Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2432: Sentimental (32 more)

(Long Ge's 10,000 votes, continue to add 4 more, a total of thirty-five. "" Thanks Jiang Nanlong, Long Ge, thank the old horse's sky, Marco. And duduu brother. Your support for me, no Thought it.)

Sometimes, sentimental, it only takes a second.

Zhao Tiezhu spent a pleasant evening with Ouyang Ying.

They ate together, went shopping together, and later went to the movies, and went to the bar to have a drink. The two did not do what the man and woman loved to do, just like a couple who usually do what ordinary couples would do.

Zhao Tiezhu’s mood for the whole night was very good, and he enjoyed this moment.

Zhao Tiezhu always said that Ouyang Ying was sent downstairs to the house, and then refused the invitation of Ouyang Ying to stay and return to school.

All the good moods are gone when passing through this strange and familiar dormitory.

Yes, it is just a touch of sentimentality.

Some people may think that Zhao Tiezhu’s sentimentality is too cheap and too worthless. Before it was good, the result is now saddened by the people’s dormitory. Will it be a bit unintentional? Why didn’t you feel sad? However, Zhao Tiezhu himself is clear that when he is with Ouyang Ying, if this sentiment spreads, it is unfair and disrespectful to Ouyang Ying. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu perfectly controls everything, only at this time. When I saw this building, the sadness in Zhao Tiezhu’s heart could not be controlled.

This sentimentality is like a thing that you thought was yours. Suddenly it was taken away by people. Then people told you that this thing is not yours. You can't touch it again in your life.

It is this feeling.

Zhao Tiezhu sighed in a secluded voice.

He suddenly didn't want to go back.

Zhao Tiezhu turned and walked to the lawn in front of the girls' dormitory, then sat down cross-legged.

What he didn't know was that he was sitting in the same position as Ye Shishi was sitting in the evening, almost the same.

Zhao Tiezhu just crossed his legs and looked at the lights on the upstairs of the girls' dormitory. Some of them were dark and some were lit up.

In the girls' dormitory downstairs, from time to time, there are idiotic men and women who embraced the latter, or the writer went downstairs, and then downstairs staged a modern love drama that was lingering.

There are also girls who have been sent back and are full of alcohol, those who go out to spend the night living, the second generation of the rich second generation is not only boys, but also the second generation of rich second generation.

Those women, like men, also live a life of drunken dreams, except that men play with girls, women play with luxury goods, and of course, there are some women who play men, and some men who play men.

"It's you!"

A woman who Zhao Zhaozhu seems to have heard heard from the side.

Zhao Tiezhu looked back and saw that this is not a woman who is called a dream?

If you seem to have a drink, you can wear a white v-neck dress and have a good bag on your hand. This is a bag from lv this year. It’s not very stable when you walk, especially when you’re still walking. High heels.

Zhao Tiezhu didn't have any interest in such a fake white rich beauty. As for the last time this goods followed Xuanyuan Ma Lele together with Zhu Yeqing, he was too lazy to care about it. The three people were also in the horse. Le is qualified to play with himself, and other people, even even the qualifications of Zhao Tiezhu’s opponents.

If the dream is standing about three meters behind Zhao Tiezhu, watching Zhao Tiezhu, there is the invincible appearance of Zhao Tiezhu last time and when he is with Zhang Long, it seems to be very close.

As the dream of the eyeballs turn.

For this kind of black fungus-level pseudo-white skinny, in fact, every man who appears in her life that is close to Gao Fushuai can develop into a spare tire, and they don’t care what happens with these spare tires. When these spare tires were discovered, the inside was actually done by lv. When it was time to become the main master, it was a lot of trouble.

"Don't you rest?"

As the dream said, he went to Zhao Tiezhu.

And earlier, in the dormitory building upstairs.

"Sister, I told you that this squad leader is really good, family is good, people are good, and there is no rumor in the school. He really likes you, believe me, sister, you give people a chance. Don't always hang Zhao Tiezhu's **** in your heart. You think about him here, read him, but do you know what he is doing now? He may be moving on which little goblin, sister, for such a man. ,Not worth it."

Chen Meng said.

"At least let me completely die before."

Chen Lingshan folded her clothes and said, "Before I didn't completely die, I felt that I gave other men a chance and was not responsible for them. Do you want to see your old lady with a person in your heart? What a good squad leader is together? This is unfair to others."

"Oh, isn't society like this now? And our squad leader doesn't mind, he has the confidence to replace Zhao Tiezhu's position in your heart, sister, don't be stupid, woman's youth, these years, you don't waste. We can't afford to waste it! Don't wait until the red face is old, then you will feel the rush of time, then it's too late, you can find a spare tire! Don't break our squad leader completely, you will hang His appetite, you don't feel guilty, now people do it! This is to give yourself a way out!"

"Others are others."

Chen Lingshan glanced at Chen Meng and said, "I don't want to do something that is condemned."

"How can I call the squad and leave the road to myself? It is normal!" Chen Meng said.

"In love, if you leave yourself behind, what kind of love is it? It’s just two people playing with each other, it’s boring. Right, Meng Meng, how is your clothes broken? It’s worn today. That one." Chen Lingshan asked.


Chen Meng’s eyes flashed out directly, looking at the bed on the side, saying, “That... that, I accidentally hanged something and it was torn.”


Chen Lingshan nodded and picked up the piece of clothes that was thrown to the bed by Chen Meng, and said, "You are also very powerful. It is so severe that you are flying. Then you are flying. What is it?"

"Oh, sister, isn't it a dress?"

Chen Meng snorted and said, "The things in clothes are small things, your business is a big thing!! Sister, listen to me, do not persuade?"


Chen Lingshan shook her head and said, "I am going to take a bath, you come, give me a back."

After that, Chen Lingshan turned and picked up the bath towel on the side and walked into the bathroom.

"Hey, sister, you listen to me."

Chen Meng said as he walked in.

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