked at him with a smile.

“The bagels are delicious.”

Ye Shishi said.

"Sweet, sweet, eat this at night."

"You, you..."

Shi Haoran’s petty hand touched the head of Ye Shishi and said, “It’s estimated that my sister can’t let you ignore it, haha.”

"Zhao Tiezhu does not have a bagel." Ye Shishi smiled and bent, "but it will not be bad."

"He has a contradiction with Wen Xi."

Shi Haoran also sat on the side of Ye Shishi and said, "Poetry poetry, how do you see the contradictions between the two, how can we resolve it? I don't want to let others apply to the heirs of the Zhao family."


Ye Shishi’s breadcrumbs were blown off, and then the remaining half of the bagels were put into a bag. They clapped their hands and said, “Shi Bo, Zhao Tiezhu, is a bad person.”

"Ha ha ha, poetry, there are people in the world who can make you say that it is a bad person. That person is estimated to be a bad level of bad style. This time, he gave us the eyes of the ancient martial arts research president, but only Wenxi’s contradiction with him seems to be even bigger. Hey, I said it earlier, don’t let him come and let him come. The family has to let him come out to meet the world. I told them Wenxi. The guy came here to find you. They didn't believe it. Now it's good. Wenxi is against Zhao Tiezhu because of your business, and you are Zhao Tiezhu's cousin, and Wenxi doesn't know that you are Zhao Tiezhu's cousin. Is..."

Shi Haoran said, helplessly sighed.

"Master said that everything in the world has a line to pull them, where to go, where to stop, where to leave, there are traces to be found, we just follow the lines that lead us, we can ""

After Ye Shishi finished speaking, he stood up and patted the grass on his body and said, "Shi Bo, I went to do research."

"Well, remember to be optimistic about the old pottery, but it was baby. When I first had a Zhao Er dog, the Zhao family directly opposed the other four people. Now, although the old pottery has not yet gained much fame, as long as his research results come out, then He can be a person who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Zhao Ergou. At that time, the forces of all parties will definitely come to Lao Tao. You know, we have two Ye Shi, absolutely do not want this society to mess up, more than ten The great turmoil of the past year has caused the economy of China to fall back for several years and has suffered countless people. I don't want to happen again after more than ten years. Remember, if there is any research result, tell us the first time. ”


Ye Shishi nodded with a smile and turned and walked to the side.

Shi Haoran looked uncertainly at the face of Ye Shishi and did not know what he was thinking.


Ye Shishi walked and looked at the people around him and said to himself, "The line has to go round together."

Into the night.

At twelve o'clock in the evening

Zhao Tiezhu ended his date with Ouyang Ying and returned to the university. The male dormitory of the Foreign Languages ​​Department is located in the south of the university. However, it is a matter of fact that if you want to go to the foreign language department, you must go through the female dormitory of the Department of Finance and Economics. floor.

Zhao Tiezhu went to the girl dormitory and looked up at a room above.

A few days ago, I used to go here every day, and then went to class with Chen Lingshan, who was already waiting here, to eat, or to go for a running together, but now...

Zhao Tiezhu sighed and walked forward.

(A friend questioned that Ye Shishi is too mythical. In fact, everyone has time to go to see a British urban TV series. The child with autism is such a god. People, many times, are really gods, and The novel, appropriate to make him more mythical, as for Zhao Tiezhu and Chen Lingshan. This book will be a comedy. I can only say so. In addition, I want to say that the gang is always only attached, this book, It’s the kingly way to talk about love and cheating, and that’s why he’s going to be in urban life.)

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