Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2433: Another misunderstanding! (33 more)

The water in the bathroom is lingering. ""

Two perfect ketone bodies are looming under water mist.

"Sister, listen to me!"

Chen Meng’s voice sounded, and the water mist spread out slightly. He saw Chen Meng standing behind Chen Lingshan and said to Chen Lingshan’s back. “You can’t stop thinking like this? University! What do you know about the university? What is the best? That is the university love. You look at Zhao Tiezhu. What is the purpose of his entrance to the university? Isn’t it for the girl? And, I look at him, maybe not at the university, sister, don’t you want to experience it. Under the glory of the sunset, the feeling of two people walking hand in hand on the campus? Do you not want to try the black wind and high night, two people in the woods to complain about each other? Sister, believe me, give me the squad leader a chance, As long as there is a chance, I don't want you to go to someone right away. You two can go and see the movie, eat, eat, go shopping, you have to feel right, then you are together, if you don't, you can't force it, love. Originally, I gave you the opportunity to give me a chance."

"do not talk."

Chen Lingshan shook her head and said, "When will I be able to talk about it completely, I will forget to say this again."

Speaking, Chen Lingshan turned his head and looked at Chen Meng. This turn, Chen Lingshan saw Chen Meng's chest, and it turned red.

"Meng Meng, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Lingshan pointed to Chen Meng's red skin on her chest and asked.

Chen Meng’s face was red, said, “This... this is a skin allergy.”

"Would you be stupid as an old sister?"

Chen Lingshan said with a frown. "These are obviously bruises. What happened? Who made you like this?"

"Oh, no, sister, don't let the topic go!" Chen Meng said, blocking her chest and saying, "Sister, can't you listen to me?"

"Don't listen, you tell me first, what's the matter with you? Who is bullying you?" Chen Lingshan said with dissatisfaction, "I actually made you like this, my sister taught me for you."

After listening to Chen Lingshan's words, Chen Meng did not come to think of the evening scene, the body was bursting with heat, and there was a hint of faintness underneath.

"Don't I... I really like being abused?"

Chen Meng’s mind suddenly appeared such a thought, and then Chen Meng shook his head and said, “In that case, as long as a woman should be, right, it should be, I don’t like being abused, I am not. I like to play so heavy tastes!"

"Meng Meng, what do you want?"

Chen Lingshan asked.

"No, no, my sister, turn around and turn over. I always stare at me like this. I will be embarrassed. I know that you are good, but you don't have to keep turning this way!" Chen Meng said, reaching out Chen Lingshan’s body turned around.

"Since you don't say it, then forget it, Meng Meng, don't let anyone bully, don't understand?" Chen Lingshan asked.

"Know, sister. Hey, sister, your skin, hey, it's really not good, smooth with milk, I want to take a sip." Chen Meng smiled.

"Okay, I dare to tease my sister, bold!"

Chen Lingshan smiled and picked up a basin of water, poured it into Chen Meng, Chen Meng quickly avoided, the two directly played in the bathroom.

After half an hour.

Two fragrant ketone bodies came out of the bathroom.

"Meng Meng, I have to go downstairs."

Chen Lingshan said while blowing her hair.

"There is nothing to go, big night." Chen Meng has now put on a cute pajamas, lying in bed, holding a pink laptop to go online.

"In the dorm room, I’m bored, go out and breathe."

Chen Lingshan put down the hair dryer, put on a simple clothes and pants, left the dormitory and went downstairs.

At this time, it was Zhao Tiezhu who just saw the dream.

"Don't talk."

As for the dream and Zhao Tiezhu, the result is that Zhao Tiezhu did not return a word, such as a dream did not make a fire or something, but almost shouted like a spoiled.

Zhao Tiezhu continued to sit cross-legged and did not speak.

As the dream eye turned, he walked over to Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You are not sleeping so late, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Tiezhu turned his head and looked like a dream, just standing by his side, because he was wearing a short skirt, and Zhao Tiezhu was sitting cross-legged, so look up from the bottom up, a black inside the dreamy little skirt Lace thongs are looming.

Zhao Tiezhu did not have any other thoughts at this time. His current mood is sentimental. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu continued to ignore the hook of this red fruit.

"Don't you know that it is a very rude behavior to ignore a girl like this?"

As a dream asked, while asking, he also took a small step toward Zhao Tiezhu.

At this time, the girls’ dormitory is downstairs.

A pretty figure appeared in the moonlight.

Chen Lingshan holds the mobile phone, and then the earphones on the mobile phone are hung on the ear and seem to be listening to the song.

The breeze is slowly.

This evening, the weather in sh is very good, the moon hangs in the sky, the boss of the boss, under the night, there are black shadows from time to time.

Chen Lingshan looked at the couple who came back from the outside. A pair of people stood downstairs, or groaned, or hugged, or kissed. I couldn’t help but think of Zhao Tiezhu. When I thought about the entanglement between the two, Chen Lingshan sighed. Go forward.

In front of Chen Lingshan, there is a lawn.

There are a lot of people sitting on the lawn, of course, most of them are paired.

Chen Lingshan thought about it and went to the lawn.

At this time, on the lawn.

"You... do you really ignore people?" Zhao Tiezhu, who was grievanced and looked at him without saying a word.

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak, but looked up at the moon in the sky.

Zhao Tiezhu’s attitude has aroused the dream of victory.

"Well, see who can stand it!"

As the dream said, while taking a step toward Zhao Tiezhu, this step directly put a pair of straight long legs like a dream tightly attached to Zhao Tiezhu’s arm. Because it is summer, Zhao Tiezhu wears a short Sleeve, so the two are the meat and the meat.

However, it may be that the feet are too soft, or that they are wearing high heels, or are purely intentional.

If the whole person stunned, he suddenly lost his balance and fell to Zhao Tiezhu.


As a dream screams, Zhao Tiezhu is too lazy to pay attention to this woman, do not hide.


If the dream fell on Zhao Tiezhu's body, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. One hand just hugged Zhao Tiezhu.

At this time, Chen Lingshan, who was just approaching, was directly attracted to the past by the dream of sorrow, and then saw a pretty woman lying on Zhao Tiezhu, two people, holding together.

Chen Lingshan felt that something was broken.

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