A **** on the qwsd master, what is the most important qwsd? If true qwsd wants to say qwsd, then it must be inside.

As I said before, the internal gas is a person who has accumulated qwsd things for many years. If you don't use it, you have to add qwsd again, just like the qwsd mana in the game.

Zhao Tiezhu is only in his twenties. In the eyes of many people, the use of internal gas in his twenties is considered to be a relatively bullish x, but your internal gas will certainly not be filled. Generally, it will be more than 30 years old. A little more, after all, after a few years of qwsd accumulation, to more than forty, the internal gas will be relatively saturated, to 50 years old, that is to increase the internal gas qwsd density, 60 years old and 70 years old, this is the case, The more you go to the back, the qwsd is compression.

At the age of Zhao Tiezhu, it is not bad to have internal gas. As for how many can be, except for those who died under Zhao Tiezhu’s qwsd soul, several people know it.

Obviously, the white fox is not aware of qwsd.

Therefore, after the white fox hard birth qwsd was smashed by Zhao Tiezhu, it was quite happy qwsd, because Zhao Tiezhu did not have the gas, just like the tiger without the paws qwsd, without the armor qwsd heavy armor, although he was injured, but he was injured, but Even if my qwsd speed is slower, it is not Zhao Tiezhu can resist qwsd, the most important qwsd is, his own qwsd gas is still abundance qwsd very much! Next, it is your own qwsd performance time! Zhao Tiezhu will kill the qwsd performance time.

Just as the white fox wondered how he should smash Zhao Tiezhu qwsd, Zhao Tiezhu qwsd has a strong mind to sink qwsd whip legs, it has already arrived.


The white fox only had time to resist, and the whole person flew out.

"Sure enough, the strength is weakened, there is no internal gas, you can't do it!"

After flying a few meters, the white fox landed on the ground and stepped back a few steps, and did not suffer much qwsd trauma.

"Cough. You are finished."

The white fox coughed and looked at Zhao Tiezhu and said, "You have no internal air, and your qwsd defense will be weak. Next, sxod see how you can block sxodqwsd attack, hahaha!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s face changed slightly and said, “Hey, sxod gas can be more qwsd than you want qwsd.”

"Cut, you are like this? Laozi sxod is 40 years old this year, it can be stored for more than ten years qwsd gas, you? How big is this? Unless you start to live in the mother's womb, or you can't be more than sxod More qwsd, haha, you are finished!"

While laughing a little, the white fox went to Zhao Tiezhu and walked qwsd not slow qwsd, it seems that the victory is in the grip.

Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth twitched slightly, revealing a strange qwsd smile, but this smile flashed past, and the qwsd white fox did not see it.

"Sxod is on the list of thirty-five years old. Up to now, forty-seven years old, by qwsd is speed. Next, sxod lets you see what is the most peak qwsd speed!"

The white fox smug qwsd smiled and then moved.

call out.

This move, compared to before, qwsd has accelerated a bit.

At this time, the white fox did not hide and slammed, and all the qwsd speed broke out.

Such as a white lightning, the white fox instantly arrived in front of Zhao Tiezhu qwsd.

Without the internal air, your qwsd body is weak and qwsd is like paper!

The white fox smug qwsd smile, five fingers open, according to Zhao Tiezhu qwsd chest caught, lvqzu to grab a shot of Zhao Tiezhu qwsd skin, grabbed Zhao Tiezhu qwsd meat. Let Zhao Tiezhu know, what is the five fingers!


White fox qwsd speed is really fast, before Zhao Tiezhu reacted, the white fox qwsd finger has been caught in the chest of Zhao Tiezhu qwsd, just, imagined qwsd scratching the skin into the meat qwsd scene did not appear, white fox qwsd finger, in Zhao Tiezhu qwsd At the chest, it was blocked by the skin, and the white fox heard a bang qwsd, as if he had caught it on the iron plate.

Yes, yes, it is iron plate!

The white fox surprised qwsd took a look at Zhao Tiezhu, then, lvqzu saw Zhao Tiezhu that full of evil qwsd face.

"It's over! It's fooled!"

White fox qwsd appeared in this mind, and then, the white fox felt that a big qwsd slap, with unmatched qwsd power, hit his own qwsd face.


The white fox squatted across the head and flew straight out. In midair, a blood spurted out of the mouth of the white fox qwsd, and even a few teeth flew out.

"Sxod has told you, sxod gas, more qwsd is!"

Zhao Tiezhu said, the whole person 嗖qwsd rushed to the qwsd white fox, and this time qwsd white fox, the brain has been a bit of qwsd confused, simply did not make any dodge or revolt against qwsd posture.


Zhao Tiezhu directly squatted on the waist of the white fox qwsd, originally had to land qwsd white fox, even hard qwsd was Zhao Tiezhu to 踹 qwsd continue to fly out, has been flying more than three meters.

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to continue to catch up. As a result, the white fox was sobered up and twisted in the air. After the legs landed, the quick qwsd retreated more than ten meters.

Zhao Tiezhu saw that he could no longer take advantage of it, smiled and walked toward the white fox.

"You... cough, you... you qwsd inside!"

The white fox was hit in the head by Zhao Tiezhu, which directly caused lvqzu to be hit hard, and the speech was intermittent.

"Sxod won't lie to qwsd."

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I told you that you didn't believe it, now I regret it."


The white fox coughed up a blood, then squinted and said, "This time sxod suffers, but you don't worry, there are more qwsd people coming to find you qwsd, **** list thirty, **** list twenty, even **** The top ten qwsd people, Zhao Tiezhu, you can't live for too long, you have become the qwsd fat in everyone's eyes, hahaha!"

"You still have to leave and live and talk."

Zhao Tiezhu squinted and looked at the white fox.

"Do you think you can stay sxod? Think too much."

The white fox disdains qwsd and grins. "Sxodqwsd speed, don't say it is you, it is Qinglong, and you can't stay sxod, hey, sxod have a meet!"

After that, the white fox turned and ran!

Zhao Tiezhu squinted his eyes and instantly disappeared and chased him up.

The speed of the white fox qwsd is really fast. After suffering such a serious qwsd trauma, it is still not Zhao Tiezhu who can chase qwsd on qwsd. However, after running for a few minutes, the white fox saw that Zhao Tiezhu did not catch up and slowed down.

At this time, it has been hidden qwsd Zhao Tiezhu, behind the white fox, not far.

The white fox ran out of the university and walked into a small alley. Then he stopped and stepped on the wall with his hands, and he whesd gasping.

"Bastard, it's so powerful! **qwsd strength, too high!" White Fox gasped and said to himself, "I have to find a friend next time!"

"You don't have a chance to be a qwsd next time."

A voice seems to come from **** and sounds from the side of the white fox qwsd.


White Fox quickly turned to look.


A dagger directly cuts the white fox qwsd trachea.

"Magic... Shadow!!"

The white fox only had time to say these three words, and he fell down on his neck.


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