Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2442: Southwest King!

Some secrets are often only known when you close your eyes smcxn. **""*

Such as the shadow.

The white fox is very powerful and can become the thirty-fifth smcxn of the gods. The body has already surpassed the average human smcxn limit.

Therefore, when watching Zhao Tiezhu smcxn figure slowly smcxn emerged from the void smcxn, the white fox knows that he seems to have discovered a big smcxn secret.

Zhao Tiezhu, turned out to be the shadow.

Zhao Tiezhu is next to the smcxn standing next to the white fox smcxn, watching the blood from the white fox smcxn neck can not stop smcxn rushing out, slightly squatting down.

"Unfortunately, you are only thirty-five smcxn."

Zhao Tiezhu helpless smcxn shook his head.

The white fox feels that the strength of smcxn is lost in the fast smcxn, while Zhao Tiezhu smcxn looks, but also the memory of the white fox smcxn, slowly smcxn dissipated.

At the end of the consciousness, the smcxn was swallowed up by the darkness, and the white fox... suddenly felt a smcxn regret.

Regret to find Zhao Tiezhu trouble.

I even regret to know Zhao Tiezhu.

However, regret is not useful smcxn.

White fox, dead.

The 35th smcxn master of the gods list was wiped by a knife by Zhao Tiezhu, and if Zhao Tiezhu killed himself with the white fox, he said to the gods list maker, then Zhao Tiezhu, you can immediately get the gods list thirty-six smcxn position.

However, Zhao Tiezhu did not want to inform those people smcxn plans.

Zhao Tiezhu just stood up and glanced at the smcxn white fox, and turned to go to school.

The next day, the white fox died smcxn news spread in the Shenzhou martial arts world, and the white fox died in the smcxn place, just outside the smcxn of Danfu University, there are some who know that Zhao Tiezhu smcxn people at Danfu University, naturally suspected objects placed Zhao Tiezhu smcxn body, but it is a pity that smcxn is, Zhao Tiezhu does not admit, for this killing people do not recognize smcxn, there is also a special smcxn processing method on the gods list, that is, everyone directly moves up one.

The white fox smcxn died, and to a large extent smcxn caused a shock in the martial arts world. After all, this is a 35th smcxn master in the gods list, not a passerby.

After watching the body of the white fox smcxn, many people found that the white fox, was actually hit by a smcxn.

A knife directly cut the white fox smcxn neck, the white fox even had no time to do any smcxn resistance, Zhang Da eyes died, before the death of the white fox may see the murderer smcxn look, so the eyes are stunned, not smcxn look like.

A considerable number of smcxn people directly attribute Zhao Tiezhu to the murderer, and according to the other party's ability to kill the white fox smcxn, many people have made a new smcxn judgment for Zhao Tiezhu smcxn strength.

So, inexplicably smcxn, Zhao Tiezhu has the rumor of the top five strength smcxn of the gods, it was born.

In fact, this rumor also passed smcxn very reasonable.

On the gods list smcxn people, each smcxn gap is actually not very big, but to be able to kill the gods list thirty-five such smcxn master, also the top five smcxn super master has the ability, then, through It is inferred that Zhao Tiezhu has the strength of the top five smcxn in the list of gods, which is beyond doubt.

Unfortunately, this rumor did not allow more smcxn people to assassinate Zhao Tiezhu, but to a large extent shocked many people.

Jokes, the gods list thirty-five, the speed of the smcxn white fox has been cut through the throat, how fast is Zhao Tiezhu smcxn knife? Those gods list dozens of twenty smcxn, met Zhao Tiezhu estimated that it was also killed by a knife smcxn life, so, many people who are eager to try smcxn, have calmed down, ppqnwww.jtxsk.comwsmcxn strength has been raised a lot Originally rumored that Zhao Tiezhu, is in the dorm room with Xiao Wei and big head playing games.

"Yyxov rub, you walk, how to go smcxn? People have not hit you, you are good, go directly to the scope of attack!" Xiao Xiao shouted.

"Yyxov goes, yyxov shakes hands!"

The big head shouted, "Fast, fast! yyxov caught kill!!"

Zhao Tiezhu smcxn twisted his neck and said, "a piece of cake."

"Wahaha, finally asked"

"Well, one... a big aunt smcxn taste, said, which sister went out to mink at night, and came back now?" Xiao Xiao smashed Zhao Tizhu smcxn shoulders, smirked.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and estimated that he had just killed the white fox, and his body was contaminated with blood, but this Xiao Xiao smcxn nose is really sensitive enough smcxn.

"Right, iron pillar, remember, this Saturday, yyxov took you to zj, there is yyxov friend smcxn industry in the smcxn resort, when we have fun smcxn, know? yyxov will bring a few girls In the past smcxn." Xiao Wei said.

"Look, it should be no problem smcxn." Zhao Tiezhu thought about it, he really had nothing to do this week, so he agreed.

The next smcxn days are very dull.

Zhao Tiezhu and Chen Lingshan's relationship has warmed up again, and it seems to go further. Two people go to school to learn smcxn, they all hold hands smcxn, the relationship seems to have improved to the relationship of couple smcxn, and outside the school, Zhao Tiezhu and Ouyang Ying smcxn relationship has also developed rapidly. Have to say, Zhao Tiezhu this goods is very animal, if under normal circumstances, this kind of foot smcxn behavior of two boats, it is to be despised by the whole society people smcxn, placed in ancient times, to soak the pig cage smcxn, but helpless Zhao Tiezhu's protagonist's aura is too strong, and the two women are willing to smcxn, but there is nothing to say.

As for the investigation of the smcxn in the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, it has made some progress. Although the Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce is specifically involved in the smcxn, those people have not been able to find some evidence of ppqnw smcxn, but Han Dali has begun to slowly smcxn trying to find these things. Under the cooperation of Wangdi smcxn, Han Dali is now in the entire Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce, which is quite a smcxn.

Until Friday, life seems to be relatively dull. Of course, there are also one or two news that makes Zhao Tiezhu more surprised smcxn, that is, 饕餮smcxn tentacles, and finally extended to Guangxi.

Moreover, this time appeared in Zhao Tiezhu's sight smcxn, and Zhao Tiezhu smcxn an old friend.

Triple association!

饕餮 三 三 smcxn people, successfully won the underground world of smcxn in Guangxi, smooth smcxn control s smcxn smuggling channel in the two provinces of Guangxi, especially the smcxn smuggling channel of the Golden Triangle to the mainland, almost smashed by a person.

Hey, the achievement of the Southwest King.


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